Title: Final Preparations
Featuring: The Legitimate Businessman's Club
Date: 04/11/2013
Location: Brooklyn, New York

“Yous boys know what you’re doin’?”

A nameless face opened the door of the black Lincoln Town Car and held it back to allow Alceo Dentari and Tony Di Luca to step out. Dentari straightened out his jacket and proceeded towards the house, not waiting for Vincent Rinaldi, who struggled to exit the car without the aid of Tony.

“These guys ain’t no Untou-...” Dentari said as he left his associates behind.

With one final heave Di Luca pulled Rinaldi from the car, relieving the suspension of over 360lbs of hulking Italian mass. The two ‘Gorillas’ jogged to catch up with their boss and managed to catch the tail end of what he’d been saying since setting off alone.

“...plan for anythin’.” He said as he turned to face his out of breath boys, “So, either a’ yous got any thoughts?”

Vincent Rinaldi remained as quiet as ever, probably because he was gasping for air after the short run. Tony Di Luca on the other hand cleared his throat and said, “I was thinkin’, Boss. There’s one member a’ that team that ain’t got the experience the other two a’ got.”

“Luke Windham.” Replied Dentari bluntly, “So?”

“So we gotta focus on him, get him in that ring an’ keep him there, see.” said Di Luca.

Alceo sighed amd rubbed the corners of his eyes, “That ain’t the kinda thing I was anglin’ for, Tony.” he said as though it pained him, “Yous think I don’t already know about Sloan’s students? Yous think I weren’t listenin’ as Mikey rattled off each an’ every one a’ the so called accolades they got?”

Tony shook his head vigorously.

“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough.” Dentari said as he looked up at Di Luca, “I was more hopin’ yous was gonna tell me what you’d be doin to ‘em once yous got in there.”

“Oh...” Was the only thing Di Luca could mutter as he tried to think on the fly,  “Well... I guess I could...”

“I’ll tell yous what yous gonna do, Tony.” Said Alceo as he jabbed a finger into his chest, “Yous gonna quit holdin’ back so much. I don’t wanna see yous in no wrestlin’ matches from now on, capiché?”

Tony smiled ever so slightly, “You givin’ me free rein?” He asked as though he didn’t quite believe it.

“You got free rein.” Dentari confirmed, “I want yous to go out there on Sunday an’ I want yous to treat them boys like they ain’t never been treated before. I wanna hear ‘em beg for mercy, I wanna see ‘em cower in fear. You ain’t doin’ your job if that canvas ain’t painted red an’ a pile a’ bones ain’t stacked high in the corner.”

“Tony... I want you to demonstrate to the world just why I brought you in.”

Di Luca smiled and seemed to zone out as his mind raced with all the possibilities that lay before him.

“An’ Vinny!” Dentari said as he turned to the much larger of his associates. “You know what I want from yous?”

Big Vinny, bearing his trademark vacant expression, shook his head slightly.

Dentari poked a finger into Vincent’s vast stomach, “I want yous to get in there, hit ‘em hard, an’ get right back out.” He said as he pointed sideways, probably to signal the direction Rinaldi had to head after he was done. “‘Cause if there’s one thing I don’t want yous doin’ it’s mixin’ it up with no Curtis Penn or Tyson Burke.”

“Yous a hard hitter, Vinny, but them boys a’ Sloan’s ain’t gonna be hangin’ ‘round to get hit, capiche?”  Dentari said as he reached way, way up and slapped him lightly on the cheek, “You pick your spots, you don’t get suckered in, an’ we all walk out with gold still wrapped tight ‘round our waists.”

Vinny nodded, he understood what he needed to do and he wasn’t going to question it. Dentari had led him to gold already and he wasn’t going to question whether or not he could lead him to keep it.

“But...” Dentari exclaimed, making sure to address both men again, “If either a’ yous even think about puttin’ yourself before the team, I’ll make sure I take yous for a ride myself, capiché?”

Dentari turned again to head towards the house, but Tony Di Luca remained static on the spot. He furrowed his brow and mumbled to himself, clearly conflicted over asking the question that was about to fall from his mouth, “Boss, if I could be so bold... What are you gonna be doin’?”

Dentari stopped in his tracks. “Sorry Tony,” Alceo he said as he exaggeratedly cleaned one ear out with his finger, “Could yous repeat that.”

“I uhhh” Stammered Tony, he knew he shouldn’t have asked, but he also knew he had to ask again, “I said, If I could be so bold, what are you gonna be doin?”

Without turning around he , “That’s what I thought I heard.... You know, you’re lucky I like yous, Tony.” But it wasn’t a normal laugh, it was much more uncomfortable than that. “There ain’t many people that I’d let get away with askin’ somethin’ like that.”

Tony smiled slightly, but he knew that was more of a warning than anything else. A warning not to get too wise with his Boss.

“I’ll be out there makin’ sure yous guys do your jobs.” Dentari said as he turned back to his associates, “I’ll be makin’ sure Curtis Penn, Tyson Burke an’ Luke Windham don’t even get a whiff a’ our belts. I’ll be makin’ damn sure we continue functionin’ as a unit. But most of all? I’ll be makin’ sure we make good on our promise, an’ ensure we’re seen an’ heard over all others.”

“Them boys want their actions to speak louder than their words?”

“I’ll make sure ours drown ‘em out.”

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"I don't hate you, son. Think what you will, say what you will, I gave up hating. I have gifts. I have gifts that I have squandered in malice, lust and sloth. I do not wish you harm, Tom, but I will not waste them any longer."

- Kai Scott




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts