Title: Real Pretty
Featuring: The Legitimate Businessman's Club
Date: 02/08/13
Location: Brooklyn, New York

“Let me just get one thing absolutely clear!”

Normally Alceo Dentari would be calm, composed, collected... but today... today was different. As Big Vinny and Tony Two Hands stood stoically in the background Dentari paced quickly in front of them, grumbling in between miniature rants.

“Yous don’t get to pity me, Box!” Dentari shouted towards the floor, “You don’t get to do nothin’ but watch an’ listen as we’re announced as the number one contenders for them Trios titles.”

“An’ you’ll be doin’ it as yous look up at us, ‘cause you’ll be flat on your back just like Heidi Christenson was!” Dentari said as he stopped pacing and turned to the camera, “‘Cause I didn’t stand toe to toe with her, I was standin’ toe to sole!”

Dentari resumed his pacing, again he spoke more to the floor than anything else, “Go ahead, brag about how yous made her scream, she weren’t barely breathin’ when I was done with her.”

At that moment Tony Di Luca stepped forwards and placed his hand gently on Dentari’s shoulder.

“Why don’t you take a walk, Boss.” He whispered into Alceo’s ear, “I can take it from here.”

Dentari fixed Di Luca with a stare that couldn’t have lasted more than five second, but as the tension in the room increased exponentially, one would be forgiven for thinking it lasted a lot longer. For a moment, just a split second, it seemed as though this would be the last time we’d ever see Antonio Di Luca.

“You’re right.” Dentari said finally, allowing himsef to breath normally for the first time, “I ain’t thinkin’ straight.”

Dentari headed away from his associates as Di Luca started to brush himself down, making sure he was presentable for the camera. “You’ll have to excuse the Boss, he gets that way sometimes.”

From behind the camera came some muffled rumblings, obviously Dentari hadn’t gone far.

“If I was you, Box, I’d watch what I was sayin’.” Di Luca said with a tilt of the neck, “See, Alceo ain’t exactly fond a’ nobody that refers to him as... Well, you know.”

Obviously Two Hands wasn’t stupid enough to repeat Bronson Box’s mistake while within earshot of his boss. Otherwise he’d probably be known as Tony ‘Two Concrete Shoes’ Di Luca.

“But then it weren’t just us you was havin’ a pop at, was it Box?” Di Luca continued with a crack of his knuckles, “Nah, you saw fit to open up on Vinny over there an’ me over here.”

“You’re right, I ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I’ll still open you up.” Di Luca said with a sadistic smile, “An’ it won’t be no clean cut neither. It’ll be a real mess, take a long time to heal... leave a real pretty scar.”

At that moment something shattered in the background. Di Luca did his best to ignore whatever it was though and continued.

“An’ Vinny?” He asked as he gestured towards the mountain behind him that was still staring off into the distance, “Ok, you got that right, the candles on your last Birthday cake probably outnumber his IQ points, but that ain’t stopped him from pickin’ up the wins around these parts, includin’ one over your little ‘family’.”

“There’s only one team gonna be chokin’ on anything come Sunday, Box.” Di Luca said, “An’ it ain’t gonna be us, ‘cause this chapter a’ the story gonna end much the same way as the last, only with one major difference.”

“We’re gonna get a little more than braggin’ rights this time round.”

At that moment the camera shook and crackled as it was dismounted from its tripod. It spun around to reveal the face of Alceo Dentari, still contorted by the rage he was feeling.

“It’s a damn good job yous learned to be patient, Box!” Alceo spat, “‘Cause you’re gonna need it when you’re waitin’ for your title shot!”


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"We have, after all, returned to the â€"great” city of New Orleans. A place most famous for its tendency to get drunk and nude. A city with a whooping 71% graduation rate in its local school system - which seems high until you realize that New Orleans routinely graduates students who are unable to read as evidenced by the quality of the signs here tonight. But why would you care? You don’t need to read to flash your breasts for beads though, do you? And the most egregious offense of all: New Oreleans birthed this ignorant, aggressively stupid, childish excuse for a company. Yes, children, it is fitting - DEFIANCE was born from a decrepit landfill full of ignorant swamp-folk, and for its 200th episode it returns to the black hole of civilization from whence it came."

- Ned Reform




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts