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Ryan Scott Biography

Fed Info

Federation Awards


  • Arthur Pleasant
  • Hates everything this man does. He is not a professional wrestler in his eyes, rather a deathmatch reject. Very rarely will Ryan praise Arthur, most times his reviews of his matches are how disgusted that this man still has a job.

  • Count Novick
  • Has not enjoyed this gimmick since day one. He thinks the Count does not belong in DEFIANCE and all he is doing is taking opportunities from more deserving stars away.

  • Malak Fuse
  • Malak has become someone that has started to wear thin to Ryan. DEFIANCE just seems to follow the same tired storyline with him and its been a turn-off to wanting to watch this cunning man in the ring.

  • Mark Shields
  • Another employee that Ryan wonders why he still has a job. The fact that he is utterly incompetent blows his mind on top of that why he is even given Main Event matches to officiate instead of more qualified referees is mind-numbing to him.

  • The Lucky Sevens
  • At Ascension 2020, Ryan grew a distaste for how Mason and Max did not protect Teresa Ames in that ring. He felt they went too far and did not take the steps to have her take the bump but to protect her as well. Then the whole crybaby schtick after their loss to The Comments Section. Even calling out The Defiant's unbiased reviews. Deep down Ryan is not a fan of them, but has grown to enjoy their heel run with Tom Morrow.

  • The Hallmark Journey
  • A wedding night has no place in professional wrestling. The whole lovey-dovey BS is too much for Ryan to even bear to watch these two in a match. This type of shit should be done in your personal time, not in the ring.

  • J.J. Dixon
  • Ryan feels The Uncut Gems are playing the wrong role in DEFIANCE. Their egotistical personalities rub him the wrong way especially since they are babyfaces


  • Better Future Talent Agency
  • Say what you will about BFTA. What Tom Morrow has made the group into is a group of professional wrestlers. That is something Ryan enjoys about them.

  • Vae Victis
  • Ryan has always been a huge fan of Mis. Troy. To her being a ring general, to a killer on the stick promo-wise.
    Henry also pretty much fits that same mold as Troy. Even after his heel turn, he has still kept that same style of wrestling just with a bit more aggression to it
    Kerry also is one of those Defiants that again follows pretty much the same mold as Keyes and Troy. Ryan has agreed with a lot of what he has had to say on the mic
    There was a time Ryan thought Oscar Burns as a heel he just could not see it. Boy was he wrong, Oscar has killed the role. That is what a well-rounded professional wrestler can do

  • Conor Fuse
  • Conor has been an absolute pro in the ring, and Ryan respects the hell out of what he can do in that ring. The only thing he tends to dislike about Conor is the childish things he does backstage like play video games with Declan Alexander

  • Ned Reform
  • How can you not like a pure heel? Ryan admires how savvy Ned is on the microphone. To top that off he is a decent wrestler as well.

  • Saturday Night Specials
  • Everything about Brock and Pat just screams professional wrestling for Ryan. Although sometimes they tend to spend a bit too long on the stick. Both men also have had some of the best promos he has seen in DEFIANCE

  • Rezin
  • Ever since leaving The Kabal, Rezin has just been one of those favorites for Ryan. He is not the only one as The Faithful has really taken a love for the man of Punk Rock. Both in the ring and on the stick Ryan thinks Rezin is the entire package even with some of the humor that comes with it.

Wrestling Info

Finishing Move
Finishing Move Description
MDK Finisher
MDK Finisher Description
Entrance Music



"Draw your line in the sand woman I've made a career crossing every single one put infront of me!"

- Bronson Box




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts