Title: I'm Sorry, Sam
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: 8/20/12
Location: Defiance Promo Booth


“I feel sorry for you, Sam.”

[There’s no other way to say it: Christian Light looks like hell.]

[He’s wearing a fatigue T-shirt with the Heritage League logo on it (exclusive for War Games, folks) and blue jeans as he sits on a stool in the middle of the designated promo area, but his face is a mess.  A welt on his forehead looks like it started receding about ten minutes ago, and he’s got a massive black eye from his left eyelid down to his left cheekbone.  Clearly the match between himself and St. Sure took a tremendous toll on his body.  But even after that, he still standing and preparing for the main event of the next show.]

[The Match Beyond]

“The Last Nighthawk” Christian Light:
I mean, since you’re the biggest man on Team Evolution, and I’m the biggest person on Team Heritage, I know we’re gonna face off against each other.  So I’ve started watching your matches on the TV to make sure I know what to expect.

You’re pretty good, kid.  You’ve can hit a powerbomb from anywhere.  If this were a one-on-one match, you’d have a good shot at beatin’ me.

But in The Match Beyond...well, a team is only as strong as its weakest link, and unfortunately, you’ve got a whole team full of weak links. 

[While Light hasn’t attempted to change his accent, it’s clear he’s altering his chosen words some to communicate with the big Bloody Harlan grappler.  This makes his speech a little slower than usual, but only just noticeably so.]

You’ve got Yoshikazu YAZ, a Japanese superstar.  Only problem is that he hasn’t been himself lately.  Something’s going on inside of his head and he isn’t thinking straight.  Maybe getting Humility Bomb’d through the stage really changed him somehow.  Maybe he’s become shadier, more dishonest.  Maybe he doesn’t care about teams; he certainly didn’t seem to in your match with him and Alceo Dentari.  I don’t think you can trust him, Sam. 

Then you have Jimmy Kort, who just seems...well, I don’t know about Jimmy. 

[Light shrugs, accentuating the point.]

Frankly I thought he was all right.  I watched him rack up wins as part of Def Row in the last version of Defiance, and thought of him as pretty good.  Then he opens his mouth, and I was a little confused.  Apparently he’s got this notion that I let down his friend, J Stevenson, during the Preseason of this tournament.  He’s got this idea that Mr. Stevenson was counting on me and I let everyone down when they needed me most.  But I don’t know what he’s talking about, Sam, because I wasn’t around ‘till after the Preseason.  It must be that that Jimmy Kort got kicked way harder in the head by Heidi than I thought, because J Stevenson teamed with Dan Easton and Alias, not me. 

[A thoughtful pause.]

I mean, I can see how you could make mistake me for Dan...he’s got blonde hair, I’ve got blonde hair.  He does suplexes and has a Texas Cloverleaf variant as a finisher, and hey, so do I!  But the thing is, I’m 3 inches taller than Dan and don’t act anything like him.  But that Jimmy, he must not be able to tell the difference between us.  That must be why he thinks I’m not that tough.  But believe me, Sam...he’s crazy to think like that.  I’m as tough a man as has ever stepped into the wrestling ring, maybe tougher than shoe leather, too.  And if you see Jimmy, you can let him know that I’m going to show him how tough I am when we have our War Games match this coming show.  He doesn’t have to be afraid...just ready.

[A polite smile on the Last Nighthawk’s face as he rocks a little bit on his stool.]

And finally, you’re teaming up with Alceo Dentari.  Mr. Sam Turner Junior, I bet you got young cousins taller than he is.  See, me and Mister Dentari know each other from all the way back to the last time Heritage and Evolution fought against each other.  Back then, we was in a little race to see who could climb the ladder and get the bag first, but he threatened my family before the match so I’d get upset and he may win easier.  He wanted to go find my wife and my kids and hurt them, Sam.  Now I know you love your family like I do.  What would you do if you found out someone wanted to hurt your family?  You’d probably get all mad, like I did, and you’d take care of him, right?  So that’s what I did.  I went into the ring, and I took care of him. 

But that just made Mr. Dentari madder. 

[Light nods his head in affirmation.]

He’ll do anything to get his way.  He attacked me while I was watching one of your shows and he smashed my notepad into lots of tiny pieces.  And the next night, he hurt my partner Claira’s manager.  If he doesn’t get what he wants he stomps around and yells until someone pays attention.

Like a little kid.

So you got on your team an untrustworthy man, a crazy man, and a man who acts like a spoiled brat.

[Christian shakes his head.]

Meanwhile, my team has Ms Claira St. Sure, who beat a whole bunch of people by twisting their arms until they said uncle, and Edward White, who’s really smart and can fight, too.  And we’re gonna have a fourth guy soon, too, to make the fight fair.  But it’s too bad the rest of your team just isn’t right in the head.  This could have been a real fun match if they didn’t have brain problems.

So I’m sorry, Sam.  I wish we were having a good, fun match, but your whole team just isn't up for it.  Maybe another time?  I’d like that if you would, too.



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"(waves enthusiastically)"

- Klein




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