Title: Last Minute Thoughts
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: 08/23/12
Location: Unknown


“So this is what it’s come to, huh?“ 

[Let’s keep it simple for you.  Christian Light stands in front of a camera, with black Pirates McCutchen jersey, blue jeans, and white Reeboks on.]

[And he’s TALKING!]

”The Last Nighthawk” Christian Light:
It all comes down to Jimmy Kort questioning my toughness.  That in of itself is absurd, not because I said it is, but because I’ve got nearly a decade of hard evidence backing up my claim.  I mean, really, Jimmy?  Where were you the night I wrestled three matches, including a War Games match, to win the Summer Games championship in the World Wrestling Alliance?  Not watching WWA?  OK, fine.  Where were you when I plucked that briefcase off the line at the last Interfed show?  Alceo knows; he apparently can tell me what the wood of the table smelt like as he laid there next to Cancer Jiles, raging over his inability to get to the briefcase in time.  But were you paying attention?

Apparently not.

Here’s an even more recent one.  Where were you last week?  Hiding under a rock?  Was there ever a more evident display of toughness of two competitors than that match that just transpired?  

I guess according to J Stevenson, it wasn’t.

[A pause from the Last Nighthawk as he shakes his head disapprovingly and puts his hands on his hips.]

It’s not that your editorial on my toughness bothers me on its face value.  I’m way beyond the stage of life where I care so deeply about what everyone thinks of me when it comes to my skills in the ring or perceived lack thereof.  Those doubters I can prove wrong without a moment’s hesitation.  

It bothers me that you appear to have gotten lazy.  

I put in hard work scouting opponents before I open my mouth for or against them.  I dug up lots of old Defiance footage to do some research on you.  I know you’ve molded yourself into a resilient, scrappy wrestler with a quick finisher and a quicker in-ring wit.  But you...you come out here and you come to a conclusion on my toughness based on what?  One match between us in Cascadia and a phonecall from J Stevenson?  

It’s a bit of a slight, actually, and from someone who wants us to just shut up, respect up, and fight the good fight I’m not all that happy about the insult.  But that could be the grumpy “old age” setting in, I guess.

Here’s a hint, Jimmy: stop using the outliers to justify your conclusion when the factual evidence is overwhelmingly against those outliers.  You want an exposition on my toughness?  Well, meet me in the cage, and we’ll have an athletic discourse on the subject.  I was actually counting on it, since, y’know, you called on me to prove my toughness in actions and short of flying down to your home and starting a fight with you I can’t do it any other way.

Regardless of which side wins this match...I think you’ll find out how right I am on this issue.  

[A wink from The Last Nighthawk.]

Just like Alceo Dentari found out how right I can be last ESEN Supershow.

I guess after our TLC meeting, it was going to come down to you and I on some level, Alceo.  And on the surface, not much has changed with either of us.  You still confuse respect with fear and intimidation.  You still hand out threats like free samples in a mall food court.  You’re still a vertically challenged egomaniac.  You’re still a petulant child...something I told you before the TLC match and I’ll stand by eight days a week.  

And you still owe me six hundred dollars for that iPad you smashed over the Evolution ring post...which I plan on taking out of your hide this coming Supershow.

[Light’s brow furrows as he remembers the iPad smashing incident.]

I’ve seen what you can do when you really want something...and you wanted that briefcase worse than anything you’ve wanted before in your Defiance career.  Even a week after that show, you were still seething at me for getting it.  I know what to expect from you.  I know how to expose you.  And yet, you come at me once again, just like before, with what changed?  You want it more than before somehow?   You have this new way of punching that’s going to take me by surprise?  

Nothing significant has changed since last time.  But the funny thing is that you one hundred percent expect a different result.

Einstein calls that insanity, and I’m inclined to agree.

But then again, there’s nothing too sane about War Games.

Two rings, surrounded by a cage.  Four people on one side, four people on the other.  

Fight till someone quits.

How’s it going to feel, Alceo, when despite all of that pride and all of that desire and all the threats you make against both teams’ rosters, you watch as your team goes down in submissive flames?  

Better yet, Alceo?  

[Closeup on Christian’s face.]

How do you think it’s going to feel when you’re the one that has to give it up for your team?

Let me know when next we speak.  



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