Title: What Entails A Close-Up?
Featuring: Madame Melton
Date: June 14, 2023
Location: The Spotlight

TV static.

The screen is pitch black and there is a pause for a few seconds. Then the noise of a turning light comes on, followed by a spotlight. Standing in the middle of it is Teri Melton, in her “Silver Vixen” look -- silver flapper curls, a silver tiara crowning her head, porcelain skin and bright red lipstick, and a light silver designer gown (revealing her ample cleavage) along with a darker silver shawl. The light radiates off of her, giving her a literal physical aura around her as if someone could naturally generate charisma with an unsettling bent.

Teri Melton:
For months, I have been telling everyone... and everyone - and I mean everyone - has been saying it with me.

Teri’s outfits start to change over and over again -- from her silver gown to a red/silver combo with a matching pillbox hat to a silver gown/emerald green shawl with an emerald green jewel on a silver necklace to a scarlet red/silver ensemble with a a black netting over her hair with ruby red specs and etc.

Teri’s mouth opens to say her catchphrase, but only the screams of an audience come out. As she says it, Teri’s arms dramatically rise with each part of the phase, before it ends returning to her original Silver Vixen look.

Teri Melton! Is Ready! For Her Closeup!

Teri flinches her eyebrows upwards and has a wry smile on her face.

Teri Melton:
So, what does it mean exactly to be ready for your closeup? 

There are just various cuts of Teri doing her patented walk-and-talk pre-match introduction.

Teri Melton:
Maybe you see me as an interloper. Maybe you see me as a sideshow act — a lovable, roguish, sexy scoundrel there for your entertainment.

We now see footage of Teri doing “The Uncut Strut” with the fans following suit, Teri crawling on a desk to seduce the timekeeper, Teri and Lord Nigel doing their musical number, Teri openly flirting with Referee Mark Shields and etc.

Teri Melton:
But behind every woman looking to claim the spotlight as her own —

There’s now footage of various starlets and female pop icons known for their painful childhoods and adult lives  -- Joan Crawford, Tina Turner, Judy Garland, Drew Barrymore, Rita Heywood, etc. -- before we return to Teri with sad eyes looking forlornly out to the distance.

Teri Melton: 
There is pain. There is outrage. There a Is a person who has something to not just say but something they just need to scream! 

Teri snaps her head directly back towards the camera.

Teri Melton:
It’s from being told you don’t belong. You don’t fit in. You’re a woman and you're too outspoken. You’re too fat. You’re too old. You’re crazy. Or you’re told you aren’t “the right fit.” 

There’s now a shot of smug looking Ryan Howard from The Office as he’s crowned the new regional manner.

Teri Melton:
You play by the rules and then watch a snivelling worm become your boss…

Then there is a big picket line in front of a shuttered factory.

Teri Melton:
And they shut your workplace down anyways.

Then we see various characters from The Big Short (Steve Carnell, Christian Bale, etc.) followed by foreclosed signs in front of abandoned homes.

Teri Melton:
They gambled with their money and foreclosed on our homes…

Generic shots of rich white men smoking cigars and laughing.

Teri Melton:
And none of them were punished.

Then we see headlines and news footage of all of the dozens of crimes committed by Trump and his goons…

Followed by a 60 Minutes video where Nancy Pelosi dodges questions about how and why she was able to profit off of an early investment in Visa while she was stalling legislation that would limit interest rates on customers who use credit cards.

Teri Melton:
And the people who make the rules aren’t accountable to anyone… yet people like us can go to jail for an unpaid parking ticket. Isn’t enough to make you stand up and shout…

Howard Beale from the famous scene in Network —

Howard Beale:
I'm Mad As Hell! And I’m Not! Going To Take It Anymore!

Teri has her wry knowing smile. We then see footage of Teri making her DEFIANCE debut, with her eyes mischievous as she looks around the arena with Zoltan looming behind her, along with her back in the spotlight.

Teri Melton:
Well, I don’t take it anymore. And I am what the powers-that-be fear the most — someone who bites the hand that feeds first and worries about the repercussions a hell of a lot later. They hate when people like us define themselves on our terms, when we carry ourselves with confidence and swagger. And me? I walk across minefields in my designer high heeled shoes and won’t even flinch. Because, if nothing else, I… Am… DEFIANT.

More footage of Teri walking, talking and scheming before posing for Her Adoring Public in her various designer gowns and jewelry (of course all gained by her schemes and cons.) Finally we see her coyly blowing on her knuckles before making a fist.

Teri Melton:
Do not let my Stolen Glamour fool you. I am not a fashionista but I am The Brashinita. I say what I want, when I want, to who I want. Because what I say goes! 

