Title: Prove Me Right
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: 07/29/2012
Location: Unknown

[Fade up.]

[We’re in a room with robin egg-colored walls, white eggshell-paint floorboard, and darker blue carpeting.  In the foreground stands The Last Nighthawk, and with football camp in full swing, it’s not unusual to see him in a Pittsburgh Steelers T-shirt.  And of course, blue jeans seem to be a pretty regular standard for him as well.  He’s standing in front of a glass case that is about five feet tall and wide enough to be seen around Christian’s broad shoulders.  But Christian’s not looking at the camera.]
"The Last Nighthawk" Christian Light:
You know...
[His voice trails off for a moment as he looks down and to the camera’s right.]
I was going to open with a story from past experiences.  It was gonna be a good one, too...about the first year of my career.  About how I struggled to get my first break due to my first promoter being such an extreme pusher of the envelope that he believed I needed to do something ridiculous to stand out.
I think it would have been a very good story, too.
But the more I think of telling stories, the more I’m reminded of him.
[The word “him” is spoken as if spit from pure hatred.  It’s a very uncomfortable sound coming from a man who we’re not accustomed to hearing it from.]
He always told stories.  He spoke of a different world, though.  He spoke of blood magic and voodoo and another, more spiritual side of life.  He laughed while other men burned in locked rooms.  And he bathed in the blood of his enemies.
He was Venom Utuk Xul.  
[A deep breath, as if Christian was trying to calm himself.  As he breathes out, we can see tension release from his shoulders, and the “he’s” are spoken without extra malice.]
He and his brother, The Widowmaker, terrorized my life in ways both physical and mental.  If Kai was around during the NWCal...the predecessor to the CAL...he may remember one of the rounds of the Stealth Mode Invitational Tournament that was broadcast.  Kai may remember that right after a match in the tournament I beat the tar out of them, unprovoked.  It was all just because they were in the same locker room.  
That, Claira, is an extremely rare thing.  I may dislike Alceo Dentari immensely, but Alceo never set afire this kind of pure hatred in me like they did.
[And now Christian looks at the camera for the first time all promo.]
And this month in particular, I’m reminded of them more than any other time.  
Sure, I could choose to remember Widowmaker beating me.  We traded wins throughout our warlike IWA tenure together.  But losing a match wasn’t something I was too worried about at age 19.  There’d be plenty more matches...plenty more chances to make up for lost time.
I choose to remember this month.
Because twelve years and two weeks ago today, I hit probably the lowest point of my life.  Back in Florida, I let go of my controls.  I took leave of my senses and let my hatred consume me...and I almost took a man’s life in the process.  
In that night, I became a hollow shell of hatred.  I hesitate to say “bottomed out”, because I never did drugs or alcohol...but for my mental and emotional state, it was an accurate statement.
That was when I had only one World Championship to my name.
And look at me now.
[Now, Christian slowly steps aside.  It’s a gratuitous shot of several World Title belts in a glass case.]
Light [partially off-screen]:
Two more World Championships.  Two more World Tag Team Championships.  A World Hardcore Championship, born simply from my talent, athleticism, and self-loathing.  Wins, money, acclaim, legendary status.
Everything a wrestler could ask for despite nearly being blacklisted in the summer of 2000.
[Light steps back in front of the camera, which appears to be a steady one as it did not follow Christian on either his step aside or move back.]
Let me put this a different way, Claira.  
What will actually happen if you get beat this week?
Is Cito Conarri going to come down to the ring and fire you?  Is Kai going to toss you from the Truly Untouchables?  Will you be removed from the War Games team?
Absolutely.  Not.
No matter who wins this match, you and I will join forces one more time, like we did last show, and we will go to War Games.  You and I will enter The Match Beyond alongside whatever two people earn that right, and we’ll go head to head with Dentari, YAZ, Turner Jr, and company.  We’re going to bounce Alceo Dentari off the cage like he was a racquetball.  We’re going to stretch YAZ bad enough that all Goldman’s Horses and all Goldman’s Men couldn’t put his limbs back together again.  
We’re going to take this Match Beyond in the name of the Heritage League. 
[A slight pause as Light adjusts his neck with an audible cracking noise.]
That’s when your run will continue.  No matter what happens between us, people will remember what you do at these War Games, and they will continue to revere you as the talented wrestler you are.
That’s not to say that what we do this week is going to be second-rate.  I want this win as much as you do.  In the grand scheme of Defiance points, I think I need this win to have any hope of keeping Cancer and Eugene off of my tails and staying in the playoff picture.  And like you, I want to be known as the best in the business.
But one way or another, I have a suspicion that I will regard you as my equal in combat before the night is done.
Prove me right.  Show the world you are my gladiatorial equal.
Because then, we’ll have made more than history.
We’ll have made a new star.

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