Title: I'm free
Featuring: Heidi Christenson
Date: 8/2/2013
Location: Heidi's garage

The princess spoke up for the first time in a long time today.

I’d gotten so used to ignoring her that at first I didn’t even realize it was coming from her.

As a matter of fact, the time I first realized it was her, I was sitting in the garage in my house.  Most of the garage was devoted to clutter - boxes of wrestling memorabilia mostly, and the rest of it old clothing, but I’d cleaned a space for my new trophy.

A yellow VF-1000 motorcycle, compliments of Tom Sawyer.

She was saying something about how we were going to Maryland, and she’d never gotten to wrestle Python before, and couldn’t I please please take it easy for one show and go back to messing with Sawyer next card because she’d almost gotten to wrestle Python on the last OLW show but then...

“You tapped out.” I snarled at her.  “And you nearly got your back broke by Impact. Don’t talk to me about OLW. Beautiful Dreamer failed for the first time ever, and they cheered your enemy.  OLW is nothing to you.  Fuck OLW.”

She said something about... well, I didn’t really understand, but she was complaining. Arguing.  I stiffened my fingers, pressed my nails into my forehead, until the pain became sharp enough that she shut up.

“You never had any fans.  OLW never cared.  IWA sided with Team Danger over you.”

She didn’t answer, and I thought that settled it.

Then I found myself opening one of the old boxes, and pulling out a T-shirt that said ‘HeiWA’ on it.

“When I first showed up on Defiance, I told my real fans to quit watching, because I was going to do horrible things that I didn’t believe in.  And then I did.  And then I tried making up for it, and Eric Dane got pissed off at me because good guys don’t have a place in Defiance.  So then I became exactly what Defiance wanted.  And everyone’s still dissatisfied.”

I folded the shirt, and put it back.

“There’s this old saying, it goes, ‘be careful what you wish for’, and just because Defiance didn’t listen doesn’t mean I have to change anything.”

I waited, but the princess didn’t say anything.  She’d given up.

So I climbed up on the motorcycle.

Then I decided I’d set a camera up.  A backdrop of old boxes and a freezer wasn’t exactly the backdrop I’d have chosen for a pro wrestling rant, but whatever.



“Let me explain something to you, you smug little shit.”

“I have a liberty that you don’t even understand.”

“I quit caring.”

“I did everything I could to please the masters that be, whether they were Eric Dane deciding he hated me because of one bad show, or Kai Scott trying to pretend that he cared about the Untouchables as anything other than an emotional crutch to complement the metal one he has to drag around with him.”

“And when I did, they not only didn’t thank me - they didn’t even understand what I was doing.”

“Then I gave up on all that shit.”

“And I became free.”

“So, I know this is one of those things where I’m supposed to threaten you, and talk about what a big deal this match is, but here’s the thing.”

“It’s not.”

“Do you really think you can fix what I’m doing to Defiance by pinning me?  Tyrone Walker did just the other week - did it save Tom Sawyer? Did it save him?  Of course not. Tyrone didn’t even make it backstage before I made him sorry that he ever won that match.  As far as Tom goes... look what I’m sitting on.”

“It’s a motorcycle.  You want to make the obvious joke about me enjoying having something between my legs, go on, say it... I’d hope you were better than that, but then, if you’re criticizing me I already know you’re not, so do your worst you little shit.”

“You can beat me.... you can beat me in five minutes and it won’t change a thing. Losing a match to you isn’t going to make me realize the error of my ways, and you’re not capable of scaring me. Look what Dane puts me through every week - you think you have anything at all that I’m scared of?”


“I’m not like you anymore, Matt.”

“I’m free as the birds. I’m soaring like a fucking eagle.  I’m a Haast Eagle and Defiance is my prey - and you’re just an unsuspecting nobody who’s gonna get your head caved in by my talons... or legs or whatever, the second you step out into the open and make yourself a target.”

“And to restate a tired point, I don’t need to wait for a wrestling match to do that.”

“The sad part is - I remember a time when I liked you.  Remember that time I taught you the new way to apply The Constrictor?  That was fun.  And there’s this little sad irrelevant voice even now that would like it if I took it easier on you than I have been on the likes of Sawyer and Walker.”

“So... in remembrance of a time when things were better, I’ll give you an opportunity.”

Run, Python.  Run, run, run as far away as you can.  I’m dragging everything I can get my hands and legs on straight down to hell.  Get out of here while you’ve still got a chance.”

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"Ya stupid baw juggler!"

- Gage Blackwood




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