Title: Sonny
Featuring: Titanes Familia
Date: 5/9/21
Location: DEFIANCE Wrestleplex Training Center (Just days after DEFCON)

May 6th, 2021

Standing outside the entrance to the complex from far away on the other side of the gym after finishing her own gym workout, one Holly “Titaness” Aldaine can’t take her gaze off what’s going on in one of the practice rings. A training class consisting of BRAZEN students Cristiano Caballero, Nicky Synz, Luke Ali’i, George Othello, Strong AF, Lee Laz, Kenny Yi and Dan Leo James is being put to work by a guest trainer. 

Sonny Silver:
Come on, fucks! Let’s go! 

The veteran of almost thirty years in the sport with at least a good twenty under his belt as a top level wrestler continues his screaming as he has them bouncing off the ropes in different combinations. The stars varying in size from big to small get put through their paces. Caballero stops for a moment to catch his breath and even being in pretty good shape himself, he looks up. In the background, former FIST of DEFIANCE Lindsay Troy can be seen eating an apple and watching the show. 

Cristiano Caballero:
Hey… can we take a break? I’m… my hair’s gonna reek if… 

Sonny Silver:
FUCK, NO! Hurry the fuck up, I have a turkey sandwich that’s going bad in your fridge because I’m here trying to motivate you instead, asshole! Come on! Or you do feel like it’s fun getting your ass beat on TV… AGAIN?

LT tries not to choke on her apple. Caballero quietly resigns himself to his grueling workout and continues while the rest of the DEFIANCE hopefuls laugh… at least until Sonny turns their way. Then they go back to resuming exercises. Titaness giggles a little bit watching what’s going on, when she gets tapped on the side by a massive hand; specifically, the massive hand of her massive boyfriend, Uriel Cortez, decked out in a black workout shirt and basketball shorts. 

Hey, babe. 

Uriel Cortez:
Hey, Hol… I got us and Mateo one of the rings for the next hour. He’s a crazy little asshole in that ring, but he’s smart. 

He eyes the torture from the guest trainer as Minute walks up to him. 

Uriel Cortez:
Shit… I don’t miss those exercises. 

Si… some bullshit. Charley horses for weeks. No mas. 

Uriel Cortez:
And from that Sonny Silver guy? Shiiiiiit. I’m gonna pass. 

Holly continues watching the exercise from the far end of the training room as the antics in the center ring. 

So that guy, Sonny… I’ve heard of him. I heard he was really good, but a major hardass. Something like that?

Uriel shrugs. 

Uriel Cortez:
So I play a weekly poker game with Wesley from the trainer’s office, BRAGG, Sparks, Rex and Ryan Knox… and Rex said this dude’s working as a guest coach for the rest of May and is looking at possibly getting a job here. You’re right. He’s a giant prick… like MEGA giant prick…. but a lot of people go to him. Supposed to be real good at the technical stuff, MMA style, that stuff.

Minute looks up at Cortez.

You still no invite me to poker game, amigo? Eso es una tonteria!

Uriel sighs. 

Uriel Cortez:
No… big guys only. It’s kind of been a tradition for a while between the bunch of us. We live AND work together. I gotta have my space. 

I’m taller than Rex Knox! Es diminuto!

Uriel Cortez:
True, but it’s his place and Ryan Knox wouldn’t play without him, so.

Minute walks off and mutters to himself in broken English about being a champion and making more money. Meanwhile as Sonny can be heard almost making Caballero cry, Titaness keeps her eyes on him. 

Do you think that he’d train me if I wanted to learn with him? I mean, I’m on the main roster, but I’m trying to pick everyone’s brain here. I want to get better and I don’t just want to be some big girl in that ring… as fun as it is throwing guys my size around. 

Cortez cuddles her close with his arm around her body. 

Uriel Cortez:
You’re big to the rest of them, but you’ll always be MY little girl. I’m gonna put you right in my pocket. 

He taps his pocket. 

Uriel Cortez:

Holly laughs. 

Don’t be an ass. 

Uriel Cortez:
You smiled. Can’t be mad at me. Them’s the rules…. But yeah, I heard he isn’t shy in turning people away. Rex says brass aren’t fans of how he’s talking to the BRAZEN folks, but he has a great track record as far as students go, not to mention being a Hall of Famer looks good on the resume. Sounds like it might be a lock. 

What do you think? Should I go for it?

The Titan of Industry nods. 

Uriel Cortez:
You do you, Holly. It’s your career and if that’s what you want to do to better yourself. But if he does say some shit and make you cry, Hall of Famer or no Hall of Famer I might be finna throw him through the ceiling. If you want to, Mateo and I will go with you. 

Titaness pats him on the arm. 

Thanks, Uriel. I know you got my back.

Uriel Cortez:
I do. Now let’s get to the practice ring before I hear Minute bitch one more time about the poker game. 

Are you really not inviting him to those? You’ve been going all this time?

Uriel scoffs. 

Uriel Cortez:
Pfft, like two weeks, I was gonna invite him this time. That was just payback when he busted my balls over dropping the L-word in front of you. 

Uriel leaves to the ring while Titaness continues looking at the ring. As she watches the action unfold… 


Titaness looks over and her jaw is about to drop when she sees the person greeting her… Lindsay Troy. 

Whoa, holy crap. Lindsay Troy! Hey, nice to meet you. Titaness… sorry, Holly. 

She holds her hand out and Troy takes it. 

Lindsay Troy:
Nice to meet you. I’ve heard your name a few times. Welcome to the main roster. 

Thanks... I’m still really trying to take everything in. 

LT notices Titaness looking over at the ring. 

Lindsay Troy:
Hey… I’ll give you a quick word of advice if you’re interested in Sonny’s class. He’s a fuckhead. A REAL fuckhead. But he knows what he’s doing in that ring if you want to go further there. God help me… I trusted him with one of my kids. 

Titaness nods. 

Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind. 

Lindsay Troy:
You got it. See you around. 

The Queen of the Ring takes her leave as Titaness continues watching the training session unfold and Cristiano Caballero more quiet sobbing. 


May 7th, 2021

Sonny Silver stands in front of a mix of talent made up of both BRAZEN and DEFIANCE talent. Some are looking to continue their development in BRAZEN. A few DEFIANCE folks looking to broaden their skill sets a little. 

Dan Leo James, George Othello, “Wingman” Titus Campbell, Cristiano Caballero, Strong AF, Luke Ali’i, Lee Laz, Sweet Sanders, Liz Icarus, The Brutal Attack Force, all watching. 

Behind them from DEFIANCE, Levi Cole, Sho Nakazawa, Butcher Victorious, “Bantam” Ryan Batts, along with Minute and Titaness. Uriel Cortez stands behind them as the workout is about to be underway. 

Sonny Silver:
First off, thanks for coming. I’ve opened this training to anybody who wants it and I’m not going to discourage anybody from any experience level that wants to learn. Main roster, BRAZEN, whatever. This is an ever-evolving business and the second that you think that you know everything or that you don’t have anything you can improve on… well, McDonald’s will still hire anyone so that’s where THOSE people can fucking go. 

Some sparse laughter among the group. 

Sonny Silver:
I’ve been in this business thirty years and I’ve been training for the last ten. Mat wrestling. Submissions. MMA striking. If you came to me looking to do some flippy-doo shit, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. 

He gets a couple laughs as he taps the mat beneath him with his foot. 

Sonny Silver:
If you come up to me and want to learn from me on this mat, you will be treated like equals. You getting into this ring means you want to learn. But I won’t go easy. You can ask two of those men in the group over there. Luke… Allan… 

Allen “Strong AF” Fosters and Luke Ali’i both nod at the man that helped them get started training in their own careers. 

Sonny Silver:
So if there’s any of you that want to lock up right now… 

Silver taps it again. 

Sonny Silver:
Who’s up first?

Before anyone else can even get an answer out, Titaness moves forward and steps in between the ropes, coming face to face with the veteran. Sonny takes a moment to acknowledge while Uriel is on the outside, tensing up a little. Minute watches silently.  

Sonny Silver:
All right. And you are…?


Sonny Silver:
Right… main roster, yeah?

She nods silently. 

Sonny Silver:
Queenie told me about you. Let’s see what you got. 

Uriel folds his arms and watches closely as the two lock up. Sonny is the quicker of the two and then throws Titaness down to the mat relatively quickly before shooting off into a front facelock… but to even Sonny’s surprise, Titaness quickly rolls out of that and then slams him with a fireman’s carry takeover! Some of the onlookers gasp and Minute is shocked. Uriel is even taken aback. 

Uriel Cortez:

She tries to go for an arm, but Sonny grabs her arm first and then takes her down quickly before cinching the arm… but Titaness quickly floats over so she’s out in front with a facelock. Sonny maneuvers his way out and then goes to an arm, sitting over her. Before he can fully get a hold in, she takes him down a second time with a fireman’s carry onto the mat and then tries holding am arm…. But Sonny takes hold, then and switches over to where he’s up with her arm completely locked. 

Sonny Silver:

Titaness won’t do it. He cinches in tighter but she’s still trying to fight it with a crowd watching a little more intently. 

Sonny Silver:
I said, tap!

She still won’t. She starts to cry out a bit, but guts it out. Uriel unfolds his arms and looks like he’s about ready to do something...

Then Titaness taps. 

The crowd murmur as Sonny lets go and Titaness grabs her arm to make sure she can still use it. The Titan of Industry growls and they rush to Titaness' side, but she stops them and holds her arm out. 

Sonny Silver:
Not bad. Amateur background? 

Holly nods, then takes his arm. Sonny pulls her up. 

High school and college, yeah. I was the only girl on the college team. 

Sonny Silver:
Keep at it. Take NOTES if you want to be on the main roster, Caballero. 

The on-lookers laugh while Cristiano Caballero sighs. 

Cristiano Caballero:
But my hair!

Titaness leaves the ring as the crowd laughs and then Uriel nods to her. 

Uriel Cortez:
Hey, hey, hey… are you okay?

Yeah… he didn’t break anything. 

Minute looks over at Sonny and scowls as class moves on after the impromptu MMA-style mat session. 

Uriel Cortez:
Asshole… did he really have to do that?

Titaness continues looking on at the training. She shakes her arm to make sure she still has feeling in the joint. 

Ow… Troy wasn’t kidding. 

Sonny looks out to the crowd. 

Sonny Silver:
That’s a bit of what I have to show you. I’m not going easy on you no matter what part of DEFIANCE’s roster you hail from, your gender, your size or any of that bullshit. Tough training is what’s gonna make you better in this ring. If you want to learn from me, you’re gonna do it right. Now… who’s next?

The rest of the class take a moment to look amongst themselves. Uriel is about to step up when Titaness gets back up…

Round two?

The veteran shrugs. 

Sonny Silver:
Fine. Get the hell up here. 


After The Session

Sore, but feeling mostly well after the session (and a shower), Titaness pops her ear-buds in and starts setting up her playlist as she gets ready to leave the center for the day. Uriel and Minute are already outside the center waiting on her as she starts heading towards one of the exits. She starts getting ready to head out when… 

Sonny Silver:

She stops in her tracks and pulls an earbud out. 


Sonny Silver:
You got a minute or two? 

Looking around, she nods toward Sonny as he gestures over to one of the vacant coach offices. She nods and she follows him back. He flicks on a light as she takes both of her earbuds out. Sonny leans against one of the walls and lets out a sight. 

Sonny Silver:
First off… No hard feelings about what happened during training. What happens out there is never personal… but I’m sure Lindsay told you something like that already. 

Holly nods.

It’s fine… remember I slammed you around a time or two before then. 

Sonny smirks. 

Sonny Silver:
Ahh, the big girl’s got jokes. Funny. Well, while I got you… I need a huge favor. I’m here the next few weeks and I need a couple of assistant coaches from the main roster to help give me the lay of the land if you have the time. I got that Ryan Batts guy for one… I just need one more for the BRAZEN folks. You interested?

Titaness looks around.

Uh… me? Like… I only got promoted from BRAZEN a few months ago. You sure you want...

Sonny Silver:
Yeah. I’m sure. I can respect someone not wanting to stay the hell down after one go and amateur skills like yours don’t come by too often these days. Do you want it or not? You can train alongside them if you want to learn more from me while I’m here. You can probably twist some of these dipshits into pretzels if you really tried and… 

I’ll do it. 

Sonny nods. 

Sonny Silver:
Thanks… also, if Troy starts talking some shit, tell her I said I carried Silver and Gold. She’ll know what I mean. 

Unsure of what he even means, Holly shakes her head. 

Fine. Thanks for the opportunity. 

Sonny Silver:
Yep. Meet me and Batts here at 9am. 

She turns and starts to leave the office, trying to wipe a proud smile from her face that she can’t hide. When she starts getting towards the exit, she spots Uriel and Minute. They both approach her as they get ready to leave. 

Uriel Cortez:
You alright? Did he apologize for being an asshole? Do I need to go back there and chin-check him?

Nah… we’ll talk soon. Big opportunity here. 

Let’s go! Vamos! Need food! 

Cortez’s eyes roll so hard, they’re about to fall out of the sockets. 

More Propaganda | View Titanes Familia's Biography



"Cheers, boys!"

- "Black Out" Pat Cassidy




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts