Title: And So Peaceful Until...
Featuring: Alceo Dentari
Date: 10/13/12
Location: Brooklyn, New York


“You have no idea how dissapointed I am that I ain’t gonna get to sing that number and perform the dance routine from that one... After all, I’ve had penty a’ time to practice... I been waitin’ for it, hour after hour, day after day,  ‘cause It was only a matter a’ time before Camp Claira an’ Christian Light decided to stick their oars in... But it weren’t exactly worth the wait, was it?”

Normally Alceo Dentari would attempt to maintain a certain air of relaxation around himself, especially when speaking to camera. Whether that relaxation was genuine or forced never seemed to matter, it was there either way. His clothes would be pressed, his hair pristine, his teeth and eyes would sparkle like the stars on a particularly clear night... Today though, things were a little bit different.

There was no chair to sit in, there was no desk to hide behind. No, Dentari was standing before a plain backdrop, his usually perfect hair could be considered somewhat unkempt and his eyes certainly weren’t sparkling. They were, however, filled with the kind of intense determination as one might expect from a man in his position.

Oh, his clothes were still pressed though, don’t worry about that.

“Everythin’ I been hearin’ from all directions is exactly the same,” Said Dentari as he waved his hands towards his ears as though pulling quotes from every available angle, “An’ quite frankly, it’s gettin’ a bit borin’.”

Alceo paused for a moment closed his eyes. He took a couple of calming breaths before whispering one syllable, “If.”

Allow that to sink in for a moment, Dentari had, and it had sunk deep. “If, if, if...” He repeated, reopening his eyes, “All Christian, Claira an’ Kai seem capable a’ spoutin’ is if... ‘If I make it past Heidi’, ‘If i make it into the final’, ‘if’, ‘if’, fuckin’ ‘if’!”

The blood in Dentari’s face boiled turning him slightly red as he finished shouting. He trembled slightly with rage, but took another couple of breaths to calm himself down.

“It ain’t a question a’ ‘if’... see... it’s a question a’ ‘when’.” Dentari said presenting both words with his palms and weighing them up. Of course, the imaginary ‘When’ won the battle. “Yous should all be talkin’ about ‘when I beat Heidi’, an’ ‘when I make it into the final’, ‘cause there weren’t no ifs ands or buts about what happened the last time we went one on one.”

“I’ll understand if none a’ yous ain’t seen it, but I’d be downright shocked if you heard about it.” Alceo said with a knowing smile. Considering the amount of time he’d spent lording that victory of Defiance, if they hadn’t heard of it then they’d probably have been living in the ground for the last year. “Especially considerin’ Kai Scott’s knowledge a’ all things wrestlin’ an’ Christian Light’s knowledge a’ all things Heidi.”

Alceo held up three fingers on his right hand and shook them ever so slightly.

“You all know it weren’t no roll up, it weren’t no disqualification, an’ it certainly didn’t involve no outside interference.” Dentari said counting each item off on his fingers. “I took Heidi Christenson, an’ I drove every last ounce a’ consciousness outta that pretty blonde head a’ hers. Did I need help? No. Did I do anythin’ untoward or unjust?”

Dentari scoffed, “I aint really in need a’ answerin’ that, am I?”

“Yous two think it bothers me that you’re rootin’ for Heidi?” He asked, he’d barely even finished the question before shaking his head in answer to it. “It don’t. Believe me, if I found myself carin’ about what yous two thought a’ me I’d have much bigger problems to be dealin’ with.”

“What bothers me is that yous two are so ready, so willin’ to dismiss this...” Dentari said, sounding slightly hurt as he presented himself to the world, “An’ assume that Heidi’s gonna be the one that yous is gonna face in that main event.”

“But I ain’t gonna let it get to me, ‘cause I know , deep down, it’s just wishful thinkin’ on your part. I know the real reason yous two want Heidi in that final, an’ it ain’t got nothin’ to do with wantin’ to put on the best show possible.” He said tapping on his temple with a broad smile spread across his lips, “You want Heidi in that final ‘cause you know she’ll be easier to beat than me.”

“None a’ us are here to make friends. An’ the sooner yous all admit to that, the quicker we can move on.” He said looking at his watch. He gave it a couple of seconds before sarcastically adding, “You ready? No? Didn’t think so. But I ain’t got time for yous all to take off your rose colored glasses, so I’ll continue regardless.”

Pounding a finger into his heart Alceo said, “I’m here to win. Simple as.”

He took that same finger and held it up in the air, “Christian Light is here to win.” He said in a very matter of fact tone. That finger was soon joined by another, and then another, of course, we all know who they represent. “Claira St. Sure is here to win. An’ despite all her posturin’ an’ all her bellyachin’, Heidi Christenson is still here to win.”

“We all know there can only be one winner, an’ who outta us four ain’t gonna pass up the chance a’ takin’ the path a’ least resistance?” He asked, spreading his arms wide in a kind of ‘come on, we’re all guys here’ manner. “Thing is I’m the only one willin’ to admit it.”

“I don’t give a crap what any a’ them fans think a’ me, an’ I don’t give a crap what anyone in the back thinks a’ me.” Dentari said defiantly, after all, wasn’t that the aim of the game?


“The only thing I care about is walkin’ outta Mobile, Alabama as the Master of Wrestling Grand Champion.”

“Ain’t that a kick in the head.”

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