Title: What Ever Happened To Peace, Love and Understanding?
Featuring: Dan Ryan
Date: 4/30/2013
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

April 12, 2002

"We have a situation."

The comment hung in the air as Global X-Treme Wrestling Co-Owner Erik Zieba spoke it. Chad Dupree, the other half of the ownership team said nothing, but stared intently at their World Champion, Dan Ryan.

Ryan cocked his head slightly. "What kind of a situation?"

Dupree pushed a manila folder toward Ryan. He picked it up and opened it as Dupree continued. "Well..."

"It's about Evan Aho."

Ryan's eyebrows raised slightly. "He asked for time off, right? He wanted some time to get over some burnout -- said he needed to get away from the sport for a little while. What about him?"

Zieba gestured in Ryan's direction. "Open the folder."

Ryan did so, and Zieba continued.

"It seems that he's not as burned out as he was letting on when we last met with him."

Ryan's eyes narrowed.

"How so?"

Ryan's flipped a piece of paper inside the folder over and saw a photo that revealed Zieba's next words. Zieba spoke them anyway.

"Not burned out enough to keep him from making a triumphant return to Greensboro by winning the CSWA World Championship at a taping last night."

The irritation in Dan Ryan's face became palpable. "So... what you're telling me is, he gave notice, citing burnout and a desire to take time off from the sport for a little while, but instead signed a secret deal with Greensboro...."

Dupree nodded. "That's the long and short of it."

"And no advance warning?" Ryan snapped the folder shut. Zieba shrugged.

"None. We asked him about it after we heard about it second-hand and he assured us that he meant no deceit."

Ryan smirked. "And what did you say to that?"

Zieba smiled. "We assured him that we had absolutely no problem with it, that we wished him all the best, and we thanked him for his service to the company. Also, even though he's officially done with the company, we invited him back for... Evan Aho Appreciation Night... and he gladly accepted."

"So..." Ryan frowned... deeply. "Why am I here, then?"

"Well..." Zieba glanced at Dupree, whose gaze never left the champion. "We were thinking that since you like to take it upon yourself to defend GXW whenever someone slights us, that you might have an opinion on the matter. So -- do you have an opinion on the matter?"

The words hung in the air. The World Champion stared at his owners, saying nothing, until finally breaking the silence...


"Fuck Evan Aho."

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"I've never been a genius. I'm just a fool who knows how to relate to other fools."

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