Title: Brass Tacks
Featuring: Dan Ryan
Date: 2/7/2013
Location: John U. Lloyd Beach State Park


John U. Lloyd Beach State Park

More importantly, a very secluded stretch of beach with not a soul in sight. Dan Ryan lies back in a beach chair, the mild sun on his face, looking out to the ocean.

DAN RYAN:  Come on, Drew, you expect me to leave so soon? Whatever for? I'm only just now getting comfortable. By all means, your low expectations flatter me, Siler, but I'm most definitely here for the long haul. You'll see in good time.

The thing about conversations like the one we've been having is that a guy like you, a guy who has decided up front to play the role of the underdog, can't be swayed by facts, no matter how convincing they might be. So me, I like to simply play along and into the joke. Yes, my huge ego, my massive sense of self-importance. It's so much easier that way, don't you think? Why bother trying to change the mind of one so sure of his perspective already?

I'm simply telling you why the hype is there. I didn't give it to myself. I didn't start calling myself a legend, but you know, when you get to a couple hundred people or so saying it, you just sorta accept it and move on.

I know you don't understand, and you never will because you've never walked in my shoes, Siler. You've never been down the roads I've been down, you've never overcome the obstacles I've overcome and you've never had to walk into company after company with a giant target on your back, as everyone on the roster looked at me the exact same way you're looking at me right now, saying the same things you are, and had to win them over.

Meanwhile, I've been everywhere you've been.

Alcohol already cost ME a daughter -- and you're right, absolutely no one fuckin' cares.

But you sit there conveniently throwing bullshit my way and you work from a place of safety -- nothing to lose, everything to gain. You have nothing on the line because you have nothing to wager. I've made a career out of putting everything I have on the line, and have persevered to become who I am. And, worst of all, I have to listen to dopes like you who think they can psychoanalyze me in little mini-ten-minute sessions like you wrote the book.

The truth is, all bullshit aside, no one's asking you to lay down, least of all me, and I don't need you to lie down, Siler, make no mistake. I didn't come here to be worshipped. I came here to compete. I didn't come here and make demands. I didn't insist on a World Title shot. I didn't insist on being dropped right into the main event. I signed on and chose to work my way up the ladder just like everyone else. It's ridiculous of you to sit there, call yourself a man of the people, talk about how hard you have to work to get anywhere and rail at me about how I'm getting handed everything.... when we're in the same match this week. Yeah -- I'm really getting special treatment, Drew.

They put me in a match with YOU.

If that's not an indictment on how little all of this so-called hype gets me, nothing is.

Bottom line, I didn't want it. I'll work my way up, and I'll be happy to do it. Your problem is that you can't possibly imagine someone who seemingly has the world, and yet worked his ass off for over a decade to get it. You can't compute that just because you think YOU'RE working your ass off, doesn't mean you automatically get to have everything I have. Your work ethic isn't what's in question. Your attitude and talent is.

DEFIANCE was just voted the top wrestling company in this corner of the wrestling world, so they did just fine without me playing an integral part. THAT is why I'm here.

I want the best in the world, nothing more, nothing less.

I hope I really do have the fight of my life in front of me, because that's what I THRIVE on. That's what I LIVE for. I hope you make me bleed, Siler. I hope you figure out a way to keep me from tossing you around the ring like a lawn dart. I hope you're more than introspection in a mirror and musings on your underdog status and by golly determination to go down fighting.

Entertainment is nothing.

Only the fight matters, Drew. Only the fight matters.

Maybe you'll get it one day, or maybe you won't. Maybe you'll still be here ten years from now saying the same old shit to another wrestler who made a name for himself somewhere and DARED to sign with DEFIANCE.

Maybe, in the end, bitter raging jealousy is all you ever were.


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