Title: A Very Black Out Christmas (part 2)
Featuring: "Black Out" Pat Cassidy
Date: December 25, 2020
Location: Boston, MA - The Cassidy Household

Ladies and gentlemen, we are live from this DEFIANCE PPV, and here in our main event… Pat Cassidy is in a bad way!

That’s right, Darren. That’s very right, Darren. Mikey Unlikely is putting the boots to Cassidy, and it’s not looking good for the Scrapper from Southie! You’re very right, Darren.

With a villainous sneer, Mikey Unlikely continue to reign kicks down onto the downed form of “Black Out” Pat Cassidy who tries desperately to cover up. Mikey laughs at Cassidy, knowing that this match is surely over, and he turns to yell out into the cascade of booing fans.

Mikey: [laughs]
I’m such a dickhead! I can’t be stopped! 

Suddenly, as if by magic, Pat Cassidy’s hand starts to shake. The shake travels up his arm and into his body, and before you know it, he’s on his feet! The pulse, the energy, the lifeblood of The Faithful is running through him! Mikey turns back around… and is shocked to find Cassidy standing! Cassidy points at Mikey as the fans explode!!

Pat Cassidy is alive!! Pat Cassidy is feeding off these fans and he’s got his eyes locked on our FIST!

That’s right, Darren!!

Mikey fires off a punch to Cassidy - but Cassidy no sells! Another - it only seems to make Cassidy angrier! The fans are going BANANAS! Finally, Cassidy blocks Mikey’s third punch, hits him with a quick boot to the gut, and then locks in…




Cassidy hooks the leg…






Cassidy leaps to his feet, and somehow, the FIST is already in his hand and he holds it high to the cheering fans. A gaggle of DEFIANCE wrestlers suddenly appear in the ring: Brock Newbludd, Lindsay Troy, Doug “Moonshine” Matton, Trashcan Tim, and others. They lift Cassidy up high into the air and parade him around the ring as he holds the FIST high.

When they place Cassidy down, Christie Zane attempts to get a quick interview with him… but Cassidy swats the mic away and gently brushes her hair back… leaning her back into a kiss! Everyone cheers! Everyone loves this! Everything is great! YES! 

Cassidy picks up the discarded mic and lifts it to his mouth. He’s ready for a song… when suddenly, Brock Newbludd whacks him on the back rather hard. Cassidy turns to Brock quizzically.

Wake up, doofus.

Cassidy is confused. What? This time, Trashcan Tim whacks Cassidy over the head.

Trashcan Tim:
Wake up, doofus. 

Cassidy is confused… and even more confused when he realizes that he’s not wearing any clothes! As The Faithful burst into laughter, he quickly uses the FIST to cover up his twig and berries. All the wrestlers in the ring begin to laugh at him: Brock, Tim, Troy, Matton… but also Mikey Unlikely, Conor Fuse, The Dunson Clan, Stalker, Rezin, Tom Morrow, The Stevens Dynasty… all the wrestlers along with the crowd continue to point and laugh as Cassidy desperately tries to cover up and the world begins to spin...



“Wake UP, doofus.”

With a start, Cassidy opens his eyes. It all begins to come back to Pat… he’s home… in his childhood bedroom… and...

It's Christmas.


Pat Cassidy friggin’ loves Christmas.

It’s funny how we revert back to previous versions of ourselves in the right settings, isn’t it? Now matter how much we grow as people, put us back into a familiar environment and habits - both good and bad - seem to resurface in a hurry.

And so it goes with Cassidy - Christmas time in his parent’s household is a time held sacred, and the man known as “Black Out” who kicks the crap out of people for a living and spends his free time in bar room brawls is overwhelmed with a child-like sense of wonder at this time of year. It’s certainly not a side of himself he’d like to show the world of DEFIANCE - but here, away from the bright lights? He’s home.

And so on this Christmas morning, in the year of our lord 2020, Pat walks into his parent’s living room with certain expectations: his mom, trimming her world-famous Christmas tree. His father, sipping some cocoa (with a little extra something something) and watching A Christmas Story, flanked by Cassidy’s many nieces and nephews. His two older brothers, Bobby and Colm, challenging him to a quick game of football in the backyard. His younger sister Cailin helps their Mom in the kitchen while Siobhan builds a snowman outside. It’s a happy scene. It’s a comforting scene.

And it’s nothing like what he finds this morning.

His father, Frank, does sit in his armchair… but the TV isn’t on, and instead the Cassidy patriarch is scrolling through his iPhone. The only sibling in sight is his youngest sister, Ballyhoo Brew’s own Siobhan, who sits on the couch and ALSO is scrolling through her phone. There’s no Christmas music playing. The tree looks a little more… sad than usual. The TV sits in the corner, unused. 

Cassidy blinks. He plops down on the couch, next to Siobhan. Neither Sibohan nor his father acknowledge his presence. Cassidy clears his throat. No response.

So, Dad… when are the kids getting here? I’m looking forward to some Christmas Story.

Frank Cassidy: [not looking up from his phone]
Kids ain’t coming.

Wait… what?

Frank Cassidy:
Your brother and his wife are spending today with her family. 

What? Are you fucking serious? It's...it’s Christmas.

Frank Cassidy:
Crime doesn’t stop on Christmas, Pat. Cailin can’t make it either.

Frank hasn’t looked up the entire time. Pat is beside himself.

You’re telling me - I’ve got six siblings… and all I get today is her?

Cassidy jerks his thumb toward Siobahn, who is intensely texting away on her phone. She sighs and looks up for the first time.

Siobhan Cassidy:
Did you know Brock opened the bar today? I guess there’s a real banger going on right now.

Siobhan sighs, clearly upset that she’s not back in New Orleans enjoying the party at her new job as bartender at Ballyhoo Brew. Pat sits back for a minute, running his hands up and down over his eyes. Finally, he stands.

I just need to get this straight. Here I stand… dressed like Captain fucking Christmas…

Cassidy motions to both the very loud Christmas sweater that he’s wearing and the santa hat on his head.

...and somehow, I’m the only member of this fucking family that gives two shits about Christmas?

No response. Siobhan is back to texting - she stops to take a picture of herself, frowning - and Frank also resumes his scrolling. Cassidy looks to be at his wit’s end.

Where’s Mom?

Frank Cassidy:
She’s upstairs. Ordering dinner.

Pat Cassidy’s mouth drops open.

Ordering… dinner? ORDERING?

Frank finally looks up from his phone, his face scowling.

Frank Cassidy:
Your mother is too tired to cook today. She worked a double shift at the hospital last night. Some of us don’t spend our days running around in tights and getting drunk, you know.

That’s it. The final straw. Cassidy’s eyes open wide, and finally he barks out a laugh with zero humor behind.

Alright. Well that’s great, guys. Since I seem to be the only one who gives two shits about family tradition around here… I’m out.

Without another word, Cassidy marches out of the living room, through the kitchen, and out the side down into the bitterly cold Boston air. If his family wasn’t going to make Christmas happen… well, sometimes you gotta go where everybody knows your name…


More Propaganda | View "Black Out" Pat Cassidy's Biography




- Conor Fuse




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts