Title: If You Say So
Featuring: The Legitimate Businessman's Club
Date: 04/09/13
Location: Brooklyn, New York

“Ok, Mike... Not about Redemption, whatever yous say.”

Alceo Dentari smiled and winked obviously and knowingly.

“It’s all about gettin’ to the Untouchables, ain’t it?” He asked sarcastically, “I dunno what I was thinkin’. I guess I assumed you’d enjoy takin’ a little pop at the guy that ended what was, retrospectively, your last chance at true glory.”

“You know, before yous had to start livin’ vicariously through your boys there.”

Speaking of boys, Alceo Dentari’s associates stood either side of him, both wearing their Trios title belts over their shoulders. Dentari wore his wrapped around his waist. He wore it so well even Heidi Christenson would have to admit that it looked damn good there.

“You know that sayin’ ‘a broken clock’s right twice a day’?.” Dentari mused as he rubbed his chin, “Well Mike, I’ll put my hands up an’ admit it, you got somethin’ right for a change. I guess yous probably did have more of an impact on my career than I did on yours.”

“See, thanks to your presence, I had a pretty clear path to the final four a’ the ‘Masters of Wrestlin’’ tournament.” Dentari hastily added with a wry smile, “Whereas I... I just put one more loss on that not so stellar record a’ yours.”

“Yous did a lot for me, Mike.” he continued, “In fact, I’d say yous did more for my career than you’ll ever do for any a’ them students a’ yours.”

Di Luca’s shoulders bounced slightly as he chuckled to himself. Dentari even had to look to the floor for a moment to hide the smirk that had escaped. “But just for you, Mike, I’ll play along.” Dentari almost struggled to say with a straight face, “You wanna make lists? I got a list for you.”

“Do you recognise these names?” Dentari asked as he regained his composure, “Tres Brujas, Blood Diamonds, The Good Fight, Team Danger...”

“See, all a’ them, they’d be excused for wantin’ to get their hands on The Untouchables.” Dentari said as he held his hands together as though they were wrapped around an imaginary neck in front of him, “Some wanna, some don’t. But the fact is ain’t nobody gonna bat an eyelid if tomorrow The Untouchables find ‘emselves on the business end a’ some tongue lashin’ from anyone on that list.”

“Your quest, the one you claim leads you through us, it ain’t unique, it ain’t special.”

“The sooner you an’ your boys realise you’re simply waitin’ in line with a bunch a’ mouthbreathers like yourselves, the better. All beatin’ The Good Fight got yous was an earlier number at the deli counter a’ life.” Dentari said holding up an imaginary ticket, “Thing is, we got there first an’ we ain’t done gettin’ served.”

“Know what that means?” Alceo asked, “That means yous boys are gonna hafta make yourselves comfortable, ‘cause you’re gonna be waitin’ a long, long time.”

“Now, I’d offer up a couple a’ topics a’ conversation to help yous pass the time, but I know Tyson Burke ain’t too keen on speakin’.” Alceo laughed, “An’ I can see why he’d rather use his fists than his words considerin’ the inane bullshit he comes out with.”

“See, you want The Untouchables attention, but you can’t even get in Heidi’s crosshairs when she’s mere feet away from yous.” Dentari said, “An’ that’s ‘cause The Untouchables a’ got bigger fish to fry than you minnows. They got The Good Fight, they got Team Danger...”

“They got us.”

“An’ if yous know anythin’ about anythin’ you’d know that ain’t ‘cause a’ these.” Dentari continued as he slapped the faceplate of his title belt, “It’s ‘cause I’ve been under Heidi’s skin since I arrived in Defiance. It’s ‘cause we got talent. It’s ‘cause fightin’ us actually means somethin’.”

“You, Luke Windham, Curtis Penn...” Dentari said listing their names off on his fingertips, “You boys can throw around all the insults an’ all the threats you want, tell me your gonna bust my jaw, tell us you’re gonna take our titles, call us faceless shapes... It ain’t gonna change the fact that bein’ a silhouette is the best yous can ever aspire to.”

“‘Cause right now... you’re just glass.”

“A transparent group that ain’t nobody lookin’ at.” Dentari said as he shook his head. “They’re all lookin’ through.”

“We ain’t lettin’ go a’ these belts.” Dentari said dismissively as he looked back at the ground, “Not to a bunch a’ nobodies like yous.”

“An’ just so you know....”Dentari said as he looked back up one final time, “‘We ain’t Untouchable.”

“At TV35 we proved we’re better than Untouchable.”

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"You were one of the biggest fan favorites and now… they want to see you get your face bloodied every night."

- Jay Harvey




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2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts