Title: Three People
Featuring: The Legitimate Businessman's Club
Date: 02/27/2013
Location: Brooklyn, New York

“I’ve been patient.”

“I’ve bided my time.”

“I’ve waited with baited breath for this day.”

Alceo Dentari sat hunched forward, hands clasped between his legs, staring down at the floor. He spoke slowly and clearly, though his inflection seemed slightly off as though he were struggling to maintain the calm facade he wore.

“See, at TV35 I finally get my hands on three people...” He continued through gritted teeth, “Three people that a’ wronged me... Three people that thought they got away with it.”

“But I don’t forget... an’ I don’t forgive...” Dentari added, lifting his head slightly but still avoiding eye contact, “No, I get even.”

Allowing his head to drop once more Alceo took a deep breath. Tony Di Luca, who stood at Alceo’s side along with his partner in crime Vincent Rinaldi, placed a hand on his shoulder in much the same way as last time only for Dentari to shrug it off instantly.

“I ain’t sittin’ this one out.” Dentari snapped, “Ain’t no chance.”

Di Luca withdrew his arm at once. He didn’t want to be known as ‘One Hand’, did he?

“I get accused a’ blowin’ things outta proportion every now an’ then, but see, these three people ain’t just looked at me funny or nothin’.” Dentari admitted, all the while looking at the ground, “No, these three people are the reason I ain’t the Master a’ Wrestlin’.”

“These three people are the reason I weren’t even in the final three!” Alceo shouted. He drew a long, deep breath to calm himself once more. “Yous all know who these three people are an’ yous all know what they like to call ‘emselves.”

Dentari took another breath and sat up in his chair, “I ain’t one for addressin’ my opponents one by one, you know?” He said, “But all three a’ yous has done wrong by me, so I ain’t gonna go lumpin’ yous into no faceless ball, capiche?”

“No, yous all gettin’ a little bit a’ Alceo Dentari’s time an’ attention.” Dentari added, “An’ it all starts with the Ace a’ Heels.”

“There ain’t many people that coulda made me look as foolish as you did, Kai, believe me.” Dentari reluctantly conceded, “Playin’ me for a chump week after week, sabotagin’ my run for the final whenever an’ however yous could... I gotta hand it to you, you got some cojones.”

“But yous ain’t hidin’ under no mask now, Scott.” He continued, shaking his head, “You ain’t operatin’ under cover no more, no, you’re out in the open, you’re exposed. When yous infiltrated my most trusted circle an’ cost me my spot in the final yous painted a damn big target on your back...  an’ when I look as yous that’s all I can see.”

The corner of Dentari’s mouth curled up for the first time as he pictured what may lie in Kai Schott’s future. That smile soon faded though as Di Luca cleared his throat to bring Alceo back into the room.

“Then yous got Ronnie Long.” Alceo said surprisingly somberly, “Remember how I said I don’t forget? Well I ain’t forgotten your... indiscretion against me.”

“Now, I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout sidin’ with Kai Scott at the final to bitch an’ moan about the result a’ Heidi’s an’ my match, oh no...” He continued, shaking his head once again “I’m talkin’ about that powerbomb yous gave me to close WarGames.”

“Remember that?” Dentari asked sounding worlds more serious than he had just seconds before, “‘Cause I do.”

“An’ while that’s plenty a’ reason for me to wanna kick your teeth out the back a’ your head, that ain’t the biggest problem I got with yous.” He said with the rage once again building steadily inside of him, “See, I’ve been bustin’ my balls here for over a year an’ what I gotta show for it?”

“Nothin’.” Came the reply from his side.

“I beat the hell outta the world champion in my second match here an’ what reward did I get?” He asked with a snarl.

“Nothin’.” Repeated Di Luca.

“Yous come in, jump me, jump Eric Dane, an’ all of a sudden you’ve got gold handed to yous?” Dentari asked in disbelief “That’s my biggest problem with yous, Ronnie. You ain’t done nothin’ to deserve what yous got, an’ there’s only one way I can see resolvin’ it, capiche?”

“An’ last but certainly not least, we got my most favorite person in the whole wide world.” Dentari said, making sure to add a couple of heaping scoops of sarcasm, “Miss Christenson.”

“You was that world champion I turned into a rag doll at Evolution 2, weren’t yous?” He asked. Although he sounded perfectly innocent the curl of his lip and the twinkle in his eye screamed otherwise, “It was that moment I told myself I was gonna take that gold an’ give it the home it deserved.”

“It pains me that yous didn’t want that World title back when offered it, Heidi, It really does, ‘cause you didn’t deserve to have your reign end the way it did.”

Alceo sounded strangely sincere but it soon became obvious why as he added, “You never earned the right to say yous ‘never lost that belt’. Your reign shoulda been ended by someone better that yous. Your reign shoulda been ended by me!”

“But if I can’t take the World title from yous, I’ll settle for the Trios titles. ‘Cause just like when yous held that world title, yous don’t deserve what’s wrapped around your waist, ain’t one a’ yous Untouchables that does.”

“An’ we’re gonna prove it.”

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