Title: Initiative
Featuring: The Legitimate Businessman's Club
Date: 04/26/13
Location: Brooklyn, New York

“I just don’t think it’s wise is all.”

“Well, Tony, when I wanna know what you think I’ll ask, capiche?”

Tony Di Luca nodded as he leaned back in his chair. He knew bringing the subject up wasn’t going to go down to well, but the question had been eating away at his insides for days.

“You should know, Tony...” Dentari said as he checked his fingernails for dirt, “I don’t appreciate bein’ questioned. What I would appreciate is you worry ‘bout your own job an’ let me handle my business the way I see fit.”

With that Dentari rose from his chair and held an outstretched hand towards the door. “Now, Gentlemen, if there’s nothin’ else, I do have things to do.” He said, picking his voice up slightly.

Tony Di Luca and Vincent Rinaldi knew that was their cue to... how to put it... get the fuck out of Alceo’s office. It didn’t matter if there was another order of business or not, when Dentari pointed to the door, you used it.

“That weren’t no smart move, Vinny.” Di Luca said sounding like he'd been told it wouldn't be wise to go in there as the big, heavy door slammed shut behind them, “But that don't change the fact that the boss has got more pressin’ things to worry about than who is an’ who ain't DEFIANCE world champion.”

Big Vinny, as silent as he ever was, nodded in agreement. He might have been simple, but he was aware he still had a title belt wrapped around his waist.

“These belts is ours ‘cause we worked as a team.” Di Luca said as they started walking down the luxuriously decorated hallway, “We won ‘em as a team an’ we defended ‘em as a team. An’ if the boss starts gettin’ ideas above his station we ain’t gonna be hangin’ on to ‘em for too long, is we?”

Big Vinny shrugged.

“What do you mean?” Di Luca asked as he shrugged right back at Rinaldi, but with the addition of a ridiculous expression pulled on his face, “If we go out there an’ the boss is more concerned with who’s holdin’ the world title than who’s across the ring from us, we ain’t gonna have no good night.”

Vinny bobbed his head, he had to concede that one. Having said that though, he’d much rather have less of a defeatist attitude towards the whole situation, but that’s not what he was paid to do.

“So we gotta get Dentari’s head back where it needs to be.” Di Luca said, trying to move some imaginary object in in front of him, “We gotta get him more concerned with the business than with the COOL.”

“See, all Dentari cares about is bein’ seen an’ bein’ talked about.” Di Luca said, clearly trying to work everything out in his head, “He don’t care what they’re sayin’, as long as they’re sayin’ his name... An’ you know, with Team Danger returnin’, then Cancer Jiles pickin’ up the world title it ain’t no surprise Dentari ain’t the talkin’ point right now...”

Before Big Vinny could react Di Luca slapped him on the chest, “That’s it!” Di Luca exclaimed, “It’s obvious! If we’re gonna make Dentari care more about the business than the world title then we gotta give him somethin’ bigger than the world title to care about...”

“An if we’re gonna do that then we gotta do our jobs a helluva lot better than we’re doin’ now.”

“Vinny, we gotta expand.”

“An’ we gotta do it quick.”

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"You’d help us? That seems like, I don’t know. Some sort of conflict. But I’m interested."

- The D




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


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3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


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2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts