Title: Detriment this
Featuring: Heidi Christenson
Date: 4/13/13
Location: Promoland

“The next person that says ‘detriment’ or ‘liability’ within my earshot is gonna walk with a limp for the rest of his or her life.”

“I’m absolutely serious.”

“That is, if the rest of the Untouchables man the fuck up " because I can’t do it all by myself, and I’ve been trying.”

“I knew I had this dark side in me, but I fought against bringing it out.  And back in the good days… back in the CAL, in IWA… people cared.”

“Tom Sawyer, little mark that he is, is a perfect example.  He doesn’t care.  He wanted me to be a villain, just so I could fight him.”

“He got what he wanted, didn’t he?”

“But this whole thing with the Untouchables… what happened?  We weren’t supposed to lose to the likes of Alceo Dentari.”

“It’s because we were supposed to…”

“We were supposed to destroy fucking everything, we were supposed to run all over Defiance and burn it to the ground.”

“And now look at this.”

“Jeff, why didn’t the Untouchables find Steve Greer the second he entered the building, break his arms and legs, and put him back where he came from?”

“Even before the thing with the fork and my eye, I had plenty of reasons to hate that guy in particular.  He was supposed to lead the Hydra, and he let Bronson Box make a mess of it because Box was fighting the people he should’ve fought instead.”

“And I haven’t forgotten being pinned to the wall.”

“And I haven’t forgotten ‘derp Heidi sucks and should leave wrestling forever’ but only after he’d already quit so he couldn’t be held responsible for it.”

“Well, why hasn’t he been held responsible now that he’s back?”

“That’s not a rhetorical question, by the way.”

“It’s because when I decided I’d had enough of Team Danger, and I was going to do something about them, and I attempted to hit them where it hurts and take their skank out…”

“Jeff, Kai and Ronnie were standing on the ramp, thinking they’d won, when they hadn’t, because the only win that counts is the one where your opponents are afraid to even look at you…”

“And then everything went to hell, and now we’ve got a 4 on 4.”

 “Christian Light had his chance, Greer can go fucking die in a gutter somewhere, Walker… I don’t even know him, and Kelly should be wrestling with Lisa and Jane on Retaliation…”

“And the Untouchables should still be the Trios Tag Champs…”

“And I shouldn’t have to do this.”

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"Defiance, disobedience, â€"sticking-it-to-the-man”? These are the qualities of a CHILD. An angry adolescent who does not yet possess both the intelligence or mental maturity to navigate a complex world. To be defiant is a child-like cry for help Grown adults don’t defy. Grown adults debate, reason, and compromise. To proudly proclaim yourself as defiant is to admit that your development has been stunted. It is to exclude yourself from adult conversations because your prefrontal cortex has not matured enough for you to exist in civilized society."

- Ned Reform




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