Title: Past Tense
Featuring: The Lucky Sevens
Date: 10/18/23
Location: Uncut Exclusive interview

Backstage with Chris Trutt … and Trutt looks pretty frightened of something. 

Chris Trutt:
Uh … hey, everyone. I’m Chris Trutt! You know! Here before Uncut! And ummm … I don’t have one big guest. I have two big guests … 

When the camera pans back a few feet, we can see why he’s terrified. 

He is surrounded on either side by two seven foot giants!

Chris Trutt:
Mason and Max Luck … the Lucky Sevens ...

On the left is Mason Luck, wearing a dark red pin-striped suit with red-tinted sunglasses and Max Luck the same type of get-up, but in green. 

Chris Trutt:
Uh … so did you guys want to talk about what Tom Morrow did to y … 

Mason Luck uses his mammoth hand to cover Chris Trutt’s microphone. He silences the announcer and then pulls the microphone up to his face. 

Mason Luck:

He twists his neck. 

Mason Luck:
We don’t have answers as to why you decided to throw your life away by f[CENSORED]ng us out of a victory at Acts of DEFIANCE … quite frankly, we don’t give a s[censored]... the fact that you did that? To us. Your cash cows? Your most successful clients since Alvaro De Vargas took his ball and went the hell home … your Main Event Monsters … 

Max then moves Chris Trutt’s arm so the microphone is on him. 

Max Luck:
We aren’t going to cry about it. We aren’t going to complain. We’re mad … but we get even, too. Ask the Saturday Night Specials. 

The Beast of the Bright Lights points at the screen. 

Max Luck:
Next time we see your scrawny little ass, Tommy, it’s on sight. You’re a dead man. You and anyone that tries to stop us from getting to your goal of getting to you? They’re dead, too. 

In no mood, Max Luck points up. 

Max Luck:
Mase ain’t cleared to fight tonight after those little s[CENSORED]heads clocked him in the side of the head with Eye’s metal book … but I am. And I’m challenging anyone to a fight tonight on Uncut! Either you come to the ring you fight me tonight … or we’re gonna go backstage and we’re gonna find someone. Either way … 

Both Mason and Max hold up their signature Winning Hand. 

Max Luck:
You’re gonna find out that you don’t f[CENSORED] with the guys that have the Winning Hand. And Tommy, soon as my brother gets cleared, we’re gonna be flying right on out to Germany … and when we find you there ... 

Both brothers remove their sunglasses ... then CRUSH their sunglasses in hand! Trutt jumps back again!

Max Luck:

The twin terrors of DEFIANCE Wrestling leave and Chris Trutt can finally breathe. He makes sure that the twins aren’t around to hear him. 

Chris Trutt:
Uh … anyone got a chance of undies I can have?

More Propaganda | View The Lucky Sevens's Biography



"Maybe Oxford doesn’t prepare people for such challenging life situations as --- reading the correct city on your itinerary, flying to the proper city for your event. My God, Blaine, you’re standing there in your candy cane panties giving me a VERBAL UNDRESSING…… from the wrong city. How did this happen?? Who can you fire?"

- Dan Ryan




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