Title: All Eyes On Us
Featuring: The Legitimate Businessman's Club
Date: 04/01/2013
Location: Brooklyn, New York


Sorry, were you expecting a different outcome?

You were, weren’t you?

You were expecting it to go the other way.

Well, sorry to disappoint. It happened. It went down that way.

Alceo Dentari, Tony ‘Two Hands’ Di Luca and ‘Big Vinny’ Rinaldi had knocked off the Untouchables... The Untouchables! Just let that sink in for a moment.

Yeah, drink it in.

And, in doing so, they laid their hands on the DEFIANCE Trios Title belts.

The very same belts, mind, that were draped over the shoulders of the men that had come to be known as ‘Gorillas’ as they flanked their boss, Alceo Dentari, whose belt sat on display atop the desk in front of him, glistening away like the crown jewel that it was.

But the last week hadn’t been all sunshine and lollipops for our trio. Oh no, for Alceo Dentari the pleasure of finally wearing gold had been tainted. Tainted by another occurrence at TV35. One that had...

“Overshadowed...” Dentari said as he tilted his title belt back to gaze upon it’s magnificence, “That’s the best way to describe it. We defeat The Untouchables, surgically remove these Trios titles from their grasp, destroy the stranglehold they had over DEFIANCE, an’ what are people talking about?”

“The King a’ Pain.”

Tony Di Luca snarled as he adjusted the strap that hung over his shoulder.

“Just one week ago this belt right here!” Alceo exclaimed as he lifted the belt from the desk to display to the world, slapping and rubbing the faceplate as he continued, “This exact belt was wrapped around the waist a’ Heidi Christenson. But I did what I said I was gonna do an’ I took two things at TV35... The light from Heidi’s eyes an’ this!”

To really punctuate his words Dentari dropped the title back down to the desk where it landed with a clank and a thud.

“But nobody cares.” Dentari said with a snarl of his own, “They just wanna talk about Stephen Greer.”

“See, people told us it couldn’t be done, they said The Untouchables...” He paused for a second and smiled to himself, chuckling he continued “Well... they said The Untouchables couldn’t be touched.”

Even Big Vinny got that one.

“But we went out there an’ we showed the world that we ain’t some two bit operation over here!” Dentari said as he thumped down on the desk, “We ain’t the guys to go messin’ with, an’ we ain’t the guys to take lightly.”

“But were they watchin’?” Dentari asked.

The only response came from the slowly stewing Tony Two Hands who shook his head and slowly uttered ‘unh-un’.

“An’ yous know why we beat The Untouchables for this here gold?” Dentari asked as he once again looked admiringly at his title belt. “It weren’t luck. We beat ‘em ‘cause we’re a unit.”

“We might be three guys, but when we’re in that ring together we ain’t three individuals.”

“Now, The Untouchables, they ain’t seen that since handin’ themselves them titles.” Dentari added, “See, they been in the ring with Tom Sawyer an’ all his friends, an’ they stuck them belts on the line against ‘COOL for Free’, ‘cause ‘Money for Nuttin’’ took a walk. Soon as they’re put in there against three guys that ain’t rollin’ over for nobody... Three guys workin’ as one unit,... The glue holdin’ The Untouchables together soon came unstuck.”

“Yous ain’t gonna win these titles, an’ yous certainly ain’t gonna keep ‘em, unless you’re workin’ as team out there.” Said Alceo as his associates both placed a hand on his shoulders in a show of solidarity, “Yous all gotta be on the same page, an’ at Untouchable we’re gonna prove that when we successfully defend our titles against The Mike Sloan Extravaganza.”

“Yous boys a’ ‘earned’ yourselves a shot at the gold, well done, bravo, congratu-fuckin’-lations.” He said as Di Luca slow clapped behind him “But, if I could address the eponymous manager for a moment, do yous really think that you’re gonna get any further with your mismatched, ragtag band a’ merry men?”

“Even though they ain’t on the same page as each other, I’m sure they’re all right behind you. An’ they’re gonna be lookin’ for a little bit a’ redemption after what happened in the playoffs, right.” Alceo said with a smile, “I hate to be the bearer a’ bad news, Mike, but yous ain’t gonna be gettin’ it this week.”

“‘Cause a loss don’t exactly fit into our plans. We ain’t gonna allow ourselves to be overshadowed no more!” exclaimed Alceo as he rose to his feet and scooped up his title belt. “Not by one man, not by three men, not by anybody!.”

“We ain’t gonna let the proteges a’ some washed up old hack take what we’ve earned.” He added as he tossed the gold over his shoulder, “An’ we ain’t gonna let nobody ignore us no more.”

“We’re fixin’ to force the spotlight on us by makin’ a statement at Untouchable.” Dentari said holding his hand above his head as though he were symbolising said spotlight, “An’ we’re gonna make it at the expense a’ The Mike Sloan Extravaganza.”

“An’ I swear... it’ll be louder than the one we made at TV35.”

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"The D’s gotta bust Klein. The D’s gotta…"

- The D




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