Title: After DEF TV 45
Featuring: Jane Katze
Date: 10 Feb 2015
Location: Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Backstage Parking Area

[Long flawless legs, blue pencil skirt and blazer, white blouse, trademark red heels and lipstick. Jane Katze turns heads as she makes her way out of the building proper. The former girl Friday to former DEFIANCE money man Edward White walks with confidence past crew and members of the roster still milling about as the fans still roar for the main event out in the arena.]




[Jane cocks an ear to listen to the raucous reaction.]

[Before long she walks up on a long black limo idling in the parking area. The driver hurries around, opens the back door and allows her to gingerly slide into the nearest seat, smoothing out her skirt as she does so. The driver pushes the door closed, the interior of the limo is dark. Jane sits with her hands folded neatly in her lap and her eyes fixed on far end of the limo.]


[A figure can be seen sitting across from Jane bathed in darkness.]

I’ve found with people like Eric and Kelly it’s best to let them make the decision for themselves, let them feel like it was their idea. Makes things unfold a little smoother. She’s interested, I could tell. He will be too, you know he will.

[Miss Katze smiles.]

Patience is a virtue, after all.

[We fade to black as the limo slowly slides its way out of the arena.]

More Propaganda | View Jane Katze's Biography



"...Have you ever… truly… seen... what blood looks like in the soft glow of the moonlight? I doubt you have. You and the rest of the Gulf Coast have sat there amongst yourselves, protected and unassailed for far too long to think of such things. So allow me to enlighten you, Teddy. Allow me to stick a needle in that career bubble of yours and shed some… light… on some finer things in life. It’s… black. It’s… alien. It’s... beautiful. And when I open you the fuck up in front of the entire world, I want you to think about that. I want you to ponder it. Visualize it, if you will. Take in its unique artistry like you’ve never even imagined. This way, when the last drop drains from your emptied corpse, your last thoughts on Earth will be a… pleasant one."

- Arthur Pleasant




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