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Uriel Cortez Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
Fed Titles
Favoured Saints Championship x1, DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Championship x3 (x2 w/Minute as Sky High Titans, x1 w/Titaness)  

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
"Familia" by Aneul AA, Bantu and Nicky Minaj  
Physical Description
Massive, hulking frame and has definitely been putting time in the gym the last year, much more cut and has lost over forty pounds since debuting in DEFIANCE. Black, slicked-back hair with a fade on the sides and back. Brown eyes. Neatly-trimmed goatee. Slightly dark complexion (Hispanic). Almost never seen anymore without his gold-tinted sunglasses. 
Ring Attire
Black singlet and pants, both with gold trim. The words "Papa's Home" on the back in gold. Red Ojo bracelet on his right wrist. Gold wrist tape. Black and gold vest and gold sunglasses for his entrance attire. 
Wrestling Style
Mean monster (heel Andre The Giant)  
Finisher Move
218 (pronounced two-eighteen)  
Finisher Description
Jackknife powerbomb  
MDK Finisher
MDK Description
3-5 Signature Moves
1) Rebound Chop (Inside the ring: shoving an opponent into the ropes and chopping them when the come back. Outside the ring: THROWING an opponent into the ropes and chopping them mid-air when they bounce back)
2) Big Business (chop to the chest of an opponent bent backwards)
3) Chop of Ages (Kesagiri Chop to the chest)
4) Chop of Ages MAX (double-handed chop to the chest aka Keith Lee's Grizzly Magnum)
5) Father Knows Press (running crossbody to an unsuspecting opponent: The only move he leaves his feet for) 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
1. Stomping
2. Snake eyes/running big boot combination
3. Rope burning (dragging opponent's face on the ropes)
4. Choking opponent with a t-shirt/jacket/his vest/opponent's shirt/loose clothing/TV wire/anything he can choke someone with. Sometimes will tie a t-shirt and biel the opponent with it.
5. Corner foot choking a la Nash
6. Mat/inverted mat slam (either slamming the opponent's face into the mat or snapping them back)
7. Feet on the ropes for pins (yes, as a giant, he WILL do it now and he also can't help it cause he's tall)
8. Headbutts galore
9. Lots of outside stalling because he'll get in the ring when he goddamn feels like it
10. Fallaway Slam
11. Front facelock into a facelock swing
12. Ripping off and using exposed buckles
13. Stepping on smaller wrestlers (especially body parts). If an opponent works a body part on during the match, he'll step on that same body part later if he gets a chance.
14. Delayed (and often times, one armed) body slams
15. Running corner back elbow

Matchwriting for Uriel Cortez:

--Works like classic heel Andre The Giant in the ring, maximizing his size to great effect. Despite being a bully, he has shown a new slightly technical edge. As opposed to just standing on opponents, he will do the same to body parts if they have worked his arm/leg first.

--Does not GIVE A F*** about playing nice. He did that for years and got him nowhere, so now he does what he wants. Cheats even against much smaller wrestlers. Not because he has to, but solely because he WANTS to.

--He doesn't leave his feet with the sole exception of Father Knows Press. He can move pretty well for a big man. Not a typical lumbering monster.

--He cares literally only about Titaness and Killjoy. If you are not these two people, he will have no qualms attempting to destroy you. 
Ring Entrances



"You look like that ridiculous chimp that got bit by the gator on the set of the sequel to Lake Placid Vi, Lake Placid Vi II, coming soon to special edition blu ray available only at Walmart stores across the greater New Orleans Metro area… some animals were harmed in the making of this motion picture..."

- The D




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts