Title: Local Wrestlers Placed Into Custody
Featuring: "Black Out" Pat Cassidy
Date: April 22, 2022
Location: New Orleans, LA


NEW ORLEANS - After DEFIANCE's ultra successful DEFCON PPV, the company finds itself in the hot seat due to the actions of two of its contracted performers.

DEFIANCE wrestler Ophelia Syke and DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Champion Patrick Cassidy were both arrested in the early Friday morning hours. Both individuals have been charged with disorderly conduct and Ms. Sykes faces charges of aggravated assault. 

Witnesses on the scene report that Mr. Cassidy and Ms. Sykes were celebrating after a successful DEFCON, even using their local celebrity status to convince the proprietor of local bar “Bourbon O’Bar” to keep his establishment open for patrons long after the legally mandated closing time.

At approximately 3:44am on April 22, Cassidy was reportedly approached by a young woman making friendly advances. Mere moments later, Sykes had attacked that woman savagely. When the unidentified woman’s friends attempted to help, Cassidy was also pulled into what was described as a “wild and potentially dangerous” brawl. 

Both Cassidy and Sykes were released on bail later that morning and both await the opportunity to speak before a judge.

DEFIANCE officials have, so far, turned down the chance to comment on the situation. While Cassidy’s TV persona will certainly not be damaged by getting into an early morning bar brawl, the fact that Cassidy and Sykes, who were linked together quasi-romantically months ago, were out together following DEFCON raises some implications as to what is exactly going on here.

Whatever the case, we can expect this to make for some juicy DEFIANCE television moving forward.


More Propaganda | View "Black Out" Pat Cassidy's Biography



"If you expect me to remember every person Klein ever gave a box to I think you have some unrealistic expectations. That’d be like me remembering everyone I gave a D to, and I was a teacher."

- The D




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