Title: To School
Featuring: Christian Light
Date: July 24th, 2012
Location: Defiance Promo Studio


“Did you go to school as a youth, Claira?”
[We do a hard cut into the scene.  Front and center we have the Last Nighthawk, wearing a Pirates T-shirt and blue jeans and stroking his goatee thoughtfully.  Behind him stands a whiteboard with Heritage logos drawn in red in the corners.]
“The Last Nighthawk” Christian Light:
After being up and down the roads, I learn to never assume anything about anyone’s past, hence the question.
As to the question’s origin, as a side effect of taking time between shows to enroll my kids in pre-school, I was brought back to my own school days and how I felt about them.  In the interview process...yes, they had one, which is absurd for a pre-school...they asked the kids what their favorite subject was.  As they answered, I remembered which subject I hated the most in school.
The Square Root of all evil.
[SFX: Trombone.  “Wah wah waaaaaaaaaaah...”]
As you can tell, I also failed "Class Clown 101".  But that’s another story.
Now, Millersburg had its share of weirdness for sure, but in my grade level we had an abnormal amount of math love that I couldn't understand. While other kids were begging for more word problems, I was struggling with what two by eleven was.
Thankfully, we have a Professor and his Danish colleague in Defiance that did the math for me.
[It’s at this point that Light steps aside to his left.  Drawn in black on the board behind him...”22”.]
Twenty two was the answer.  Which is funny, since it’s the number of points at stake for me.  Is it on my mind?  Sure, why wouldn't it be?  An eleven point lead in the standings going into The Match Beyond is nothing to sneeze at.  Ultimately, regardless of the playoff system that is agreed upon by all parties, being in first exponentially increases my chances at being included, and being included means I have a shot at winning it all.
But am I worried about it?
Not really. Matches aren't won with addition or subtraction.  They're won with suplexes and submissions, technique and endurance.  They're won by men and women with the guts to step up, stand out, and be counted amongst the elite fighters in the wrestling world.
But you already know that, Claira.  Your past opponents lay strewn at your feet, a testament to your understanding of this.  
Which brings us to my other point.
My favorite subject.
[At this point, Christian takes another step to his left, reaches up to the side of the whiteboard, and turns a crank.]
[The whiteboard turns, and we're presented with a new listing.  It is two columns, one labeled "Light" and one labeled "St. Sure".  In each column is a list, by show, of each opponent the two have had. Some have been boxed-in with red marker, identifying common opponents.  Others are X'd out in black showing those are no longer in Defiance.  The two weeks Claira fought and Light didn't, Christian has a solid black box in his column.]
As you can see, today's concentration happens to be our mutual Defiance schedules. And I must say, the body of work to this point has been impressive, especially considering that, if we're discounting Heidi as a statistical outlier, you've been outweighed by no less than 70 pounds in every single match. And seeing as we were both in the ring against some of the same opponents...JGX and Adam Waterman chief amongst them...I understand very well how tough they can be.
I've watched tape after tape of your path of destruction, and I've watched your unique skillset baffle men with expert training and years of experience in the wrestling industry. I was front and center on the apron when I watched you tie up Bronson Box in the Truly Untouchabreaker. I winced as you kicked Edward White in the head, almost as if I felt the impact.
I don’t need historical sources to know how deadly you can be at any weight class.  I’ve seen it for myself.  But there are also plenty of accounts of your battle prowess.  History is written by the winner, after all.  
But you know what the fun thing about history is, Claira?
It's fluid.
Its constantly changing.  Every.  Single. Day.
[Light reaches off-screen and we hear the sound of squeaky wheels.  With a light tug, Light wheels in a bookstand with an open book on it, with the book facing the camera.  Inside the book are two pages. The right one is blank.  The left one only has a title: "Herirtage 8: Christian Light vs. Claira St Sure".]
We've worked the matches. We've beaten all those who came before us. Every action we've taken since Heritage season 1 has led us to this moment.  This epic confrontation. This clash of Defiance titans.
People have anticipated this collision course for several shows, and now, the waiting is almost done. The talking is nearly at an end.  In front of the thousands in East Lansing, Michigan, you and I will step into the ring for the first time.  When we do, there will be so much more on the line than points. 
So much more than captainship of Team Heritage.
[It's at this time that Light pulls out a black Bic pen from his right pants pocket.]
This coming show, we will write our own history.
Will it be the story of the young and hungry Claira St. Sure, defying the critics and winning yet another marquee match on her way to a legendary career?
Or will it be the story of the timeless Last Nighthawk, staving off yet another game challenger and reclaiming his spot at the top of the mountain?
[Leaning forward, Light places the pen he was holding onto the bookstand in front of the book.]
The pen is waiting for its guiding hand.
[Light walks off-shot to his left as we focus on the blank pages.]

More Propaganda | View Christian Light's Biography



"Match. Tourney. Title."

- Lindsay Troy




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5. Brock Newbludd


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3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts