Title: In the Light
Featuring: Dan Ryan
Date: 2/17/2013
Location: Houston, TX


Home. Dan Ryan is sitting on a chair swing, on a very large, expansive wraparound porch as the sun just begins to break the horizon on its way up -- arms stretched out to either side, no sounds, no anything -- for miles.

DAN RYAN:  "I'm starting to see a pattern here, Christian."

Ryan closes his eyes briefly and cracks his neck.

"For both of us, I'm starting to see a pattern. I'm sure you're tired of this routine -- the old 'throw something in Christian Light's way' routine that the Untouchables are into. It's the oldest play in the book, right? Usurp power, surround yourself with accomplices, send a gauntlet of middlemen to head off your enemies at the pass."

"I have to admit, there have been times in my career where I've been the one on top doing all I can to crush my enemies. I didn't apologize then, so I'm not gonna start now. However, I've discovered that time hasn't created the need for much innovation in this paradigm."

"Things haven't changed all that much."

"There you are, having weathered the storm, and here I am, another stumbling block set in your path. You've taken a beating -- your ears ring, your head hurts. All in all you probably shouldn't be competing in this match. I do have a habit of spiking people on their head."

"Here's the deal though, Christian. I've been giving this some thought. This is the first time I've really had cause to let the words 'The Untouchables' escape from my lips. Until now their situation, YOUR situation hasn't really affected me very much."

"Now, it does."

"So I have a very important set of decisions to make, don't I?"

"I suppose they expect -- they want -- me to punch and kick you in the head as often as possible. I suppose they want me throwing you over my shoulders, dropping you on your head, driving you head first into the mat. I bet that would be right up their alley."

"So Christian, let's be fair. We are men, and we compete in a sport that requires these things. It requires that we try to legally kill each other for the balance of the match. I wouldn't insult you and say that I'll go easy on you, nor would you require me to. I already know what you're made of. I'm not stupid."

"But I've been watching -- and if history is any indicator, we're gonna have a visitor at some point in this match."

"That's where the decisions start."

"Do I walk away and allow them to do as they will?"

"Do I stand aside, let them do their deed, then pick at your carcass?"

"Do I turn and fight them off?"

"These are questions I'm facing as I sit here, Christian Light."

"You said you liked the darkness. I've spent quite a bit of my career in darkness. Maybe I'm tired of it. Maybe the light would be a little nicer."

"So much to consider."

"I don't know the answers yet -- but I think that no matter the answer, until faced with it, this is a match that will turn heads around here. I will not slink quietly away. I'm here for the long haul. Maybe we'll make a statement -- and maybe that's all it will be."


"So much to consider."


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"If you expect me to remember every person Klein ever gave a box to I think you have some unrealistic expectations. That’d be like me remembering everyone I gave a D to, and I was a teacher."

- The D




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