Title: Dr. Raymond Cocteau
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: A couple of days ago
Location: Promo Booth


It's funny, Kai.

When I stood next to you this past week, I wanted to hit you. Hard.  Just like when you were heckling me the show before, trying like heck to goad me into something stupid, I wanted to bring my wrath to bear on your face because, for the first time since Alceo Dentari made that same mistake, you brought my family back into public lexicon.

Clearly, with Jane scissoring for dear life and Nicky bullying me around the ring, I didn't have the opportunity to get at you that show, even though I kinda sorta accidentally threw Jane at your feet, causing you to get tripped up.

But last week, I had my shot at you, free and clear. No Untouchables around.  No Dan Ryan in my way. No one between us but Angus Skaaland, and I'd bet he'd have tried to hold you down if I had asked.

But I just...well, couldn't.

I don't know what happened. The intent was there.  The opportunity was there. But I just couldn't pull the trigger.

Under normal circumstances I would say that's on me. I should have acted instead of been a passive figure about the situation. Much like the fault for my loss to Dan Ryan lies squarely on my own forehead...to put it succinctly, I took my eye off the ball and paid for it with a superkick to the back of the head.

But with you it was something different. A subtle feeling...a suggestion implanted in my mind from multiple shows of dealing with you dealing with, as you guys put it last show, "The Light Problem".

And it bothered me greatly backstage last show.


While I watched as you and your team lost the World Trios Titles to, of all people, Mini-Me and his two stooges, I started to piece these last few shows in my mind.

Jeff may be the front man for this whole Untouchables operation. Ronnie may be the heavy, and Heidi may be the assassin.

You're the architect.

You're Dr. Raymond Cocteau.

You're building a society that you consider "better".

Your society.

And if you have to bring with you someone both as lethal and as crazy as Heidi, or as sadistic as Ronnie Long, or as much of a ticking time bomb as Jeff Andrews, then so be it, right?

Call me a relic of the past if you want. Call me too resistant to change to survive. I'll even concede to the caveman reference if you're stuck and need a one-word answer to come after me with something...even though I doubt you need it.

But the fact remains that the factions are coming together against you.

There's the resistance, led by Team Danger.  They remember how society was before your successful social coup.  They're the ones that won't accept your view of who should be on top and who shouldn't. And they've come armed with the weapons and the will to fight the power you hold.

To undo what you've made.

And then there's me.

The Demolition Man.

For the last few weeks, you've tried to "handle" me. You've attempted to twist my direction into one that would point me far away from the course of stopping The Untouchables. That's been your goal all along, because you saw firsthand in the Masters of Wrestling tournament what I am capable of doing when I'm fully engaged.

And you almost succeeded.

You put yourself in a position to control all the chips leading into Untouchable.

But in one swift hammerlock around the ringpost, Heidi undid all your hard work, didn't she?

To be honest, I wasn't thinking that when I charged the ring. All I could think about was that I hoped I could get to ringside in time to save Kelly's arm from being snapped into pieces.

But looking back, that's exactly what she did.

Jeff...your loose cannon, your personal Simon Phoenix...armed her and she pulled the trigger, striking you right in the chest with the bullet.

All that's left to do at Untouchable is to throw another log on the fire.

And watch your society crumble.

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