Title: C-word
Featuring: Heidi Christenson
Date: June 23, 2013
Location: Promoville

“Curtis Penn.”

“You contemptible little manfaggot.”

[Cold open.]

[Heidi Christenson.]

[She’s wearing a burnt umber sports bra and black gi pants hanging low over her hips, and her newly messy hair hangs around her shoulders. The backdrop is irrelevant.]

[Those two DEFsec guys are standing behind her. Jamie Stanley has his thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans, and Sam, who doesn’t have a last name yet, has his arms folded across his chest.]

“Ever since I put your mentor on the shelf, you’ve been all about the revenge.”

“Every time you’ve opened your mouth, you’ve found some reason to mention me.”

“Funny thing, isn’t it?”

“All you’ve had to say about anything is how you couldn’t wait to get your hands on me, couldn’t wait to get your revenge, you were gonna do so many horrible things to me and you were gonna cripple me for life and I was a cunt and a whore and all that other shit, and I kinda laughed, because, if you haven’t been paying attention...”

“And you clearly haven’t been...”

“You’d be aware that I’ve been tearing people apart for that particular bit of unimagination.”

“Oh, hey, it’s a girl, let’s call her a cunt.”

“Because god forbid you come up with something personal to the woman who injured your mentor.”

“No, let’s just go through all the usual girl insults.”

[Heidi sighs and rolls her eyes.]

“But here’s the best part.  You talk and talk about how you’re gonna do unspeakable things to me, and then as soon as you actually get a chance... it’s all ‘oh I do respect her as an athlete’ and ‘oh well Mike Sloan can fuck off’ and ‘oh I’m not even gonna brag about how I’ll beat her.’ You know why, right?”

“Because he knows I’ve been listening to every word he said about me.”

“And just because I’ve been more interested in terrorizing Tom Sawyer than I have been in shutting you up, that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to pay you back for each and every syllable about me that fell out of your mouth.”

[Heidi licks her lips, and her gaze goes unfocused for a second.]

“Take it from someone who’s already done it, Curtis, the only person that ruined the Mike Sloan Experience is you. The only thing you’ve ever done is won the WWA World TAG TEAM titles, with Pete Whealdon of all people, and ever since you got trios’d, you’ve been on and on about how you’re a singles wrestler you’re a singles wrestler, you can say that all you want but you aren’t.”

“If Mike’s back, and he should be because I deliberately didn’t cripple him for life although I easily could’ve, he can start teaming with Burke and Windham and maybe actually succeed because the weak link of the team got a high opinion of itself and swaggered off.”

“Meanwhile you’ll just be here in Defiance, realizing that you are fucking doomed, and trying to go back on all the shit you’ve been talking enough that I’ll just beat you instead of making an example of you.”

“Well, I’m gonna make an example of you, actually. Luckily for you I’m not going to try and cripple you, even though that’s only cos those two won’t let me.”

[She points over her shoulder with her thumb in the general direction of Sam and Jamie.]

“But there’s no rule in Dane’s bullshit rules he’s got me under about embarrassing you so bad you never want to show your face in Defiance again.”

“I can’t literally take your balls, Curtis, I’d get tazed if I tried.”

“But metaphorically? By the time I get done with you, I’ll be able to call you a cunt.”

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"GAME ON!!!!"

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