Title: El Escuadron
Featuring: Mil Vueltas
Date: 10/3/24
Location: Backstage


¿Lo ves? ¿Lo ves? ¡Gané! ¡GANÉ!”

One would think an afterparty is happening backstage while the show is going on… 

…And that’s because for one small group of people… THERE IS! 

A lone camera rounds the corner to reveal a half-tipsy Mil Vueltas with his fur coat on, a VERY tipsy DLJ giggling and red-faced, and Mil Vueltas’ new valets - Bonita en Rosa I and II, The Lucha Lovelies having a good time. All four are sharing champagne bottles (not very hygienic, but did YOU win on PPV?) and having a great old time outside his new SUV limo with his new theme, “Get Money” on repeat. DLJ motions to somebody in the car to turn the music down and it lowers slightly. 

You did it, Mil! You proved tonight that without a shadow of a doubt, you are the GLOAT! You are The Greatest Luchador of All Time! 

Mil Vueltas:

You proved that you’re The Fastest Man in the GC Universe!

Mil Vueltas:
Also si. 

And you scored your first singles pay-per-view win in a year and broke that streak of LOSING on PPV you had against guys like Malak and… uh… that guy in that family we don’t talk about. And OSCAR…

Mil Vueltas:
No, OSCAR agreed that the match was a draw. We’re bueno. 

Right, right… oh, Tyler Fuse! Man, that was a pretty bad loss! You…

Mil is getting visibly annoyed. 

Bonita en Rosa I:
Wait… I thought you won a lot of matches on pay-per-view?

Mil turns to Bonita en Rosa I and drapes a fur coat sleeve over her shoulder. 

Mil Vueltas:
Ignore him. Ignóralo. Too much to drink. I win all the time. 

Bonita en Rosa I:
Ahh. Bueno. Bueno. 

Mil turns and scowls at Danny. 

Mil Vueltas:
Right, Danny. BUENO.

The Front Runner looks at his “hermano.”

Oh… yeah… 

He leans in and winks. 

Wins. That’s why you’re The GLOAT! And that’s why I… guys, I can’t feel my nose. 

DLJ is really feeling the drinks now and taps his nose over and over again, to the point where he goes cross-eyed trying to watch. 

Chris Trutt:
Uh… hey! Guys? Can I get a word? 

New theme music stops. Chris Trutt walks in with microphone in hand. 

Chris Trutt:
Mil Vueltas… tonight, you scored your first singles pay-per-view win in a ye…

DLJ covers the microphone. 

No, no, no. He won them all. Every one. 

DLJ winks at Trutt as well. 

Chris Trutt:
Do… do you have something in your eye?

Mil Vueltas:
No, cabron, but you’re gonna have a foot up ass if you don’t ask your question and get the hell out of here. Qué demonios quieres?

Trutt approaches Mil. 

Chris Trutt:
Well, uh... yeah. About tonight, you defeated Butcher Victorious, but you did it in kind of an underhanded manner with some help out there. You… 

Mil Vueltas:
No, cállate, cállate, cállate!

He covers Trutt’s mic. 

Mil Vueltas:
That is how you say… eh…what’s expression… deepfake news. No… what you saw out there with me? With Danny? With Bonita I y II? These are Mi Gente. My people! Malak has people. M4NTRA has people. Ned Reform has people. So you know what? The GLOAT deserves people, too! I deserve support system! But difference between their people and MY people? They don’t have bond that WE do. 

He points at DLJ.

Mil Vueltas:
This man… he NEVER turn on me the way everyone else does. He does things for me without asking cause he’s Mi Hermano and helps me when I need it. OSCAR BURNS reached his hand out and gave us chance that nobody else did. 

Then he walks over and puts an arm around each shoulder of Bonita I and I

Mil Vueltas:
And these ladies? They look asombrosa! But they’re not the eye candy. Bonita en Rosa I and II? They came to DEFIANCE and came to America to wrestle for one of the best companies in the world cause of ME! And I help train them while they in BRAZEN! In return, they learn from me by being up close for matches and eh… other things we not talk about.

Bonita I giggles. DLJ giggles, not knowing anything that’s gong on right now cause he’s sauced. 

Mil Vueltas:
Bonita I already campeon by being near me!

Bonita I holds up the BRAZEN Women’s Championship with a smile. 

Mil Vueltas:
And together, Trutt… this is MY new circle. You’re looking at El Escuadrón… Even being The GLOAT needs his Squad. 

That’s right! Escuadrón Goals! 

Mil Vueltas:
And our next goal is this… for you to get out of my goddamn face so we can take this double date afterparty somewhere you aren’t. Let’s go. 

Mil purposefully shoulder-checks Trutt out of the way, then holds out an arm for Bonita en Rosa I to grab on to before he escorts her to the SUV limo. DLJ then holds out his arm for Bonita en Rosa II. 

Bonita en Rosa II:
Thank you, Danny… ah! 

She ALMOST gets pulled over by the large man before he braces himself. 

No… I think I need you to walk me to the limo… I can’t make that ten feet without the arena rocking. 

Bonita II sighs and then helps DLJ into the back of the limo. Mil sticks his head out of the top and slams his palm on the roof. 

Mil Vueltas:
To the Afterparty, Cabron! 

He dips his head back in to the limo as it speeds off into the night, leaving Chris Trutt slightly crushed. 

Chris Trutt:
Aww, crapbaskets, I wanted to go. 

More Propaganda | View Mil Vueltas's Biography



"She’s just another killer, but wit’ tits."

- Tyrone Walker




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2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


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3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts