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Wade Elliott Biography


Real Name
Wade Allen Elliott  
'The Bad Dog,' 'The Blue Collar Brawler,' 'The Southern Sparkplug,' 'The 'Bama Bruiser,' 'Drifter,' (by Lindsay Troy) 'Country,' (by Tyler Rayne) 'The Son of a Bitch."  
Pine Ridge, Alabama  
October 15th, 1971  
257 lbs.  


Most of it, son, you don't wanna know. So here's all you're gonna get.

Did Wade have dreams of becoming a wrestler when he was a young boy? No.

Was he a high school athlete and a wrestling state champion? Nope.

Had he even heard of the WCW or WWF in his lifetime? Maybe in passing.

Is Wade Elliott even a wrestler at all?


The hopes and dreams of the future "Bad Dog" were in no way heading toward professional wrestling. Hell, most of the time Wade's only goal was to make it through the day without getting shot. He was, and in many ways still is, a drifter. A high school drop out and runaway at age 16, Elliott found his home on the road, in any truck he could keep running, either by his lonesome or with the wrong company. Making it day to day meant taking any job available (legal or otherwise,) pissing people off, and putting said people down before they decided to do the same.

This lifestyle tends to breed a very steely, unapproachable man, and Wade was no exception. There was talent in the 'Bama Bruiser, though, and the opportunity to use it materialized in a wrestling tournament, which lead to a contract with PRIME. To Wade, this was a paycheck, and not being one to sit in one place for too long, a great opportunity to keep on the move, and even through all the hoopla and pretty pretty lights of the wrestling world, Wade Elliott remained the same man.

A budding friendship with Lindsay Troy started to change things, however. A rivalry and love-triangle involving his current team partner, Tyler Rayne, quickly became the dramatic center of the roster. Blood was spilled between The Southern Sparkplug and The Golden Boy, and his friendship with The Queen of the Ring was burned-down and re-built time and time again. Wade wore the hat of the quiet, noble drifter and swung the hammer of the vicious, angry roughneck in equal parts.

Following an unannounced disappearance for three years after a defeat by the hands of Chandler Tsonda at Colossus VI, Elliott returned for PRIME's farewell tour, where old grievances between himself, Lindsay Troy and Tyler Rayne were finally put to rest.

Has The Bad Dog changed this time around? To some, absolutely.

To the rest of the DEFIANCE roster? Unfortunately not.

Big Damn Hero?

Ain't he just.
Other Feds
PRIME 2006-2007 Breakout Star, Record Holder for Most Amount of Time Wrestled by One Superstar (2008 PRIME Dual-Halo, 2 hours and 16 minutes)  
Other Fed Titles
PRIME Intense Champion  
Other Fed Awards
PRIME 2006-2007 Breakout Star, Record Holder for Most Amount of Time Wrestled by One Superstar (2008 PRIME Dual-Halo, 2 hours and 16 minutes)  
If you think you’re stubborn, you’re a pushover. If you think you’re a prick, you’re a pansy. If you think you’re tough as nails, you’re brittle like your grandmother. But if you’re Wade Elliott, you invented the word "stubborn." You might have been the world’s FIRST prick, and you’re sure as shit the toughest bastard walkin’.

Wade is a man born in the wrong century. He was meant to be some sort of outlaw in the old west, or a gladiator crushing skulls in the Coliseum. But he wound up here, and he’s never quite fit. At first glimpse he may seem like a large, simple, angry redneck, but that’s fooled many and most regret it. While he may be a poster-boy for learning the hard way, Wade Elliott is pretty friggin’ smart. He’s a survivor, and chances are he’ll outlive all of us.

To put it simply, "The Bad Dog" Wade Elliott is a Confederate flag-waving roughneck that spends most of his time by his lonesome, but is fiercely loyal to those he gives a rat’s ass about.

Everyone else, as Wade likes to say, can go fuck themselves.
-Unmatched Toughness and Resiliency - There does not exist a wrestler that can take damage like The Bad Dog. That big move you've got that NOBODY can kick out of? Sorry, sweetheart, but there’s a good chance Wade can. So be ready to use it twice and prepare for a third. He’s slower than hell, he won’t be the strongest guy on the roster and has zero aerial or technical ability, but what he lacks in these realms he makes up for with his resiliency. The Son for a Bitch just won’t. Go. Down. Ask Rayne.

Now, is this to say that Wade's some sort of unstoppable force or immovable object? Hell no. He's just the most stubborn prick you'll ever meet.

-Unrelenting - Wade has exactly zero time for bullshit in the ring. There's one goal and one goal alone once the bell rings, and that's to put the guy on the other side of the ring down for the three. There is no time to jazz up the crowd or mock the opponent.

-Weapons Specialist - You really, REALLY, don’t want to take on Wade if he has access to anything he can swing.
-Slow as Shit & Gettin’ Old - Wade was (is?) a long-time smoker and drinker, and finds himself at the ripe age of 42. He can execute a hard-hitting maneuver pretty quickly, but he’ll get winded much faster than most.

-"Big Mouth with a Southern Brain" - This is one of Lindsay Troy's favorite descriptions of The Bad Dog. Wade is very much a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy. This manifests in many venues, but in the ring, Wade gives little thought to strategy. A ring general he is not. He is very likely to run head-first into bad situations.

-Technically Unsound - Wade never learned how to actually wrestle. He's learned a lot along the way, but he relies almost completely on his brawling ability to get him the win. He has very little idea on how to reverse a lock or a hold, and will almost always opt to power his way out instead, which won't work very well on a larger opponent.


  • Th'wrong side've my boot comes t'mind, but hell, ain't like there's a RIGHT side....
  • Gee, never been in trouble with the LAW before.
  • Sooner rather’n later you chicken-shits’ll run outta places t’run. Yer gonna have t'pull up yer panties an’ face some real rugged music, an’ you can bet the god-damn bank that it’ll be MY boots on the back’ve each’ve yer greasy fuckin’’ they hit a LOT fuckin’ harder’n yours.
  • See ya in a little bit, son. Bring a couple friends if ya plan on keepin’ that belt.



"I don't hate you, son. Think what you will, say what you will, I gave up hating. I have gifts. I have gifts that I have squandered in malice, lust and sloth. I do not wish you harm, Tom, but I will not waste them any longer."

- Kai Scott




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts