Title: Putting the "You" in Funeral...
Featuring: Sam Horry
Date: Yesterday
Location: Japan


There's nothing like in the world, especially on a memory foam bed.  When you're lazy like Sam tends to be, this is an especially pleasant treat.  And when you've been training to face a masked sumo wrestler, these moments are few and far between.

A piece of his heart breaks when his alarm goes off.

"F%@*, I left the tv on, again."  Sam groggily mumbled as he sat up in bed.

A television watching Sam as he slept was a normal enough occurrence.  But as fluent as he is in the Japanese language, Sam found himself questioning if the report on the news he heard was either true, or his half awake state playing a cruel joke.  So he played it again.

"Having suffered a fatal heart attack 2 days ago.  Notorious crime figure, Matsui Sakurai will be laid to rest today..."

Matsui Sakurai was the head of a major Japanese crime syndicate that indulged in racketeering, murder and drugs.  His reach was long and powerful, which was due mostly to him staying in the shadows.  He took in a 17 year old Sam, and fine tuned him into one of the deadliest  enforcers Japan had ever known.  They were close like father and son, until they had a parting of the ways.  

A blood feud ensued,  Sakurai shattered Sam's life; Sam demolished his empire.


A black Perry Ellis suit flew onto the bed, laying across his lap.  Sam turned to see Jeanie in the doorway of his bedroom.  She was already dressed in a black v-neck, wrap-skirt from DKNY.

"Get dressed.  We're going."  Jeanie ordered.




The drive over to the cemetary was obscenely quick.  It was amazing Jeanie had remembered the roads so well.  A lot of time has passed since they were here last.  But when it came to the man being buried, vivid memories are all too commonplace.

Sam, now in his black suit, white shirt and black tie prepared to walk with Jeanie on the gravel path that led to Sakurai's burial plot.   Sam slowed down.  The enormity of what this means to him, to both of them is starting to settle in.

Jeanie took a look back at him and extended her hand.  "Come on."  She said.

Hand in hand, they stood almost inconspicuously among the gathered.  Everyone in attendance were given roses which they laid on the casket being lowered into the ground.  Sam and Jeanie were last to approach the casket.

"You made me abandon twisted my perceptions of what was good and right.  Then you turned me loose against everything and everyone I loved."  Sam began coldly.  "Then you killed my son, and ruined my marriage.  This date is usually a good day, but somehow it's all about you."  

Jeanie squeezed Sam's hand tighter.

"I should've been the one to end your life, and you robbed me of that too."  Sam knocked a few roses off the casket.  "Hope you're in as much agony as possible down there."

They stood there for a few more moments, as Jeanie rested her head on Sam's shoulder.  When they turned around a Japanese man stood holding an envelope.

"You have been invited, sir."  He gave a slight bow.




The palace like home of Matsui Sakurai was crowded with wall-to-wall guests.  Sam and Jeanie did their best to blend in, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves.  Eventually they found themselves standing on the top of the stairs, looking down and into the crowd.

"It's like a who's who of Japan's dirbags."  Sam then pointed.  "See him down there?  Chopped off the arm of a bank president after he didn't pay back a loan.  The girl in the green dress across the way?  Tried to poison me once because she thought I was cheating at poker."

"Which you totally were, and lemme guess...you were f*#%ing her too."  Jeanie rolled her eyes.

 "Aw come on, all of us were cheating; we're criminals."  Sam reasoned with his hypnotic grin.  "I was just the only one to cheat with 5 aces, apparently that's frowned upon.."

Jeanie's eyes burned a hole through Sam.

"Yeah, I was f*#%in' her."  Sam sheepishly admitted.   "But then she got all clingy."

"You're impossible, you know that?"  Jeanie shook her head.

The dinner bell chimed.  The gentlemen who handed them the invitation earlier appeared in front of the great fireplace.

"May I have your attention please?"  He began.  "As Sakurai, Matsui has departed this life, it has been decided that Takayama, Kaol will be his successor."

Dressed in a white business suit with orange tie and matching kerchief,  Kaol addressed everybody to a smatter of applause.

"Today begins a new journey for us all.  As the appointed--"

Gunfire rang out through the enormous home.   Everyone took cover including Sam and Jeanie who turned a table over.  The gunman wasn't alone as three others soon followed him.  Kaol was shielded and quickly rushed from the scene, the other men of ill repute soon began defending themselves with gunfire of their own.

"Looks like we're gonna have to fight our way outta here, Jeanie."  Sam said.  "Go out there and give me an idea of just how over our heads we are.  If you don't make it back, I guess that means it's real bad."

"You know, just once, I'd like that when our lives are being threatened, you resist the urge to become an asshole."  Jeanie complained.

"Suddenly, being trapped in Mushighiara's gravitational pull isn't so bad."  Sam deadpanned.  He looked over at Jeanie.  "You think he took his driver's license picture with that mask on?"

Letting out an agitated sigh, Jeanie kicked off her Jimmy Choos, and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles.  After she put her shoes into her bag, she rolled closer to Sam. 

"Are you ready?"  Jeanie asked.

"On three."  Sam motioned with his fingers.  "One.....two.....three."

Not sure whether it would be the last one they ever had, Sam and Jeanie shared a kiss, before charging into battle.  Both used their considerable martial arts prowess to catch everyone they came into contact with off guard.  Jeanie rocked one with a three hit, brass knuckles assisted punch combo.  Sam suplex a gunman on his neck. 

"Move your butt, Jeanie!"   Sam yelled out.

"You're not the one in a dress having to keep their kicks low so that nobody looks at your hoo-ha."  She clinched one and drilled him with a knee then huge uppercut.

"So wear underwear next time."  Sam cracked another gunman with a roundhouse kick to his temple.  "Who goes commando to a funeral?

Sam's lapse in concentration led to his being hit in the back of his head with a vase sending him down in a heap.

"Figures."  Jeanie rolled her eyes.

"Stop right there, gaijin dog."  The main gunman pointed at Jeanie.  He then looked at a dazed Sam, mask to face.  "Do you know how much money I can get for your head right now?"

"4 easy payments of $29.99 p-plus 5 dollars shipping and handling?"  Sam let out a tired guess.

With fright in her eyes, Jeanie watched as the gunman placed his gun on Sam's forehead.

"Stand down."  a voice called out coming down the stairs.

The gunman removed his gun as instructed.  The person who ordered it walked down the stairs and stood in front of Sam.

"You sure have balls, you know that?  Do you know how many people--in here alone--want you dead?  That's before the bounty on your head."  

"Nice to see you too Itsu."  Sam stood to his feet with Jeanie's help. "I have a match this weekend if you're lookin' for something to do.  Oooh and you can bring your guys too, but they gotta leave their guns behind."

Itsu is a master thief and friend to Sam.  She too was an apprentice of the recently departed Sakurai; who also destroyed her life.

"I...just had to see it for myself."  She said.  "He's really gone, isn't he?"

"Seems that way."  Sam nodded..  "I just needed closure, I guess."

Itsu heard the sound of sirens, as she motioned for her team to leave.  She took the time to give Sam a hug before kissing his cheek.

"I'm glad to see you've moved on, considering everything."  Itsu smiled as they were leaving.  "Maybe I'll do the same."

"Take care of yourself Itsu."  Sam waived.

Itsu gave a slight bow, as Sam did the same.  Before long her and her crew had gone.  Sam kept a cautious eye on Itsu knowing her skill set, he knew there was likely something more to her appearance.  That eye however, was on her just a tad too cautiously for Jeanie. 

"So....f*%#ed her too, eh?"  Jeanie furrowed her eyes as they walked out.

With the sirens also came television cameras.  Sam and Jeanie who were questioned by the local authorities found themselves approached by a camera crew as they were about to leave with the limo that brought them there.

"Sam?  Matsui Sakurai was a rather notorious crime figure."  The reporter began.  "Why are you here at his funeral? 

Sam looked nervously at Jeanie.  His past life is not something the general public are aware of, and he rather keep it that way.  So he thought fast...

"W-why am I here at this funeral.  Well...why not?  It's a funeral.  I'm here so that I can give Mushighiara, my opponent this week a little taste of what he's in for when we meet in the ring.  No I'm not gonna kill him physically, that would be too easy.  I'm gonna kill his character. I'm gonna bury the power of the Philosopher Kings.  He walks around with the rest of his trio thinkin' that they're above us all, I'm gonna ruin that.  Even with a mask on, I'm gonna expose him for being a pretentious, sanctimonius...."

Thats when the reporter left with her camera man to cover more on the shootout.

"....I wasn't finished yet."  Sam called out.  "Did I mention Mushighiara's a really bad speller too, and that he sucks at arts and crafts?  I mean just look at his mask.  Am I right?"

"Sam, she's gone."  Jeanie pointed towards the door of their limo.  "Let's just go."

Inside the black, stretch Lincoln Continental, Sam held a cold can of Pepsi over his head.  Jeanie sat back with her legs crossed watching the news on the small television inside the limo.  The shootout was already being reported.

"A match with Mushighiara, and burying that bastard Sakurai all in the same week?  That's a lot to have just fall on your lap at once, I'll give you that Sam."  Jeanie said.  "But you always find a way don't you?  You don't run from it, you don't dance around it, you just go through it.  Just know I'm always in your corner, I mean I know I haven't always..."

She noticed Sam snoring with the can still pressed on his head.

"SAM!!"  She shouted.

"What?  What happened? Mushi's in the car?"  Sam snapped awake.

"Did you hear anything I just said?"  She switched the crossing of her legs.

"Yeah, you said you were gonna find a way to give me a lap dance."  Sam said groggily. 

"You're such a dick.  You know that?"  Jeanie then smiled and grabbed Sam's hand.  "Happy Ex-Husband anniversary, Sammy."

Sam returned the smile.  "Happy Ex-Wife anniversary, Jeanie."

Jeanie took Sam hand, wrapping his arm around her as she curled up underneath him.


"Next year, we order Chinese."  She said.

More Propaganda | View Sam Horry's Biography



"You see folks, I’m here for one simple reason. History. And DEFIANCE? Ohhhh, she’s absolutely brimming with it! She has so much of it in fact that astronauts can see it glistening from orbit in their little shuttles. Truth be told, I like to mine that stuff like bitcoin. Because history… well, it’s the lifeblood of tomorrow. It’s the "nulla terram" for one’s destiny. It’s the first blot of ink scratched onto the parchment of eternity, and it just so happens that I, Arthur Pleasant, am the feather that puts the two together."

- Arthur Pleasant




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