Title: Mechanicville Day One
Featuring: Tom Sawyer
Date: 11/02/2012
Location: FoD Training Temple, NY

Today's workout had started with a hardcore stretching-and-yoga regimen to loosen up the muscles, ready the joints. After that, food. After that, a few miles on the indoor rubberized-floor course. Today was to be a cardio day. Tom had been okay with that. Cardio was his thing.

After that, some time doing highly precise calisthenics. The kinesthesiologist had been busting ass, coming up with exactly what workout Tom needed to do for maximal impact.

After that, a cross-country run through the brisk air of the trail stretching into the woods behind the Training Temple. Land in Mechanicville was cheap, as there was nothing else here to take up room. So, the land had been had for a song, and consequently, the lethal training environment had acres and acres to do with as they wished.

Yes. They did have the world's most badass paintball course somewhere back there. 

And after some time working on his punching power, Tom sat on a bench, munching a PowerBar. He hadn't detected one note of superiority, smugness, or the ol' drill sergeant routine outta Serbo and his boys. And... Adam Waterman HAD made a certain challenge back when Eugene and Adam had both been on the roster.

Tom Sawyer held a copy of the old Faces of Death Training Temple flyer in his hand. The ones that Adam had been posting all over the DEFIANCE locker room walls. Free training to anyone on the DEFIANCE roster who was man enough to come and accept it. The room and board wasn't free, but they DID give Tom the kindness of barebones prices on his chow. It came out a little cheaper than hotel time and food.

But he was already here. He was already taken care of. He had a goal: Become man enough to contend with the Untouchables. True to their word, the Faces of Death, INCLUDING the mouthy Adam Waterman, had been working with Tom to improve his physical condition.

Tom was stronger already. Leaner. More flexible, thanks to Serbo's bizarre mastery of even the most complex yoga moves. He was finding more definition and mass on his forearms, his pecs, his calves, his thighs... All kinds of fun places.

If he kept this up, he'd be a one-man wrecking crew come Christmas.

But what about his allies? A certain mister Eugene Dewey and Samuel Turner Junior had signed up with the Good Fight and Tom Sawyer. He didn't want them to show up whenever DEFIANCE got its shit together, got the next show booked and began rolling again... Without being ready.

Tom took a breath, as he dug through the pocket of his heavy, flannel-lined denim jacket. Cell phone... Perfect. Had taken some doing to wrangle this phone number from a DEFIANCE staffer.

But then... Eugene and Tom were children of the digital age. 

And he knew very well that Eugene had a Twitter account.

"Hey @DefDewey. I'm in Mechanicville NY, you should come too. Call me and we'll get swoll and kick heads in."

Tom then direct messaged Eugene his phone number. And within a few minutes...



Tom knew he'd have to convince Eugene of a lot. But with the amount of work that they had been putting Tom through while still keeping him mentally positive... He wouldn't be able to do this kind of work with a Planet Fitness membership and a Nalgene.

Tom answered the phone. He could have been a pitchman. He could sell Eugene. And that'd be two for sure. Once his ace-in-the-hole got to Turner, to try to get him in the pool... Well, then Tom'd have a force to be reckoned with.


The Handycam view was focused on a solemn woodsy clearing. The trees had dropped their leaves, and a breeze of icy winter wind ruffled what could move in the Novembertime woods.

Tom Sawyer went pounding through the forest, running shoes on his feet.


"I don't want the FIST of DEFIANCE title."

Tom-on-screen was dressed in grey sweatshirt and pants, the words "FOD TRAINING TEMPLE" emblazoned across the chest.


"Not in and of its own right. If I really needed someone to tell me I'm important to DEFIANCE, I'll just listen to the fans."

Tom kept running, earbuds in his ears. His hood was pulled up, and he looked all resolute.


"The MOST important thing in this federation right now is defeating the Untouchables. Which is gonna be no easy feat."

Tom leapt over a ridge of rock, planting his feet and skidding down the rocky, gravel-covered shelf. Rocks skittered underfoot as Tom scrambled for purchase, before the kid threw caution to the wind and leapt clear over the rest of the rocky incline!


"If I can win the FIST of DEFIANCE, it could be an effective tool against them. Certainly, the power of being the only legitimate titleholder IN THE HOUSE could be good!"

Tom landed in a hard crouch, body splaying out like a crouching Spider-Man. He took a second to let the impact abate before straightening up. One leg kicked, working out the strain. Then the other.


"But the most important thing is to make sure that none of the Untouchables, Truly or Otherwise, get that title."

Tom began to run once more, tearing into the woods.


"You think you're going to be able to take over a wrestling company, put yourself against some of the best wrestlers in the world, the hungriest for success that this country has ever seen... And get away without paying your pound of FLESH AND BLOOD?"

The path quickly opened out onto a breathtaking cliffside run, along a thin path over a loooong drop. The cameraman was hard-pressed to keep up.


So, I'll play along. I'll wrestle in their match. I'll go out there, tights on, and do what I do best. Entertain those fans, BRING THE HOUSE DOWN..."

Tom kept running along the path, face a mask of determination.

"And take the Untouchables down with it."

More Propaganda | View Tom Sawyer's Biography



"Damn, I knew shit got a lil wild, but that bitch beat a nigga like a goddamn slave. I might need to come back for some reparations or somethin. Dag!"

- Tyrone Walker




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2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts