Title: Jimmy Kort doesn't live here anymore
Featuring: Heidi Christenson
Date: 3/4/13
Location: -


“Jimmy Kort isn’t here anymore, Alceo.”
Heidi’s face is way too calm.  Way too serene.   
“Jimmy Kort made himself a reputation entirely at my expense.  There was a battle royal.  I tried to punish him rather than win it, and so he won.”
She breathes slow and deep, and closes her eyes.
“He went on to War Games.  He proved everything I said about him not being a hero truer than even I suspected, when he happily joined in on the attempt to injure Claira St. Sure, the one you planned and designed, Alceo.”
“After that, I decided that I had a job to do.  That was to prove that no matter what happened in a battle royal, or in Def 1.0, Jimmy Kort was not in my league, not good enough to deserve having made his name at my expense.”
“I did that. And Jimmy Kort never did anything else in Defiance ever again.”
Her eyes open.  The outside corner of her right eye quivers, just a bit.
“I beat him so badly I broke his spirit, Alceo.”
Her upper lip tightens across her teeth in a fragment of a snarl.
“I trust you understand the significance and applicability of what I’m saying about Jimmy Kort, as it applies to you.”
“There’s a few other things I want to make very clear, though.  Crystal clear.”
She exhales, closing her eyes again, then suddenly squeezing them tightly shut before opening them again, just a little bit too wide.
“The Untouchables do not have to win a match to keep the Trios Titles.”
“The Untouchables do not need to arrange accidents, because they can burn and pillage at will.”
Her voice drops to a whisper.
“And I hate you, Alceo.”
Her eyes open even wider, and her lip curls back again.
“I hate your entitlement.”
“I hate your smugness.”
“I hate how you forget absolutely everything.”
“I hate how you’re still worked up about beating me once, when you’ve had two more tries at it since then and neither one worked out very well for you.”
Just the barest hint of a smile appears on her face.
“Luckily for me, there’s one big difference between all our other meetings, and this one.”
“I have no constraints this time.”
“If I decide… hypothetically speaking…
Her lips curl back in a full snarl.
“…that I’d rather hear the sound of tearing Velcro than win cleanly to retain the Trios Titles…”
“…there won’t be an Elijah Goldman around to yell at me and insult me.  Nor will there be an Eric Dane to fire me.”
“There will be no one to count to five as I strangle you against the ring ropes or twist your knee out of joint.”
Whatever brought the snarl to the surface subsides just a little.  Heidi closes her eyes, lowers her head, and breathes deep and slow.
“You just beat Bronson Box, Alceo.  Brag about it.  Go tell Jeff to give you a World Title shot.  Go find Claira and tell her you want a FIST shot.  You’ve earned it.  You’re legit.  As much as I hate you, I won’t try to deny it.”
“But if you try even one more time to accomplish anything at my expense, I’ll do the worst thing to you that I can think of to do to anyone.”
She doesn’t raise her head, but the snarl appears again.
“I’ll make you envy Jimmy Kort.”

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