Title: Power Up
Featuring: Tom Sawyer
Date: A little while after THAT.

The camera turned on, but the room was incredibly dimly lit. All that could really be seen was a little bit of outline, a gleam here and there. The figure was undeniably... Cowboy-shaped. And glossy.

“Heidi...”, a voice rasped. It sounded like Tom. It also sounded like Tom had just gone through Charles Bronson's puberty.
“You like to talk about how inadequate I am. An' how my ideals don't live up. But you always complain an' rant an' rave and yet... What exactly is it that I've been cryin' out for you to do for so long?”
The figure in the dark spread his invisible hands, fingertips coming by the camera lens for just a moment. They were clad in leather gloves.
“Stand up, Heidi. Fight honorably, an' quit trying to injure people. Break people. Cripple people JUST BECAUSE YOUR BASTARD OF A BOYFRIEND DEMANDS IT!
The finger jabs a finger into the camera-lens, shoving it back a half-step. The figure in the dark sets his invisible, stern jawline.
“You got a lot of excuses, an' a lot of fingers to point, but you an' I both know that you coulda been one of the top names in this business WITHOUT ADDING A BODYCOUNT TO YOUR NAME!”
The figure stormed backwards, fully into the shadows. Fists clenched, and it shook both of them in fury.
“THE LEGEND OF CHRISTENSON COULD HAVE BEEN CREATED WITH PAINT OF VALIANT VICTORIES AND BRAVE TITLE DEFENSES! There could have been a whole RAINBOW of clipreel moments, even without buckets of blood and screaming victims!”
The figure spun, motion following him in his every move. 
“But you, Heidi Christenson. Every time your man asks you to take someone's head off to further his career, you do it. Every time he feels inadequate next to someone braver or kinder or smarter or gentler, HE LOSES HIS COOL! HE'S GOTTA USE THAT LETHAL ROUNDHOUSE TO MAKE HIMSELF THE WINNER BY FORFEIT!”
And the finger comes back to level onto the camera. But more... Onto Heidi.
“And all the while, you languish away as the good little woman. The feared weapon of the crude paper champion, never the top name despite all evidence to the contrary.”
“Effort wasted making your man bigger than you, wasted by stabbing every man, woman and child in your way in the back. Anyone who needed to be dealt with to secure you a tainted, cheater's legacy... Well, they were dealt with.”
The figure in the dark clenched a hand, slamming his other fist down into it with a brutal hammerfist.
“And now you tried to deal with me. You beat my ribs until I was coughing up CHUNKS OF LUNG! I COULDN'T FEEL ME TOES, BUT YOU NEVER LET UP, HEIDI! NEVER!”
“And you tried to end my career because I reminded you that you gave up your chance at wearing the white hat a long, long time ago.”
Tom's voice softened, and the grit shoved down his throat seemed to wash clean for a second.
“That's why I'm glad that Jeff Andrews put you into this match against me, Heidi. That's why I never spoke to anyone but the few poor saps I have dragged into their own dooms. Because I know that Kai and Ronnie will make Eugene's life a living hell. You'll all do your best to end Sam Turner's career prematurely, and Christian Light? Well, you blackhearts already tried to break his neck.”
"Only one chance. If it's just you. And just me. Then the only person at risk anymore is me. The only person who can get hurt... Get crippled... Get TAKEN OUT BY THAT JACKKNIFE KICK?!”
The hands came up, slapping against Tom's chest. The sound of flesh-on-leather echoed in the dark.
“I accept this. I accept this match gladly. The only person at risk is me. And that means I don't have to split my attention. That means I can aim all the cannons right at you, Heidi. I've been holding something back. A great, great power. I've been keeping it all locked away, for fear of hurting others. For fear... FOR FEAR OF HURTING MYSELF!”
He twisted his head up, sending his locks dancing in the night. A click of his cheek.
“But ya cornered me. You Untouchables have used the hounds to flush the foxes from their den, and have chased one into a corner. Now you got me with my back up against the wall, Heidi. Nowhere for me to run, right? Nowhere for me to hide. Even if I'm treed, I've gotta come down sometime.”
The grin he gave almost gleamed in the dark, from the sheer perlescence of his toofies.
“So. The power is unleashed, Heidi. I've entered into the Faustian contract once more. I've signed my soul away, I've given in to the temptation. You don't even understand what this feels like. Every moment is a lifetime. Every wave of power is a tidal wave. Everything I've got, EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE, YEAH, I'M GONNA BRING TO THE RING! AND THEN, THEN THAT'S WHEN WE'LL SEE JUST WHO IS THE UNTOUCHABLE VETERAN, FULL OF THE VERY HEART AND SOUL THAT DRIVES THIS COMPANY, AND WHO IS THE FUTURE VICTIM!”
The kid's knuckles clench, gloves squealing with the tightening of the leather.
"And maybe... Yeah, just maybe... I can keep anyone else from being hurt at your hands."

More Propaganda | View Tom Sawyer's Biography



"I'm sorry, but I don't have any wild horses around to complete my motif. If you want, imagine some cow patties in that field over there."

- Dan Ryan




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