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Mikey Unlikely Biography


Real Name
Mikey Unlikely  
The World's Greatest Entertainer!  
The Burbs  
225 Lbs.  


Mikey Unlikely rapped his way into the UTA coming off major commercial success in music. Selling millions of copies of his now notorious one hit wonder "Certified Suburban".

The young, wealthy, fun loving wrestler took the UTA by storm. After singles success, he quickly helped found "W.T.F. Collective" Which included Mikey, Bobby Dean, Doozer, and Will "The Thrill" Haynes. Mikey would go on to have a classic three match series with Bechtel Kush, in the early part of 2015, that would help Mikey move up the card.

In May of 2015, Unlikely landed a huge movie deal, being cast in a lead role, along side of three other actors in the blockbuster "The Wolfpack". Unlikely was injured once again just before filming and took time away from the ring to explore the movie business and heal up.

In August he shocked the world by not only making his return to the UTA, but in doing so abandoning his W.T.F.C. friends and aligning with Dynasty! This version of Unlikely would have a brand new attitude, and a sole motivation of success. Mikey would turn on Will "The Thrill" Haynes, sending them into a furious feud that would last four months. Tearing apart the UTA in the process. At International Affair 2015, Mikey Unlikely and Will Haynes put on what many are calling the match of the year, in the epic I Quit match.

A few short weeks later, it was announced that Dynasty has been disbanded. Mikey Unlikely would move on from the group with his new "Best friend" Kendrix. Forming the tag team known as the "Hollywood Bruvs."

Now entering the world of DEFIANCE, Mikey hopes to use this opportunity to prove he's not just a name.
Other Feds
Other Fed Titles
Other Fed Awards
Mikey is a sellout! He was trained to be a wrestler and subsequently injured. During the rehabilitation of his injury, he began rapping as a way to pass the time. Eventually catching on to small record deal, Mikey had one hit that soared up the record charts.

Unlikely took that song to the moon and back. Finally when the 15 minutes of fame faded, he came back to his first love of wrestling.

Mikey will market himself by any means. Recently starring in supporting roles of Hollywood hits such The Wolfpack (A Hangover ripoff film). He was most recently cast as the new Mikey McFly,in the Back to the Future remake, Mikey is bigger than ever, and he won't let you forget it! 
1. Conditioning - Hollywood has high standards for movie roles, Mikey is in top shape.
2. Little Cheat - Mikey isn't the violent type. He's not one to set you on fire, hes more likely to poke your eyes, stomp your toes, pull on the rope for submission holds, he is willing to bend the rules just a little if it means success.
3. Mind Games - Mikey is very confident, but he likes to use this to get into the head of his opponents mid match. He likes to jabber jaw in the ring, and keep people on their toes.
Three Weaknesses:
1. Emotional - Tends to get frustrated easily, especially anytime he is fooled.
2. Inexperience - Mikey has been wrestling on a truly professional level for only 2 years, after years of being on stage.
3. Distracted- Mikey loves attention, and will often leave the action if he can get it elsewhere. 



"This company runs on the chaos I create. Without me the engine starts seizing up. I'm the beating HEART of DEFIANCE. Only way you lot are going to be rid of me is if you put me in the bloody GROUND."

- Bronson Box




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts