Title: How To Save A Life
Featuring: Dan Ryan
Date: 5/3/201
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

July 21, 2005


Lindsay Troy thrust a palm of her hand into the chest of Dan Ryan where, in no small quantity, Marcus Westcott's blood was splashed a few minutes earlier. Ryan looked through her, an empty stare hearing the words but not fully registering any of them.

"Are you listening to me? Goddammit, Dan...."

Troy backed away only a step or two.

"I don't like Marcus any more than you do, but this has gone way too far. You're shutting the company down? Are you serious??"

For the first time, Ryan looks at her, leaning in, eyes intense.

"He's the one the made it personal, Lindz. He's the one that sent that idiot into Empire Pro and tried to play games with my company, my livelihood. I don't believe in fighting back with equal force. When I get punched in the face, I crack his fucking skull, do you hear me?? He gives me a paper cut and I CUT HIS FUCKING THROAT."

Troy takes a deep breath. "Dan...."

Ryan cuts her off, enraged. "DO YOU HEAR ME??"

A piece of wood goes flying past her head and slams into the wall behind her as Ryan rips a small shelf from the wall and flings it. Troy, herself a decade-long veteran of the ring, for her part barely flinches. She's not new to Dan Ryan's temper.

"Dan.... I get it, okay? But there are a lot of people around here who had nothing to do with that. Marcus may be running the show, but we all have a stake in what you're doing right now. You may be trying to hit him where it's hurts... and you're probably right on with your target, but there's so much more to consider."

Ryan, still seething, chest still heaving, leans in again.

"I will not stop until I have Marcus Westcott's head on a platter, and there's nothing you or anyone else can say that can save him. So -- do me a favor and save your breath."

Ryan turns away, roughly ripping his elbow pad from his arm and slamming it into an open bag.

"Paul will stand up for this company, you know."

No physical reaction, just words. "Let him try."

"Dan, he's your best friend......"

Still nothing.

"....He's your best friend... but he loves this place. He won't let you do this."

Ryan stops and slowly turns around. "Like I said, let him try. If that's the choice he's making, I'll make him bleed as well."

"Dan...." Troy puts a hand on his shoulder. "Think this through. Let's talk about this... there has to be another way."

Ryan slowly and methodically picks up her hand and removes it from his shoulder.

"I've done enough talking. I've done enough listening. I've made my decision... and it's final. And truthfully? -- I'm sick of listening to you, too..." The bag quickly goes from the bench up and over his shoulder as he turns to the door. "If you want any memories of this place, I suggest you start snapping some pictures now...."

Ryan throws one more glance over his shoulder as he goes out the door.

"They may have started it -- but I'm finishing it...."

May 3, 2013

"I'm glad you could make it."

Dan Ryan throws a couple bags into the back of a pickup truck, momentarily to be on its way to the arena. Lindsay Troy leans against it, smiling. "Someone's gotta watch my niece while you go get your head bashed in."

Ryan raises an eyebrow. "Who says I'm the one whose head gets bashed in tonight?"

Troy shrugs.

"Who knows? I know very little about Bronson Box, but I've heard the same things you've heard. Isn't he something of a big deal?"

Ryan looks her straight in the eyes. "As far as DEFIANCE goes, he's as big a deal as there is."

"I see..." Troy nods knowingly. "That explains it then."

Ryan smiles, amused. "You know me."

"Damn right I know you." Troy puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles. "You never could turn down a good fight."

Ryan chuckles, turning back to the truck and making sure everything is in its place.

"If it's isn't a good fight -- then what's the point? Good fights are all that matter. I could show up in Viking Wrestling tomorrow if I wanted to dominate a place. Domination from a sheer overwhelming lack of competition is too easy. This is where the good fights ARE."

Trademark Lindsay Troy smirk. "Well, I'll make sure your child continues to live in blissful ignorance that her father injures other men for a living."

Ryan opens the front door, ready to head out. "I appreciate that. Alaina's away at a conference or else she'd be home with her."

"Hey..." Lindsay Troy held her hands wide, a half-sincere mock smile on her face. "What are sister-in-laws for? You just take care of yourself."

Ryan climbsd in, buckling up and turning the engine over.

"Bronson Box likes to start shit up...." Ryan picks up a pair of sunglasses and puts them on, looking forward.

"I'll finish it."

More Propaganda | View Dan Ryan's Biography




- Carlo Amaretto




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