Title: Mind, Body & Soul...(part 2)
Featuring: Sam Horry
Date: that same day
Location: Brooklyn, NY

"Yeah, Jeanie.  What 'chu want?"  Sam answered his cell. He set it to speaker and placed the phone down on the bleacher near him.  "Quick too, I'm busy."
"I assume you got the message about your facing Seth Stratton, right?"  She asked."Where are you anyway?"
There was a silence between the two.  Not so much awkward as it was final.  Even if Jeanie wanted to press further, this part of the conversation, was over. 
Sam was in the middle of wrapping his hands with hemp rope.
Jeanie decided to switch topics.
"Look,  I just wanted to apologize to you about the other day."  She began. "I was so wrapped up in..."
"...don't worry bout it.  You were just doin' your job."  Sam interrupted, as he finished wrapping his hands.  "Now I gotta go...so I can do mines.  Meet me at my place...8:30." 
"Do your job?  What're you talking..."
Sam put his phone inside of duffel bag, and that bag went inside of a nearby locker.  He stepped into a pair of sandals and headed out of the men's locker room and into the standing room only crowd.
Welcome to the Slaughterhouse.
This bar-slash-fight club was where Sam got his start in the world of No Holds Barred.  He then went on to fight internationally in Brazil and in Japan, but this place will always remains special for him.


His opponent, a mountain of muscle bouncer by the name of "Ox" isnt known for such sentiment.  Decked in just a pair of jeans and boots, the dried blood made his fingerless gloves look worn and used. 
Tonight, he'd been adding new blood to them.
"Finish him off Ox, you got 'im!"  Another patron called out.
Using his size, he had Sam pressed against the cage, drilling him repeatedly with overhand rights to his temple.  Once Sam finally got Ox's cadence correct, he stopped Ox's punch by pressing his foot into the insert of Ox's elbow when he reared back.  Sam used his free hand and grabbed the back of Ox's head and pulled him in to headbutt his nose, which broke Ox's grip on him and dropped the big man to one knee.
"There he is.  Time to end this..."  Sam mumbled after scanning the crowd.
Digging his left foot into the mat, Sam stuck his shin to Ox's head courtesy of a brutal right leg, roundhouse kick.  Ox fell limp to the canvas.  
"Yeah...I'm ready, Seth."  Sam said bowing respectfully towards his fallen opponent.
Now $1500 richer, he took off to go home.  The Defiance rookie, bruised and exhausted, was hypnotized by the succession of flashing lights that passed by him ever so quickly while he was on the train.  From the train he took a short cab ride home.
Which is where things got interesting.
He opened the door to his apartment, expecting to take a long hot shower, and order from Feng Wei's.  Instead when he walked in, he was greeted to a pair of freshly shaven legs gripping is neck, and slamming his already tired body to the floor, courtesy of a frankensteiner.
One of her signature moves.
Comfy in her white bathrobe, she put her foot on his chest. 
"If I can catch off guard like this, love; I can only imagine what Seth has planned."  She began in her distinct Brazilian accent.  Her hand brushed her soft black hair back.  "But don't worry love....mama's home, and she's ain't gonna let it happen." 
"Gabriella?"  Sam said from the ground.
"*iPessoalmente!"  She hopped up onto the island counter top in Sam's kitchen, crossing her legs.
(*in the flesh*--Portuguese)
Enter Gabriella--aka "The Enchantress"  Luchador extraordinaire.
AKA--Sam's Ex.
AKA--"Oh $#%@!"

More Propaganda | View Sam Horry's Biography



"This is gonna be FUN! For us I mean. Not you. It’ll be hell for you."

- The D




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