Title: Help Me
Featuring: Titanes Familia
Date: 2/24/21
Location: Ballyhoo Brew

Ballyhoo Brew
Feb 24th, 2021 5:54 PM

Reading the latest news on defiancewrestling.com from his cell phone, Uriel Cortez sits in one of the few chairs that Ballyhoo Brew had for the vertically-endowed and mutters to himself. 

Uriel Cortez:
He’s… he’s really doing it, Mateo… son of a bitch…

The luchador sits across from Uriel, looking pretty crestfallen himself with both hands buried in his arms on the table. He stops sulking just long enough to look up at Uriel. 

Uriel Cortez:
I… this was my fault… he should be here with us now, putting Junior’s head on pike… I… 


Minute starts. 

You been saying same thing for weeks. I should have seen a switch coming with the Lucks. We wouldn’t be here if not for me. Pfft… Fuck the Lucks. Grandes pendejos...

Minute is trying in vain to cheer up his best friend, who’d been in something of a funk over the last few weeks after the fallout of DEFIANCE Road. Once again, they had Tom Morrow dead to rights… and once again, Morrow escaped without the beating he deserved thanks in part to a little game of “twin switch” pulled off by the twin brother tandem they fought for the rights to their name. 

Uriel Cortez:
I know what you’re trying to do, Mateo. Look, man… I keep trying find the good out of this, but what the fuck is it? We just lost everything we’ve built and worked for. We can’t use the Sky High Titans name, I can’t use my “Titan of Industry” moniker. Them fancy suits are gone. That limo got wrecked by the Lucks when they chucked my ass on it. I don’t even know what fucking theme music we can use next time we wrestle! I…  I’m lost! I’m fucking lost!

Uriel’s voice booms throughout, attracting the unwanted attention of several other patrons. Uriel takes a deep breath and raises a hand to the crowd to put them at ease, showing he’s a little calmer now. He goes back to his partner.  

Uriel Cortez:
And… we don’t have Tom anymore.

He gestures back to the new news article about Thomas Keeling’s pending retirement due to injuries sustained by The Lucky Sevens.

Uriel Cortez:
In every part of my career until now, He’s ALWAYS been my manager. I owe EVERYTHING to him and The Family Keeling for getting me here, my training, my ring work. All of it was them. And how did I repay him? 

He slams a massive fist into the table, once again rattling a few people. 

Uriel Cortez:
I watched him get hurt. He was a better mentor to me than my actual father that walked out when I was young. How… how do you replace that, Mateo? I mean… I’ve been trying to figure it out for weeks…

He throws his phone on the table. 

Uriel Cortez:
Help me, man. Where do we go from here? New name? Split up? Help…


The booming now comes from little Minute’s side of the table, which surprises again, more onlookers, including the giant. 

Uriel Cortez:
Did… did you just yell?


He repeats himself. 

Look, Uriel… I try to be nice, but can’t stand this. Since DEFIANCE Road? Has estado triste! You pity or I pity. No more… pity shit! Princesa got promoted to the main roster! We celebrate that but aside… pity shit! 

Uriel Cortez:
Pity shit? Look, man...

¡No! I talk! ¡Tú escuchas! 

Uriel growls, but remains silent and lets Minute have the floor. 

Look… Mr. Keeling was my manager for about a year, but I learned much from him, too. This not fair… but Junior won’t get away. El no se saldrá con la suya. I talked to Mr. Keeling and he thinks we need someone to watch our backs… 

Uriel Cortez:

Junior slippery like… eh… cat shit. We need uh… someone! Someone to do what Mr. Keeling couldn’t! Someone to watch our backs! 

Uriel wants to scream some more… but doesn’t. 

Uriel Cortez:
It’s a great idea… but… where are we gonna find someone? Lots of guys on this roster that Morrow is pissing off, but so many people in their own messes. We… 

He stops when he sees the nervous grin on his face.

Uriel Cortez:
Que diablos hiciste? What the hell did you do?

Minute points at the door and Uriel looks over. Standing at their table is Uriel’s lady friend of the last few months and a recent graduate of the BRAZEN system. Formerly known as Princess Hoss, but known to Uriel and Minute by her real name… 

Uriel Cortez:

She waves and tries to offer a cautious smile to Uriel, unsure of his feelings. 


Turning back to Minute who flashes him a brief smile, Uriel… well, not smiling.

Princesa? With us? She TALL. Muy alto! She can help! 

Holly tries to jump in to Minute’s aid in this argument, but Uriel stops her. 

Uriel Cortez:
No. Not going to happen. And Minute, where do you get off asking HER to help. Are you out of your fuc… 

Stop, Uriel.

Uriel is still not happy, but she lets her speak. 

Look...  I asked to help out. I’ve seen everything you two have gone through with Morrow and… can I sit?

