Title: Ramblings Of A Weary Warrior
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: 10/22/12
Location: A Hotel Room in Mobile



“I should be home right now.”

[The picture is shaky and unprofessional.  Despite the nice camera in the iPhone 4S, the picture is still clearly amateur quality.  Which is what happens when you shoot your own promo, naturally.]

[The room is dimly lit, and the window outside the room is nothing but darkness.  To the back right of the scene, the digital clock on the hotel room nightstand says 4:03 AM.  The date, imposed by the iPhone camera, is 10/22/12.  The only thing we can see of Christian is his head and topless upper body just above the bottom of his pecs.  His right arm is up, holding the phone in his unsteady hands.  Cuts adorn his forehead, both from where Boogie Smallz jammed a hammer into his head and where Ronnie Long put a shovel between his eyes.]

[The newly-crowned Master of Wrestling is not happy, and it’s not hard to understand why.]

“The Last Nighthawk” Christian Light:
I should be sitting in my house in Garden City, holding my wife in my arms while we watch my kids run circles around whatever ridiculously-sized trophy Defiance came up with to reward the Master of Wrestling.

[Light smiles slightly.  That has a nice ring to it, after all.]

Or maybe I should be out celebrating with Eric and Tom and the rest of the gang who were on the side of Heritage when we beat Evolution in the Masters of Wrestling tournament.  

Not coming back to my hotel from the hospital.  

Heck, with two exceptions, I would have celebrated with everyone in the back, because this win turns out to be that much more crucial for us as wrestlers.  The Grand Champions League finale was a microcosm of the kind of leadership we were looking at under fire should Evolution had won.  Panicked knee-jerk reactions, backstabbing, and worst of all, incompetence in organization in the one place we didn’t need him.  It wasn’t personal with Elijah, but I was more happy with Elijah losing than winning.

And speaking of not personal...

I want it to be known, on the record, that aside from two exceptions, I hold no grudge towards anyone on the Evolution roster for their role in this tournament.  As hard as we sometimes fought, both in words and in deeds, I recognize that this is a new era in Defiance’s history, and holding onto grudges would be a fool’s endeavor.

The two exceptions, you may ask?

Traitorous jerk Edward White, and Alceo Dentari.  You, and your entourages, are still extremely high on my naughty list, and Ed, you in particular I own a thrashing to the likes of which will be spoken as legend in the wrestling world.  

And this was all your own doing. 

Your words and your actions led you down this path.  You and your colleagues took great pride in attacking me, and I will repay your each and every “kindness” with one of my own.

And speaking of actions and consequences...

[Even though he tries to hide it, the weariness in Christian's eyes is visible.  He's tired of all of this, and again, not hard to understand why.]



You pulled off something that doesn’t happen all that often.

You pulled the wool over Eric Dane’s eyes.

Jeff had Eric believe he was on his side, and Kai was playing Elijah Goldman like a puppet dancing on a string.

The potential complexity of the plan, looking backwards is staggering.  If one were into the wrestling “swerve”, as it were, this one would be a work of art, from the disappearance of Yaz Illika to the advantageous injuries of Kai Scott all the way up to the foot of Jeff meeting Eric’s face and the shovel of Ronnie Long meeting mine.

You’ve executed one of the biggest coup’s in Defiance since Bronson Box’s despicable thievery of Jeremy Bancroft.

But here’s the thing.

Much like Alceo and Edward are still my foes due to their actions, you, too, will face consequences for your actions.

But unlike Alceo, and unlike Edward...heck, even unlike the Grand Champions League itself...this will not be a slow burn.  This will not be a process of months and years.  I will not accumulate points to build toward a final, climatic battle.  

I will end this in a much more expedient manner.

I don’t care if I have to jam Ronnie’s shovel down his throat until he poops splinters.

I don’t care if I have to overcome every possible disadvantage thrown at me by Kai Scott in order to take him down.

I don’t care if I have to pin Heidi’s shoulder’s to the mat one more time.

I don’t even care if I have to drop Jeff on his head till he can’t remember his name.

Actions have been put into motion.  And reactions are coming, with an alacrity that would make The Flash stare in wonder.

[A pause.]

Tom, I’m sorry.  I should have listened more closely to you.  I hope you will fight by my side when the time comes for battle

Sam, Eugene, thank you both for trying to help me at a point when I had literally nothing left to defend myself.  I would be proud to stand by you as well, should you choose to stand against the Untouchables.

The rest of you?  See you next show.  I’m sure the explanation for this will be very interesting.

[Some fumbling with the phone in his hand before we get a hard cut to black.]

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"No one will ever be bigger than this Texan"

- Sean Jackson




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