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Dandelion Biography

Fed Info

Fed Titles
1x DEFIANCE Tag Team Champion(Jestal)  
Fed Awards



Wrestling Info

Finisher Move
Stake your Life, Doll Maker  
Finisher Description
She throws the opponent into the turnbuckles and quickly follows with a high knee lift under the chin and uses her momentum to climb the turnbuckles to the top rope. While the opponent staggers to the middle of the ring she is still facing the crowd jumps  
Finisher Setup Move
Porcelain Exploder  
Setup Description
Avalanche Frankensteiner  
Special Moves
Tight Rope - Walks across the top rope and eventually stops at the middle of the ropes and hits a blockbuster
Handstand PileDriver - Opponent on top rope, she does a handstand and pulls her opponent off the top ropes with her ankles on the sides of their head and drives them into the mat.
Star Bright - Runs across the top rope and before leaping from the middle of the ropes and hits a Double leg Enzuigiri
Springboard moonsault into a Reverse DDT
Puppet Stretch - Aj Lee’s Black Widow, she is able to twist her body to eventually lock in a Octopus Stretch while opponent is standing. 
Other Moves
Stump Pump - Wheel kick while opponent is draped over the top rope from the apron.
Fosbury Flop
Stiff kicks in corner
Avalanche Double Kneebreaker to the arm
Rolling Cross ArmBreaker
Arm Drag
Corkscrew off Top
Handspring Back Elbow
Sunset Flip Powerbomb from Top Rope :Sidenote: Only does this in a reversal
Standing Dropkick 



"Look at the size of this freakin' house. That's right. As Joe the Plumber alluded to, I have a bazillion homes, each at least two hundred square miles in area. This is one such home. Remember that part of the book of Revelation in the Bible when John gave the dimensions of the city in heaven and described it in miles of length, the walls in miles of height and so on? It might as well have been a studio apartment compared to this. My home has mile markers. That's what I'm sayin', here. I'm not FROM Texas. Texas is inside my house. It's that big. Right now, I'm sitting on a couch in one of two-hundred fifty living areas in this one house alone. Just outside the window is my swimming pool, the Gulf of Mexico. I pay thirty Mexicans to lift my dick for me when I pee."

- Dan Ryan




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts