Featuring: Nathan Eye
Date: 3/9/23
Location: DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex


The footage opens with Dex Joy in the training facility of the DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex by hitting the weights. After doing some local PR for DEFIANCE in the lead-up to DEFCON, he has decided to stop at DEFIANCE Wrestling H.Q. to get in some weight training before his flight to St. Louis for the next show. 

Dex is minding his own business and working out in silence. 

But that silence does not last very long! 

Nathan Eye:
Dexy Baby! What! Is! Up! 

Dex stops and looks very surprised by his best friend being there. He stands up to greet his best friend with a big handshake and then a quick hug. 

Dex Joy:
Natty Eyce! What the hell are you doing out here man?

Nathan Eye:
Not much man, not much! I was here visiting home and heard you were in town man. I know we were gonna meet up at DEF TV so I thought I’d surprise you. 

Dex Joy:
Call my pretty little ass surprised, pally! 

Dex sits down again on the biceps curl machine. 

Dex Joy:
We uh … we haven’t had too much time to catch up since I came back from injury … and you joined BFTA … 

Nathan Eye nods at his best friend and then has a seat at the machine next to Dex 

Nathan Eye:
Yeah … I know that might have raised some alarms. 

Dex Joy:
No Nat … there’s alarms and then there’s the “WHAT THE HELL MAN?” alert. I’m one of the few people I think Tom Morrow hasn’t invited to BFTA and he’s ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag dumped in a barrel of nuclear waste left in a mold-filled dumpster. 

Nathan Eye tries to brush past the insults of his current manager. 

Nathan Eye:
I know he’s not well liked around here … but I needed help getting back at Aaron King. He helped me out.. You know what happened to me out there. By Arthur, Harmen and King. I got injured. I couldn’t help you. I … 

Dex throws a hand up. 

Dex Joy:
I …  I know man. I was there too. I’m sorry. I know we talked but we never talked about the toll that might have taken on you. And I’m sorry you had to live with that all this time … but Morrow? Look … I ain’t gonna sit here and tell you how to you live your life. Dexy Baby is walking through life and learning just like everyone else but that pally is poison so you better be careful. And if you need help … 

Nathan Eye now gets defensive from his friend. 

Nathan Eye:
Nah I’m good. I promise if something happens, you’ll be the first to know. But speaking of needing help … 

He looks both ways in the gym wary of who’s listening around the BRAZEN students and staffers in the facility. 

Nathan Eye:
Me and Conor Fuse on DEF TV bro. I got you. If Conor and his tiny dick friends try and mess with my best friend, then your best friend is going to mess with them right back. 

Dex Joy:
Look, Nat … 

Nathan Eye:
I know, man, I know! Big big opportunity here! Conor Fuse is competing for the number one contendership but if ya boi NATTY EYCE takes him down tonight, then maybe that throws things into question and maybe Eye will be your opponent at DEFCON instead. See what I did there with my name?

Dex Joy:
A blind man could see what you just did with your name, dumbass. And I wanted to talk to you about that, pally … 

Nathan Eye:

Dex leans over. 

Dex Joy:
This business at the end of the day has a me-first mentality man. I’m learning this the hard way. I can’t stop you from fighting Conor Fuse. That’s a big opportunity for anyone right now. And I don’t know where his head’s at. He was forced to serve that little bitch, Malak Garland, then buddied up with him, now he wants out. As a competitor, I think he can be trusted, but right now as a person I don’t know what he’s thinking.

Nathan Eye:
I hear you. 

Dex Joy:
… okay, pally, then really hear me. You go in there and you beat Conor but do it without any bullcrap like I know you can. I don’t need you to … sarcastic stupid air quotes … “take care” of him or however you put it, Nate. 

Nathan Eye flashes the frowniest of faces. 

Nathan Eye:
But dude … you got Thurston Hunter. Not that you can’t beat that little peniswrinkle, but you know Malak Garland and the rest of the Guardians of the Subreddit are gonna be right there on your ass. So maybe I strike back against … 

Dex Joy:
No. Bull. Shit. 

He stands up. 

Dex Joy:
You can do this on your own and the last thing I want at DEFCON is Conor Fuse less than anything but one hundred percent and I gotta take this match as seriously as I can bud. No shenanigans, no bullshit, no nothing! I gotta earn this and I have to do it on my own merits. You good? 

Nathan nods at his friend. 

Nathan Eye:
You’re right bud … you got him. Best of luck with … 

He laughs. 

Nathan Eye:

After the Biggest Boy has made his point loud and clear he goes to sit down on the biceps curl machine and both men start their respective workouts quietly. Dex starts laughing. 

Nathan Eye:
What’s so funny. 

Dex Joy:
Hahahaha. Peniswrinkle. 

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"Ah shut up man, I know you love these memes! My buddy Will sends me these all the time. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

- Mark Shields




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