Title: We All Know The Score
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: 1/29/13
Location: Unknown


That’s the way Christian liked it this week.
Sure, he had turned on the lights for a couple of promos...and he had one more to do.
But when you get hit so hard in the head that you lose consciousness, other things begin to manifest themselves.
Quietus, for example.  That constant ringing in your ears that just won’t go away no matter how much you want to rip your own eardrums out?  Yeah, that sucks.  The headaches too, quite a pain in the head, literally.
And many of the loud noises you just take for granted?  It’s like driving a stake through your own head every time you put the barbell back on the rack.
But Christian needed to put in work.  Not only because he needed to...but because he had promised to.  He swore to be the grinder...the front liner.  He swore to the Untouchables that he would take the straight line, and sometimes this is the consequence of such a decision.
No matter how hard the pain, no matter how bad the throbbing in his temple, he had to keep going.  For his own sake, for the Good Fight, for Defiance.  
It is the right thing to do.
“Jane.  Nicky.”
His voice low, the lights dimmed so it’s hard to see.  Christian is wearing some kind of black and yellow sports gear.  Could be Penguins.  Could be Steelers.  Could be Pirates.  You know how Christian rolls, more or less.
“You’re both smart people, from what I’m to understand.  I’m sure you both know the score.”
“Maybe you’re OK with the way things are falling into place.  Or, maybe you appreciate being used in much the same way that Dragon Jones appreciated being used by Jeff Andrews to serve as a distraction.”
“Either way, it doesn’t change the situation put before me.  Me.  Against you two.”
He rubs his head with his hand, likely passing it through his flattop.  Again, can’t see, but if Christian’s following the same old pattern, then that’s probably what he’s doing.
“Your boss once tried to do something like this to me.  He tried to put a turnbuckle bolt through my head and knock me so far out that I couldn’t see straight.”
“He sure hit me hard.  He knocked me out.  But much like the Untouchables, he made one fatal mistake.”
“He didn’t finish me off.”
“I don’t believe in guilt by association.  I still wish to exact my vengeance on one Ed White, but I will take out my beef with your boss personally.  I will not take my anger and wrath out on you two, unless you choose to be put in that position.”
“At which time, I will accommodate you as you wish.”
A shift in the seat he sits in.  
“But I think we all know how this one is going to end.”
“One or more of the Untouchables will make their run in, and they’ll try to finish the job they started.”
“I give you four credit...you know how to hand out a butt-whuppin’.  I haven’t felt this sore or this wrecked in a long, long time.”
“But like I said to Christy today...I will be ready.  You may have dinged me up...you may have caused me some pain.  But come Defiance TV time, I’ll be ready to bring the war like I always do.  I’ll be ready for the Untouchable cavalry, coming to try and break my neck.”
“I’ll be ready to take this to the next step.”
“Maybe I won’t be in that tag match.  But I’ll sure as heck be there to make sure it’s fought on even terms...one way or another.” 
“And when it’s all said and done, Untouchables...I think you’ll be wondering one thing...”
“How did the Good Fight beat us so bad?”

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