Title: Faded Aura
Featuring: The Legitimate Businessman's Club
Date: 02/06/13
Location: Brooklyn, New York

“Wrestlin’s a funny game.”

“See, in Baseball there ain’t nobody better than Babe Ruth. In Boxin’ there ain’t nobody more revered than Ali. An’ there ain’t nobody in soccer that can claim to hold a candle to Pelé.”

Alceo Dentari, flanked by his associates Tony Di Luca and Vincent Rinaldi, stood with his winter coat on once again. He held his leather clad hands together in front of himself and spoke slowly... purposefully.

“Yet wrestlin’s full a’ guys that all claim to be the best in the world. An’ each an’ every one a’ them think they’re the one to beat.” Alceo said without a hint of irony.

Two Hands looked over Dentari to Big Vinny. He knew Alceo wasn’t above referring to himself as ‘the one to beat’ and found it slightly amusing he’d gloss over that fact so readily, Vinny on the other hands didn’t get a damned thing.

“An’ thats true a’ everywhere you walk, not least in Defiance.” Dentari continued “See, we got a guy round here, goes by the name a’ Bronson Box. Now, he’s a former World Champion, sure, but he’s also a guy that ain’t had a belt wrapped ‘round his waist for nearly two years.”   

Dentari held up two fingers, just in case you don’t know how many two is.

“Yet he still talks about himself like he’s the cream a’ the crop, like he’s the one to beat.” He said not attempting to hide his disbelief.

Di Luca closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, almost like he were answering an unasked question.

Dentari paused for a second before saying “I know yous are all familiar with this tale by now, but for those that a’ been livin’ under a rock for the last year, I’ll give yous the abridgement.”

“When I came to Defiance I weren’t even acknowledged.” Alceo said, “I was a late entry to the Masters a’ Wrestlin’ league and I was a late pick for Evolution.”

Di Luca’s face contorted in anger. Although the event being spoken of occurred over a year ago appearing furious over the infraction would surely earn him some kudos.

“But I soon proved that just ‘cause I entered last, that never had no bearin’ on where I belonged.” Dentari said proudly, “‘Cause week two, in my second match, I had my hand raised after beatin’ my opponent to the point where they couldn’t continue.”

“Now, my opponent weren’t Dragon Jones, It weren’t Rohan Malhotra.” He said counting the names off on his fingers.

“It weren’t even Jonny Booya.” He chuckled.

“My opponent was Heidi Christenson.”

Dentari smile faded as he went into super serious mode. There was no way he could smile, forced or otherwise, while talking about her.

“Now that was unheard a’. Not only was Heidi Christenson the number one draft pick, but she was the reignin’ Defiance world champion.” Dentari said  “An’ this ‘unknown’ was beatin’ her to a pulp with his own two hands.”

“I put myself on the map with that win, I forced people sit up an’ take notice a’ what Alceo Dentari was doin’. Made them wanna know what I was gonna do next.” He continued, “So for my next trick, I went after the big dog, I went after the man to beat... An’ I took Box out.”

“See, back then Box was still a big deal. He still had that aura around him that he weren’t no guy to be messin’ with.” Dentari said, ”But when I brought that pipe down across his big bald head, I shattered that illusion. I showed the world that Box weren’t nothin’ more than an agin’ has been, still desperately clingin’ to the last few scraps a’ his career.”

“He may well a’ returned from that, but he sure as Hell ain’t recovered.”

“He ain’t got that aura no more, so he’s had to align himself with Frank Dylan James an’ Virginia Quell in a thinly veiled attempt to hide that fresh weakness. Thing is everyone’s seein’ through it, an’ that include me.” Detnari said poking himself in the chest. He gestured to the men to his side before continuing, “My boys have already beaten your little girlfriend an’ your big bad boyfriend, an’ we know yous ain’t bringin’ nothing to the table no more.”

“At TV34 we’re gonna beat all three a’ yous.” Dentari said confidently, “Then for our next trick, we’re gonna take them Trios titles from the waists a’ the Untouchables, an’ finally I’ll fulfil my goal a’ takin’ gold from Heidi Christenson.”

“It just ain’t gonna be the gold I was plannin’ on.”

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- Malak Fuse




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