Title: A Promise
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: Various
Location: Various


It’s pretty common knowledge that Christian Light had secluded himself from the media aside from his Twitter feed blast of Edward White.
Not many people know why, but based on the lineup, some may be able to guess.
The shot with the turnbuckle bolt by Edward White knocked Christian Light cold.  After going backstage, Iris Davine, Defiance’s head medic, did confirm that Christian Light had suffered his second serious concussion in as many shows, with the first coming from Claira’s backfist.
As such, Christian was “grounded”.  Iris wouldn’t clear him to fly home, so with the quick turnaround between the War Games show and the playoff show, he had little choice but to stick around Louisiana.  
This makes for a decent opportunity to try and catch up with Eric Dane.  After all, Eric liked hanging out in the New Orleans area.
So while he sits around his hotel room, topless and dressed in plain gray sweat pants, out comes the iPhone from off-camera, down goes the Siri button, and “Call Eric Dane” was the spoken command.  After the prerequisite beeping, a picture of Eric Dane appeared on Light’s iPhone before he held it to his ear.
And he waits
After a few seconds, Christian shakes his head.
“The Last Nighthawk” Christian Light:
Hey Eric, it’s Chris.  Iris wouldn’t give me flight clearance to go home, so figured I’d call and see what you were up to.  Looks like you’re busy, so it’s all good.  If you’re around New Orleans in the next few days drop me a line, we’ll chill.  Have fun stomping Rook Black’s face.  Catch ya later.
A flick of the thumb and the call was dead.
Christian had heard the rumors of Eric Dane going AWOL to Defiance, but he didn’t really believe them.  One missed call isn’t going to change his opinion...Eric’s been out of touch for days on cocaine benders before...but with the stakes so high, would the general stray so far from his troops with the critical moments of battle so close at hand?  
Nah.  That’s not the Eric Christian Light knew.  He’ll be back just in time to do battle.
Christian sighed as he put the iPhone down off-camera.  At least he had film for two guys to keep him awake for the night.
[Cold open to Christian Light sitting in a chair.  Dressed in a Pirates McCutchen jersey and blue jeans, he leans forward with his head in his hands, flattop facing the camera.]
I didn’t remember much about War Games match itself.  I remember White and YAZ going in, and I remember thinking that sending YAZ in first was a very predictable move from Alceo.  I remember Turner and St. Sure going into the cage.
And that’s it.  
It’s not that I wasn’t lucent at the time.  I very much was; I can tell from the way I acted.
It’s just that I got hit so hard that I lost all my memory from that match.
So I had to watch it again.
[You see tenseness in Light’s shoulders as he rolls them.]
And it was a struggle to get through it all.  
By the grace of Claria’s poise under pressure, we made it through.  But I take no credit for any of it, as well I shouldn’t; my overthinking of the whole situation, combined with my blind rage in the face of Ed White’s betrayal, almost caused me to blow it for us all.
[Now Christian looks up at the camera.  He’s sporting a black left eye.]
To you, Claira, I say thank you, and for what it’s worth, I am truly sorry to have put you through what you went through.  
Edward White, I have already warned you.  Stay far, FAR away from me if you wish to live.  Because if I find you this coming show in New Orleans...well, the damage Sylo did to Mr. Perez will look like a mere scratch compared to what I will do to you.  And after Claira rips your arms out from their sockets...I hope she leaves a small piece just for me, so I can come by and finish your Defiance run...for good.
[Pause as Light rolls his neck.]
It feels like it took forever, but we’ve finally reached the playoffs.  And I now find myself in the position where I only need to win two matches total to win it all and put an end to Elijah Goldman’s bid for control.  The first match, this coming show, is against the winner of Eugene Dewey and Bronson Box.
No matter which of you two wins this upcoming match, there is one thing that I know for a fact.
I came back here, first and foremost, to win this tournament.  Not because I want another trophy for my den, or another accolade to be spoken of when people summarize my career.
I came here to save Defiance from the clutches of those who would destroy it.  
In order to do that...in order to ensure that the Heritage league wins this tournament...I must have this win.  
Bronson has made it clear what he wants this show.  I’m sure Eugene has his motivations as well.  
Let me make you both a promise.
I promise you that you get all of me.
[Light sits up, forearms on his knees, while he intensely stares a hole into the camera.]
I will bring every suplex, every hold, every ounce of power, and every drop of experience to bear.
I will bring war itself to your door if I must.
Not because I hate either of you.  But because it is what needs to be done.
And if you win?  If either of you moves on to the finals?  
Then I promise you that you’ll have a moment to launch your careers even further.  
Because there’s only one of two ways I’m leaving the Lakefront Arena.
...or on a stretcher.

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"I am a member… of the United Toughness Alliance."

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