Teri is absconding in the hot air balloon after heisting Lord Nigel’s money, blowing the despondent face of evil a kiss as she does.

Teri Melton:
I danced with the devil in the pale blue night… and I walked away with the bag.

Then we see Teri kneeing Tom Morrow in the crotch and lifting his watch and wallet.

Teri Melton:
And The Gangster In A Gucci Gown always steals more than just the show!

We see a social media post from Lindsay Troy that calls Teri Melton “arm candy” and then Sonny Silver calling her a “whore” and a Ryan Scott Rant referring to her as “Big Mouth.”  Then there is footage of Lindsay Troy casually ignoring Teri getting in her face while Sonny Silver hits his giant toy “No” button.

Teri Melton:
They laugh at us and dismiss us and try to bury us and make us feel small…

Then there is footage of JJ’s match against Lindsay Troy — Teri making out with Mark Shields as Lindsay and Sonny’s mouth drop in shock, Teri hitting a “no” button and JJ Dixon flying over the corner on to Lindsay, Teri ramming Sonny’s face into the ring post, and then Teri smirking and making the “one inch away” gesture as Lindsay and Sonny go limping away after escaping with the win, neither of them able to look at Teri’s smirk. 

Teri Melton:
But then they walk away with their heads down in shame. 

Here’s Teri coldcocking Tabitha Kinsey while wearing Tabitha’s stolen wedding ring.

Teri Melton:
I don’t always throw the first punch. But I always throw the knockout punch. And I will never turn my cheek to the other side.

Now there are crowd shots of The Faithful making “The DiamondHands” hand gesture. Then we see shots of protests and violent protests and riots throughout the ages, with quick weird cuts of a symphony orchestra in between,  as Teri looks on with a manic glee in her eyes, as she is revealed to the the conductor of the orchestra, complete with a wicked smile.

Teri Melton:
I kicked down the doors so the people without a ticket can sit in the front row… and the people in the cheap seats can storm the luxury suites…

There is a toy monkey drumming.

Teri Melton:
I want the spotlight not for fame or fortune. I want the spotlight so I can make them dance to the beat of my own drummer.

There is a puppet on a string being pulled.

Teri Melton:
I want the spotlight so I can pull the puppet strings of the puppet masters.

There is a black and white shot of a hand and a hammer speeding down to crush it.

Teri Melton:
I want the spotlight so I can break the fingers of the invisible hand.

We now see pictures of different DEFIANCE heels (Malak Garland, Tom Mortow, Mikey Unlikely, Stalker, Scott Stevens,  Vae Victus, Tabitha Kinsey and The Company Men) all interspersed with pictures of various people of power and dubious character (Richard Nixon, Fidel Castro, Ronald Reagan, both George Bush’s,Maggie Thatcher, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Elon Musk, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Mitch McConnell, the Trump family, Les Moonves) laughing in the same manner. 

And it ends with a brief shot of Teri sitting on a throne, legs crossed, scanning across the she has conquered, adjusting her silver tiara.

Teri Melton:
I want the spotlight so I can rule the ruling class.

We are back to the original picture of Teri in the spotlight, her hands slightly elevated.

Teri Melton:
I want the spotlight because I want agency.

Teri’s hands now raises her hands higher. 

Teri Melton:
I want the spotlight because I want control.

Her hands are now held way above her head, as she stares high above, her eyes wide almost with madness as she also laughs. Then she looks back at the camera.

Teri Melton:
I want spotlight because I want power… more accurately, what they believed was THEIR power…

Teri closes her eyes and starts pantomiming conducting an orchestra as her outfits rapidly change like before.

Teri Melton:
Because people like us need to take drastic actions, by any means necessary, to take back what is rightfully OURS! And that is what I mean when I say that…

She mouths the words but it comes from the shouts of the audience, followed by loud cheers.

Teri Melton:
Teri Melton! Is Ready! For Her Closeup!

Teri opens her eyes with her bread tilted up, before she bats her eyes like a starlet of yore and glares at the camera with a smile you can interpret in many different ways. She then extends her right hand to the camera, turns and puts her hand on her hip and flexes her eyebrows. 

Teri Melton:
Are you ready for yours? 

She again starts laughing like mad before there is a glitch sound and a picture of Teri sitting on her throne, staring a whole right into the camera as a wry smirk slowly crawls across her face, once again adjusting her tiara, followed by more of her mad laughter. 

We hear the noise of the spotlight before as the screen goes dark.

TV Static.

More Propaganda | View Madame Melton's Biography



"This is gonna be FUN! For us I mean. Not you. It’ll be hell for you."

- The D




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts