Title: Adaptation + First Ever Promo = Holla.
Featuring: Sam Horry
Date: the next day.
Location: New York, NY

"Harder!"  Gabriella yelled.


Yup...that's what she said.


Sam bounced from the ropes running criss cross from the north, south, east and west side ropes.  Gabriella was running him ragged.  Sam looked towards Jeanie as fountains of sweat flowed from him.

"Focus!"  She demanded.  "Jeanie cannot help you!"

As Sam continued running the ropes, Gabriella jumped at him first wrapping her legs around Sam's head.  When Sam reached for her legs, she spun her body, hooking his arm and taking him down with an armdrag.

"Come on, lover."  Gabriella taunted him with a smile.  "You are making this too easy for me."

His eyes burned with heated intensity.

Jeanie knew what that look meant.  "Sam wait..."

But he ignored her, and charged Gabriella with a barrage of punches and kicks.  Gabriella was stung by some, but she kept her wits about her.  Moving around and making Sam chase her, frustrated him all the more.  When he grabbed her arm, she hopped up and bounced on the top rope, and took him down with another lucha-based armdrag.

'La Encantadora', as she's called in Mexico's Campeons de Lucha Libre promotion was firmly ahead on points.

Sam though, came back with a hard roundhouse kick to Gab's leg.  He went for an overhand right, but she rolled under it, and bounced off the north side ring ropes.  He responded by bouncing off the east side ropes.  Gabriella took to the air again, to hook Sam, but he saw it coming.  Shooting a front kick at his airborne ex, he buried his heel into her floating rib.

Gabriella crashed to the mat, and even though hurt, stood up nearly immediately.  Sam executed an ameteur style double leg shot and took Gabriella down, mounting her.

"Lesson 1:  Adaptation."   Gabriella mouthed staring down the barrel of Sam's cocked right hand.  "You won't survive Seth or anybody else without it."

Fighting his natural instinct, he stood up.

Jeanie meanwhile breathed a sigh of relief.  She walked into the ring to ease the tension between the former couple.

"Um...thanks Gabriella."  She stepped in between Gabriella and Sam.  "Sam, remember what we talked about last night; addressing your opponent, communicating with the audience?"

Quickly, Sam snapped back to reality.  "Yeah..yeah I remember."

"Good.  We're gonna start right now."

Jeanie grabbed the camera she had been Fed Ex'd almost 24 hours earlier.  After she set it up on a tripod, she stood behind it.

"Let the real you shine through Sam.  Show some of that ghetto swag you had when we were growing up."  Jeanie smiled.

"What is this Ghet-to swag?"  Gabriella questioned as she slid through the ropes.  "I do not understand."

"How I got you into bed the first time, love."  Sam grinned.

"...I'll explain it, later.  As if this wasn't awkward enough..."  Jeanie shook her head.  "This is your moment, Sam.  Ready?"


Sam nodded as she turned the camera on.




[Camera fades up on Sam's black kickpads, blue basketball shorts and sweat drenched bare chest.  His taped hands are folded with his arms, and a menacing scowl is on his face.]

Sam Johnson:

"I'ma kick your head off your shoulders, b!+$#!  Holla!"

[He looked up towards, Jeanie.]

Sam Johnson:

How was that?  That was good, right?

[Camera off.]




"You can't just say that, Sam."  Jeanie began.  "You gotta engage the audience, get them to sympathize with your plight.  Give them a reason to watch you compete. Sell yourself."

"Can I use the n-word?"  Sam's eyes grew big.

"Glad you brought that up."  Jeanie patted Sam's shoulder.  "Under no circumstances are you to ever use the n-word.  Sponsors, sweetie."

"Aight,"  Sam shrugged his shoulders.  "Take two."




[Camera pans back to an angry looking Sam, with his taped hands on his hips.]

Sam Johnson:

"America I need for you to tune in and watch me kick Seth Stratton's head from off of his shoulders...."

[He looks towards Jeanie who encourgages him to keep going.]

Sam Johnson:

"...So I can get paid..."

[Sam's reading Jeanie's blank stare.]

Sam Johnson:


[Camera off.]




"This is gonna be a little harder than I thought."  Jeanie sighed.





More Propaganda | View Sam Horry's Biography



"Can you feel it coming, in the air tonight?"

- Sean Jackson




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