Title: Find a place to call home
Featuring: Justin Voss
Date: DEFtv 35
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
[FADE-IN: on a back porch which overlooks Baton Rouge swampland. It’s beautiful in its dishevelled nature. Unruly yet in order as to how it needs to evolve in today’s climate. The grounds leading to the swamp land are immaculately manicured and a four foot high white picket fence runs one hundred feet from the swamp’s shores. A small boat with an outboard engine rests against a little man-made jetty.]
“I dunno what drew me to Baton Rouge. I just felt some connection.
“Maybe it was the similarities I find with back home, where nature hasn’t been overruled by modern society. People livin’ off the land. Dangerous creatures. God knows back home’s got more than it’s share.
“I dunno. I just got a...” (pauses to search for the word) “...connection here.”
(CUT-TO: a busker playing “Farming Blues” by Slim Lightnin’, his hat out before him as passers by drop coins in the hat. By the miracle of modern technology, the busker remains in real-time and the passers by speed by.)
“Maybe it’s the music. I used to sing in a band. Once upon a time. It wasn’t jazz or blues or nothin’ but I still have a fond appreciation for those art forms. To me... if your music doesn’t have soul then your music doesn’t have nothin’, man. And that’s FACT!”
(CUT-TO: LSU Fighting Tigers at training on the football field. Offensive linesmen hit tackle bags and push trainers back a few steps. The quarter back tosses the ball a mile to a wide receiver. The coach watches the team and his clipboard with equal enthusiasm.)
“I dunno what it is about Baton Rouge. I just feel like I’m home. And you can go down the paths of all the clichés like home is where the heart is and all that nonsense but if you don’t feel it... it just don’t feel right.
“And Baton Rouge just feels right.”
(CUT-TO: still images black and white images of VOSS in the ring.)
(Standing across from BRONSON BOX with a snarl on his face.)
(Appearing on stage by CHRISTIAN LIGHT’s side.)
(In the board room with THE GOOD FIGHT.)
(VOSS threatening RONNY LONG with a steel chair.)
(VOSS hitting HEIDI CHRISTENSON with a Kenka kick.)
“And through it all the only thing you ever want to find yourself is a place... to call... home!”
(FADE-IN: on JUSTIN VOSS standing before a red Defiance backdrop. Hands on hips. He wears a gold Vosslyvanian Viper t-shirt which has a black silhouette of a snake coiled back to strike with a big white V in its background. He snatches a pair of gold lens’ed aviators off his face to eyeball the camera.)
“And finally... at long last... after years of walking through desert trying to find somewhere to drink from I stand in Defiance and I finally... feel... at home.
“Standing alongside the Good Fight I feel like I finally belong and that there’s a cause that I can stand for.
“Bring down the Untouchables.
“And that’s what we’ll do. And we may take just ONE – STEP – AT A TIME but we will creep up on them and before they know it their empire will have fallen down around their feet.
“Each step. Little by little. Baby steps. It’s begun. It began at DEF TEE VEE thirty-four when I rolled up Jeff Andrews, the Defiance World Champion, and scored a victory for the Good Fight that will be talked about for time to come.
“But each step taken means another must follow and the next stride is to overcome Team Sloan.”
(Hooks the sunglasses on the neck of his t-shirt.)
“Look here, Curtis Penn. When I came out here just a few days ago and I spoke about how you guys were the next big thing coming up through these ranks I didn’t mean it as disrespect. I didn’t mean it to take offense.
“But perhaps I was wrong. I’ll accept that. Those young men you’re stepping inside the ring with as your team mates are the next big thing. Tyson Burke. Luke Windham. Two of young men with talent just DRIPPING off them. Standing side-by-side with Curtis Penn. Former WfWA Tag team Champion. Former member of the CHIMERA Fight Team. Former this. Former that. Former coulda-been... always a woulda-been... never a shoulda-been.
“You see, Curtis, it IS nice to meet me. It is VERY nice to meet me.
“And in Orlando, Florida, our introduction will be face-to-face and when I take your hand and shake it, and it feels like every single little phelange, ligament and muscle is gonnao pop inside my grip, you’ll remember the day you met Justin Voss. That FATEFUL DAY, when all of a sudden, you realised all your former this, that and the other never meant somethin’ and your tomorrow looks like there’s HOPE!
“Hope for a future less meaningless than your past.
“Listen to your friend, Curtis. Listen to Tyson Burke. There’s a bright, young man with a head on his shoulders that makes more sense than your existence ever could’ve because you do NOT want to poke the Vossylvanian Viper with a stick, boy.
“Coz he’s ready to strike.
“I’m lookin’ forward to Orlando, Florida. I’m looking FORWARD to facing Team Sloan. Not only will the Good Fight march on triumphantly but I’ll get a firsthand look at what tomorrow’s generation of superstars has to offer when we drop Team Sloan on their heads.
“And it’s gonna happen. It has to happen. And the war drums will keep beating and we’ll keep marching until the Good Fight squares off with the Untouchables and tears those belts from their waists and stand above their battered corpses.
“But Curtis, don’t take this as a warning, son. This is a promise.
“I KNOW you’ll bring the stupid.”
(thumbs himself in the chest) “And we’ll... bring... the ass kicking.”