Title: A is for Armdrag...(part 3)
Featuring: Sam Horry
Date: 02/06/13
Location: New York City

It was everything you'd expect at one of these. 

Photographers, journalists cameramen, and other hanger-ons who'd like to think they were important.  While the media circus generally  wasn't this large in Japan or Brazil, Sam continues his workout like a seasoned pro.

His wrists were heavily taped, as were his knuckles.  He proudly wore his Defiance t-shirt  along with a pair of plain black shorts, black kneepads, and black kickpads.

This particular exercise was one in which Sam bounced off the ropes, first leapfrogging over his opponent, then bouncing off the opposite side, and performing an ameteur style shot to get around his opponent.

The popular saying is, to 'dance with what brought you', an ideology Sam holds fast to.   He began striking at his well padded opponent, landing his punches elbows and kicks, expertly.


Jeanie: This is the part of Sam's game that I feel he'll be most effective.  His strikes are clean, crisp and he lands them fast and heavy.  Even the best of martial artists respects his striking prowess.  His blows combine speed and power like no other.


Reporter: What moniker will he be adapting?  I know he's had several in the past.


Jeanie: Quite a few.  He was called "Daishi" in Japan; or Death's angel.  In Colombia he was called "El Mano Del Muerte" the hand of death, and I can't remember how to pronounce it's Portugese counterpart from when he was in Brazil.  But to answer your question we're trying to stay away from all the 'death' talk.  I wanted to go with 'Urban Legend', but he's dead set on "The H.N.I.C."  So reluctantly, that's what we're going to go with.


Reporter: It looks like Sam will have Cancer Jiles in his first match.  As you know Cancer is one of the top talents in all of Defiance, don't you think it's a little soon for Sam to be reaching so high; especially in his first match?


Jeanie: Absolutely not.  Sam is a top notch, world caliber athlete.  He would rather lose against somebody better than him, than beat somebody that won't give him a challenge.  He considers it an honor that Jeff Andrews has placed such great faith in him, and he will do all he can not to let Jeff down.


Sam now transitions from his strikes into grabbing his training partner and executing various suplexes.  He starts first with the belly-to-belly, then shifts around for a german, and so on.  Unfortunate for Sam's training partner, Sam is throwing these suplexes full speed, he's suplex drunk, by the time Sam t-bone suplexes him.


Reporter: Now you brought up Jeff Andrews,   With everything happening in Defiance, his hostile takeover of the company notwithstanding, he's made it his business to remake Defiance in his own image.  He's doing that by tearing down everything that Defiance has ever stood for, and crushing anybody in his way.  What's Sam feeling on that?


Jeanie: Well, in business, takeovers happen all the time.  I mean, I know what you're getting at, but to Sam, Jeff's the one who signed us, and gave us a shot.  Sam's a part of that new vision for Defiance, and we get that some people may be rubbed the wrong way because of it.  But he's here to compete, not get into the politics of the business.  Jeff's a good guy, and Sam appreciates it.


Keeping his partner on the ground, Sam begins to trainsition from submission to submission hold.   The fllashbulbs highlighted the positions and his partner's face contorted in pain.  He was oblivious to the questions, and was content to just stretch and maul his training partner.


Jeanie: What we were witnessing was Sam's grappling prowess.  Sam has a really thorough Judo and Ameteur wrestling background.  He's won Judo tournaments since we were what 9, 10 years old.  And he was a high school wrestling champion all four years--I know, because I was cheerleading at most of them.  Double for Juinior College


Reporter: Base or flyer?


With a disbelieving smile on her face she stepped out from the podium with her mic in hand, and drew attention to her form hugging skirt.


Jeanie: You trying to give me a complex or something?  Of course I was a flyer!  Now I'm gonna go eat double cheeseburgers and cry myself to sleep.  You know what?  Sam...


Sam stood to his feet, letting go of his partner.


Jeanie: ...He just called me fat.  (points at the reporter)  Give 'im a preview for this weekend.


Whether it was Sam's sight of Sam hopping over the top rope that scared him, or the speed at which Sam approached him that scared the reporter was up for debate.  Before he knew it, Sam performed an ameteur style double leg, carefully taking the reporter down.  Sam mounted him to throw a punch but instead turned him over, and began lightly chopping the reporter's back as a maseuse would  all to the laughter and applause of the other reporters present.


Jeanie:  So that, but with less massaging you can expect from Sam this week on tv.


When Sam slid back into the ring another question was posed.


Reporter: How about a finisher?  How does Sam like to finish his matches?


Jeanie: Well any one of those submissions he could use to end a match, but he has been pretty partial to one move.  Sam...Blak Majik.


With his trainer Matthew McMarin looking on, Sam explodes his training partner, springing off him and delivering a Muay Thai style knee to his head.   He covered him as Matthew counted three.


Reporter: Impressive.  Does he have any back up finishers?


Jeanie nodded towards Matthew who went under the ring and produced a ripe watermelon.  Before long, both he and the watermelon were in the ring.


Jeanie: If an opponent is unlucky enough to survive Blak Majik, then they've got to look forward to "Orasumi"--Japanese Translation: Good Night.


Matthew had helped Sam's training partner out of the ring.  He then got into position, holding the watermelon in place.  Sam sized up and gauged his distance.


Jeanie:  To paraphrase one of my favorite 80's commercials...."This is his opponent's brain....


With perfect form and technique, Sam deliver's his true calling card: the roundhouse kick.  He used his shin to shatter the ripe watermelon, sending bits of fruit and seeds flying everywhere.  Sam stood back looking pleased at the destruction of the watermelon at parts of it were smeared on the shin of his kickpad.  The reporters were all stunned silent.


Jeanie: "...and that is his opponent's brain after Orasumi.  Any questions?"   Thank you all so much coming out today, We can't wait to see you all after Sam's debut this week.



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"If I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to butter me up for something."

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