Title: Special
Featuring: Heidi Christenson
Date: 9/07/12
Location: various places

Doing the right thing… doing the good thing, is never as clear cut as you wish it were.

For the sake of people who were wondering, no, Heidi did not deliberately injure Michel LaLiberte.  As soon as she felt his arm shift, she let go, even though she landed painfully on her own neck from the drop, and got as far away from him as she could.

Then she sat backstage and watched the ambulance pull away, and didn’t even have it in her to argue with the policemen that Elijah Goldman sicked on her.  

In the police station, she answered questions.  No, it wasn’t deliberate, no, she’d never deliberately injured anyone in the ring, it was a mistake on LaLiberte’s part and a scheme on E-Gold’s, and she absolutely was not angry, in fact she felt kind of sick.

She’d been all set to be released when someone found a recording of her saying that she “wanted to do everything in her power” to hurt Evolution League, and that was enough to get her detained until Jeff Andrews and Cito Conarri stopped at the precinct a couple hours after the show had ended to pick her up.  

Cito’s head was covered in a bandage.  He told her truthfully that someone hit him in the head with a chair; she wouldn’t find out he’d entered War Games until a day later.  He wasn’t driving on his own that night, so Jeff drove him back to the motel he’d been staying at.

In the car, she reiterated that she hadn’t meant to injure Michel LaLiberte.

“I know you didn’t, sweetie.”  Jeff put an arm around her shoulders.

It made her feel better.  A little bit.  Not all that much.


Heidi wasn’t clueless about the points, but she wasn’t great at following them.  She’d known she’d have to clean house at the battle royal to get into contention, and she’d known she needed to win against LaLiberte, but she wasn’t sure about her playoffs schedule – wasn’t even positive that she’d made it.

“You’re third.  Tied for Dentari with 34 points, but they put you ahead of him because you earned an IL point for beating LaLiberte.”  Jeff explained it to her.

“Third… not bad, considering I lost like 4 matches in a row before my ‘break’.”

“Burnout’s the shit that happens, don’t worry about it.  You may be double-booked by the way – you got Dragon Jones and if you beat him you’ll have to wrestle Jimmy Kort.”

She rolled her eyes.

“I heard that!”


“I’m not overlooking Dragon Jones, I want to make that absolutely clear.”

“I remember watching, I think it was Heritage 03, when Splenda showed up with Dragon in tow and said that Dragon was going all the way to the finals.  Well, right now, Claira St. Sure’s been proving what someone with a good manager in their corner can accomplish.  And really, everyone’s known that Dragon had enough… let’s call it ‘talent potential’, to become pretty good if someone ever got him focused on wrestling long enough to let it happen.”

“Besides, Bronson Box just demonstrated for me why it’s a bad idea to underestimate anyone.”

“Still, Dragon hasn’t ever been interested in arguing with me about things, and that brings me to Jimmy Kort.”

“The man who thinks I’m nothing special.”

“It’s nothing I haven’t been told before, honestly.  As long as I’ve been succeeding in wrestling where the guys have failed, there’ve been guys trying to prove that I’m nothing special, that I only won because I got preferential treatment, you know… all the usual stuff I’ve mentioned before.”

“Though, Jimmy’s a little bit different, in that unlike most of the whiners, he’s actually beaten me.  Twice, at that.”

“But here’s some food for thought.  If I was really being treated like something specialer than I am, if I was really the protected princess that people want to cast me as…”

“Couldn’t I have found someone to pull some strings so I didn’t have to lose to the likes of Jimmy Kort?”

“Oh, I probably shouldn’t have said that, as soon as I beat him, he’ll throw that out there as an excuse.”

“Well, anyway, here’s the thing.”

“Jimmy Kort had something to prove in that battle royal that he won.”

“And he proved it.  I’ll give that to him as often as he or anyone else wants me to.”

“But here I am, after nearly screwing myself over in the Masters of Wrestling Tournament with the burnout and the Champion’s Angst, I’m in the playoffs, I’m headed in as far as I can get, and coincidentally, standing in my way, is the guy who beat me in the battle royal and then claimed I wasn’t all that good and I wasn’t anything special.”

“So this time, I’m the one who has something to prove.”

“I get to prove the difference between being a two time World Champion and one time Regional Heavyweight Champion.”

“I get to prove the difference between beating someone in a scramble match when that someone’s just trying to show off, and beating someone in a singles match when that someone is trying to win.”

“I get to prove that I am, in fact, special – special as in ‘woman who beats up men twice her own size on a weekly basis’ special, not as in ‘short bus’ special.”

“And most importantly?”

“I get to prove that Jimmy Kort isn’t even in my league, let alone better’n me.”

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"Once I get goin’ there’s no power in the ‘Verse that can stop me."

- Lindsay Troy




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