Uriel shrugs and moves over, giving her room to sit next to him. 

Uriel… we’ve only been seeing each other a few months, but it’s killing me not being able to help you two. I’ve gone back and seen everything Tom Morrow did to both of you and to that Keeling guy. You’ve talked about him a lot and I can tell he was important to you. Let me watch your backs out there. I mean…

She stands up, full height of six foot-one and smiles confidently. 

Look at me! I can THROW Morrow across this room. 

Minute slaps his hand on the table and points to her. 

Muy alto!

The eyes of Uriel Cortez dart from Holly and then over to Minute, who looks like he’s all in.  

Uriel Cortez:
Mateo… I don’t even need to explain the list of reasons that this plan is awful, LEAST of which is putting my girlfriend right in the path of that shithead, Morrow. Have we not just been talking about what Morrow did to Thomas? We need to… 


Holly now has a turn slapping the table. From across the bar, Davey La Rue shouts. 

Davey La Rue:
Hey, cher! Y’all hit my tables one more time, y’all can go somewhere else. Comprend moi?


She turns back to the No-Longer-Sky-High Titans.

Look… I really want to help. Uriel… I… really care about you, okay? You and me have only been together a couple months and your business is your business, but… I can’t sit by and watch you go through this alone any more. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks consumed by this. I want to help any way I can and I can take care of myself if I get into a scrap. You know I can throw a mean-ass elbow to the face. I was the one that fixed the flat tire, not you, remember? 

Uriel Cortez:
(sighing) You gonna keep throwing that in my face? Not a car guy, remember? (holding his hands out) I break normal people's things with these hands, girl. 

She rolls her eyes. 

Uriel Cortez:
I know how tough you are, Holly, and it’s one of the things I like about you the most. But you two are both -- pardon my delicate expression -- out of your fucking minds if you think I’m going to let someone I love get involved and possibly get hurt and… what?

He stops when he sees Minute running his hand across his throat in a panic, trying to tell Uriel to stop talking. 

Uriel Cortez:
What? I know you know enough English to speak up. What’s… 

He stops when he sees Holly caught by surprise. 

Uriel Cortez:
What? I’m not letting you get involved…

You said the L-word. 

Confused, he raises an eyebrow. 

Uriel Cortez:
What? I didn’t say anything about lesbians. I’ve never seen that show. 

I heard it, you big idiot. You… you just said you loved me. 

Minute starts to grin sheepishly and points at Uriel. 

Gran idiota! Hahaha.

Not appreciating the humor, he ignores his tag partner and focuses solely on Holly cause she’s not being a child. 

Uriel Cortez:
I… uh… I did. And I do. 

Annnnnd awkward silence. Minute even stops laughing and is now watching silently. Uriel grabs Holly by the hand from his seat. 

Uriel Cortez:
And I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to throw that at you now. Not like that. And if you need to go, we can talk about it la…

I love you, too. 

Minute looks at his partner and gives him a thumbs up. 

Gigante y Princesa! Yaasssss!

Uriel Cortez:
Shut up! 

Holly laughs, then inches closer to Uriel and hugs his giant arm. 

Uriel Cortez:
Seriously? Love? Cause you can’t take that back, it’s out there. Who’d say something so crazy.

Okay, now YOU need to shut up. 

Uriel zips his lips. 

I’ve wanted to say something for a few weeks now, but I didn’t want to scare you or something. Just… every moment we’ve spent together has been amazing and… that’s why I want to help. I can’t see someone *I* love going through what they’ve been going through and not find a way to help. Minute is your best friend and I never met Keeling but knowing he’s that important to you… let me help. 

Uriel turns back to Minute, big grin on his face and now mockingly looking at him in a doey-eyed manner. 

Uriel Cortez:
You’re liking the hell out of this, aren’t you?


Uriel lets out a heavy sigh. 

Uriel Cortez:

Minute reaches over the table and high-fives Holly. Excitedly, she pumps her first in the air and then kisses Uriel. 

So… what do we do now? Cause we’re idiots in love?

He offers her a smile back. 

Uriel Cortez:
Well… since we’re a couple of Schmoopies now and you know… lovey-dovey… we get the check early, go back to my place…

Minute clears his throat. Loudly. 

Eh… Morrow? 

Uriel Cortez:
Stop cock-blocking, Mateo. 

They both laugh, then Holly taps him on the shoulder. 

I know that that Morrow asshole has the Sky High Titans name… but when it’s my time… what do you guys think of the name… Titaness?

More Propaganda | View Titanes Familia's Biography



"I don't hate you, son. Think what you will, say what you will, I gave up hating. I have gifts. I have gifts that I have squandered in malice, lust and sloth. I do not wish you harm, Tom, but I will not waste them any longer."

- Kai Scott




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts