Title: Save A Man's Life -- Columbus, George, May 11
Featuring: J.J. Dixon
Date: May 11, 2024
Location: Columbus Civic Center, Columbus, Georgia

The DEFIANCE Control Center! “The Fatal Attraction” JJ stands in front of a green screen background with the logo of Madame Melton’s Most Precious Gems behind him.

JJ Dixon:
Wrestling fans of Columbus, Georgia? Do you want to hear some inside secrets? Well, I have for you!  On Saturday. May 11, at the Columbus Civic Center, the stars of DEFIANCE will be in The Fountain City! And here is the scouting report about “The Fatal Attraction” JJ Dixon that I was not supposed to see but not lays in my possession due to the sleight-of-hand mastery of my Mommie Dearest Madame Melton,  the 2013 DEFIANCE Manager of the Year, Madame Melton -- a BONAFIDE STARLET who will also be in attendance on  Saturday, May 11 at the Columbus Civic Center!

JJ holds up a black composition notebook with tape on the front of it that reads “JJ Dixon Scouting Report” in hastily scrawled black magic market. He opens it up and flips through, reading it intently.

JJ Dixon:
This scouting report describes me as a man whose sadistic means and masochistic tendencies combine with his stature as an elite 1 percent of athletes in the world today to make him the most dangerous man in professional wrestling today! I am a cruel, ruthless and heartless monster who no one wants to face! Because being my opponent means your career — YOUR LIFE ITSELF! — is now endangered! Yes. You heard that right. There is a chance that whoever is in the ring with my on Saturday, May 11, at the Columbus Civic Center in “The Lowell of the North” Columbus, Georgia could very well die!

JJ flips through some pages and then holds the book up in the air, shaking it violently.

JJ Dixon:
But this scouting report also lists my greatest weakness, my Achillie’s Heel! And that… that is the presence of The Faithful! Because all I ever wanted was to be your hero! But you… you people turned your backs on me… you turned me into this walking embodiement of cruelty… but through it all, I still long for  your love, which you choose to deny! Studies show that the involvement of the fans — your rhythmic clapping and your cheers and your chants — make a difference in matches, that they give the people you support these fantastic wells of energy they never knew they had, which can change the momentum of any match! But for me and my clear and gaping need for your approval? The support that you provide works doubly so against me than it does the typical man!

JJ whips the scouting report to the floor.

JJ Dixon:
If I were to face anyone in an empty arena… well, the results for my opponent would not be good! They would need to prepare their last will and testament because of what they did to them. My greatest fear is that you people… you people will log onto Stubhub and scan the QR code below to purchase your tickets and arrive before doors open at 7 pm on Saturday, May 11 at the Columbus Civic Center in Columbus, Georgia… to tilt the match in the favor of whichever one of your favorites I face that evening! Because if you don’t, I am without feeling, and the blood that spills and the corpse that lays in the ring at my feet will not be on my hands or my conscience. IT WILL BE ON YOURS! 

JJ leans in menacingly to the camera before storming off.

JJ Dixon:
Be there! Saturday, May 11, at the Columbus Civic Center in Columbus Georgia… or someone dies!!!

More Propaganda | View J.J. Dixon's Biography




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