Title: Mid-Winter's Night
Featuring: Dan Ryan
Date: 3/6/13
Location: Orlando, Florida


Let's deal with the legal issues first.

This promotional piece is copyright Daniel James Ryan, 2013. All words, scenery, talking styles, my accent, opinions and the air I'm currently breathing are heretofore owned by me, under the authority of the state of Texas and Federal copyright law. Watch the royalties roll in, bitches.

Now then...

On a calm Winter's Eve, an eve that is cool, quiet and not at all as douchey as the ones in the Summer can be, Dan Ryan is LOUNGING on a wooden pool deck. Not a POOP deck. A POOL deck. Get it right.

The dripping of the stone waterfall on the pool itself is the only sound we hear.

DAN RYAN: "So, about two and a half weeks ago I got in front of a camera and talked about The Untouchables a little bit. Great flick, right?"

"You, Christian, have been watching that flick for quite a long time now, and it's starting to look a little bit like you've grown tired of it all. On the other hand, I've seen you pretty motivated, too, and it does seem like maybe all you need is a little nudge to get your mooooooooh-jo in gear."

"Then again, earlier this week, I watched someone have a meltdown fit faster than I could even be bothered to learn who he really was. All I knew of the guy was that he cost me a match by putting me in some bullshit hold on the arena floor. Worse than that, he ran off before I could step on his face for doing so. He just marooned me on Ceti Alpha Five and ran off."


"So maybe you're doing alright after all, Christian. Maybe this is all rolling right off your back. Maybe you're just biding your time. No need to put your cards on the table, right? That is, no need, assuming you have any cards at all."

"I do enjoy the mystery of it all."

"I mean, I spoke about this before. Where do I stand on all of it? Nobody knows yet, really. Maybe I don't know."

"Do I want to be a victim of Jeff Andrews' flying monkeys, sent to intercept me before I make it to his Emerald City (copyright Disney Pictures; go see Oz, The Great and Powerful, in theaters March 8th)?"

"Do I want to be beset upon by the general malaise of Heidi Christiensen and her neverending pursuit to care again? She's seen it all before, you know. It's a lot like the many times we've heard her say she's seen it all before.... before."

"What about.... well, the other Untouchables?? I don't care enough to remember their name(s) right now, but do I really want to deal with their neverending insert-threatening-action-here? DO I?"

"This shit is fucking important, Christian."

"I wish you were here, because I wanted more of this than it has turned out to be. I so wanted that classic match between us, that pay-per-view quality clash that only DEFIANCE would put together on free television. And believe me, we WILL have that clash. I don't care if it's in the ring or if it's a rousing game of Candyland. I'll send your ass back to the Peppermint Forest with the quickness, while I'm livin' it up with Queen Frostine."

"I have to be honest. I hope you're so busy training and getting ready for this match that you haven't had time to shoot anything. I hope you've been contemplating your next move, mapping out strategies and preparing for what's waiting for you in Orlando."

"Christian.... I hope you haven't underestimated this moment."

"Well, as they say, whatever will be, will be. If you're taking this as seriously as I am, Christian, maybe this moment will be more than a throwaway match on a show in the middle of march."

"If you're taking this as seriously as I am, maybe we'll steal it instead."


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"You’d help us? That seems like, I don’t know. Some sort of conflict. But I’m interested."

- The D




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