Title: an eye for an eye will leave this whole world blind
Featuring: Justin Voss
Date: Untouchable
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
"We've been here before, Boxer. We've traded words and threats once before and we BOTH know how that ended.”
[FADE IN: on the front doors of a gymnasium, somewhere in Baton Rouge. Standing out the front, wearing a Defiance generic brand red tee with a black fist on the front. He wears black wraparound shades with red arms. Smokes a cigarette.]
"For those of you playing at home, it ended with a count out after Bronson Box tossed me off the stage at the very FIRST Retaliation Defiance ever televised. He tossed me off the stage and I got busted open pretty good. He dusted his hands...” (VOSS stuffs the cigarette in his mouth and dusts his hands together) “...whistled to his dog, and they headed backstage to revel in his genius.
"'Cept there WAS no smarts involved. The only thing... THE - ON - LY - THING that Boxer achieved was pissing off the Vossylvanian Viper so bad he's got a chip on his shoulder that burns the vengeance fires in his belly.”
[Puff. Ash. Puff.]
“Boxer, I’m real sorry ‘bout your eye. And that’s genuine, brother.
“I know you’ve got some hate in your heart right now for Cancer, Boxer. I know you’re probably a little bit focused on exacting some vengeance on Jiles for what he did to you. Did to your eye... but let me tell you two things, Bronson.
“Number one -- an eye for an eye will leave this whole world blind.
“Number two -- that eye you got left best watch your immediate problem.”
(thumbs himself in the chest) “Me!”
[Puff. Puff.]
"See, Boxer... I know what it’s like to be distracted. I know what it’s like to put the blinkers on and suffer the tunnel vision of revenge.
“No puns intended.
“You know, puns about the whole...” (points to his eye) “...losing an eye thingy.
(paws the air coyly) “Well... okay. Maybe I meant it just a little bit.
“But what I’m TRYING to tell you here, Boxer, is if you lose focus on me for just a skerrick of a second, brother, I’ll close that other eye for you. Because I’m tellin’ you now, Boxer, there’s a chip on my shoulder you cast in like stone and there’s a measure of vengeance I need you to swallow.
“And it’ll be a bitter pill for you, Bronson.
“You know it’s coming. you know you can’t get away with tossing me off that stage scot free. That shit doesn't happen.”
[Puff. Puff. Ash. Puff. Flick. Point down the camera’s barrel accusingly.]
“We BOTH know that we’re far too smart to deny a little tidbit of fact for Untouchable, Boxer.
“While you might physically be relegated to one li’l peeper, Bronson, you’ll have so many more eyeballin’ me. That’s right, you’ll be comin’ down to that ring with your little Blood Diamond posse coz you can't find the strength within yourself that you can find in numbers. Your little two-buck fuck'll be towing the line. James'll be dragging his knuckles down in formation.” (splays his arms out as if displaying a crowd) “The whole damn gang'll be there and it'll be a righteous clusterfuck that sees my blood flowing like wine at your Church of Infatigable Hypocrisy.”
[A grin begins to spread across his face. He plucks another cigarette from his pocket and stuffs it in his mouth. Lights it.]
"But what you're neglecting to understand is that I've proven myself in this ring already.
“Yeah, I've stood alongside the Good Fight for the same reason you stand alongside the Blood Diamonds. Strength in numbers to fight toward a common goal. But I'm letting you know right here and right now my affiliation with the Good Fight is finished.
“What we attempted to achieve in unison only failed to challenge that which we opposed.
"That doesn't MEAN my convictions have been altered. It just means I've decided to take this fight to those convictions in a one man war. You can read my file, Boxer, it'll tell you does not work well with others.
“And I tried. I tried to rally alongside those guys but I could only grow frustrated with how that alliance carried forward.”
[Puff. Puff.]
“Why? I know what MY problem is, Boxer. I expect of others what I expect of myself. And the standards are far higher than your choice in women.
“I expect perfection.
“And as I live and breathe I move forward in embracing my short comings with my strengths and I grow stronger and far more powerful.
"If you think for just one single moment that I'm going to let what happened at Retaliation happen at Untouchable you've got another thing coming. I'm going to destroy you, Boxer. I'm going to pull you apart piece-by piece coz if I'm going to work my way to the core of the cancer which eats the soul of this promotion I need to start somewhere.
"And I think you're a pretty good place to begin with.
"I think becoming the FIST of Defiance is another pretty damn good step in the right direction.
"And you, and all your little lackeys, can come down and try to take your pound of flesh but I'll repay your arrogance with indifference, perpetrated by my Red Right Hand of conviction.
“And I will become the number one contender.
“And I will walk nobly toward my cause.
“And you?
[VOSS takes a long pull of his cigarette as a smile lights his face.]
“YOU will suck eggs.”
[Snicker. Puff.]