Title: Do it...
Featuring: Bronson Box
Date: 7/29/12
Location: Boxer's Apartment
“Oh poo...I do love it when you get all sweaty dear... “
[The happy couple.]
[Clad in just a pair of khaki slacks the son of man Bronson Box emerges from a steam filled bathroom, a towel slung across his shoulders. His still yet unnamed red haired beauty sits lounging in a sink nightdress across the pale green living room in Boxer’s favorite leather armchair.]
Bronson Box:
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness, love... “
[The gorgeous leggy redhead rolls her eyes and slumps down into the chair, her legs slung over the arm towards Boxer.]
Redhaired Woman: [playfully]
“Does that mean we can’t... revel in the filth every now and again? It can be so much fun. I always loved seeing you workout. All those muscles, all that sweat... ”
[Box cracks a small grin and tosses his towel across the room at his friend.]
Bronson Box:
“We have a higher calling now dear. Eyes on the prize.”
Redhaired Woman: [mock pouting, grabbing a nearby magazine]
“You were such fun back in the old days, what happened to you Hollis... “
[Bronson stops dead, looking back over his shoulder in stony silence.]
Redhaired Woman: [putting her magazine down with a sigh]
“Your bloody name is Grosvenor Hollis McAllister, you were born in a hole in the road in the Scottish Highlands, you’re mother died giving birth to you and that made your father a right prick.”
Bronson Box: [teeth clenched]
“Stop it.”
[The redhaired woman gets up and starts across the room.]
Redharied Woman:
“You left home, left that ripe old bastard to drown in a bottle of whisky and you made your way south... “
[She places a hand on Boxer’s massive shoulder.]
Redhaired Woman: [her lips inches from Boxer’s ear]
“And you met me and everything changed, didn’t it... Hollis?”
[Like lightning Bronson’s hand meets her throat and her back is against a nearby bookcase.]
[She just laughs.]
Redhaired Woman: [unshaken]
“You credit that priest for showing you your way... I made Bronson Box. You know it deep down in your heart. This religious resolve of yours, love? You were a lost little boy when you met me. A pathetic little weakling. ‘Just pick yourself up, boy... pick yourself up or be bloody eaten.’
[We can hear Bronson’s grip... and jaw... getting tighter.]
[She’s obviously enjoying it.]
Redhaired Woman: [bloodshot eyes]
“Do it... “
[Bronson leans in close.]
Redhaired Woman: [tears in her eyes, a smile on her face]
“Do it... “
[And just like that, with her bright red hair tangled in his fingers they kiss. Deep, feral, angry.]
Bronson Box: [grabbing her by the thighs and hoisting her up into his grasp]
“My name is Bronson.”
[She begins to retort but Boxer violently pulls her close, his face inches from hers.]
Bronson Box:
“Do you understand, lass?”
[Completely at his mercy, a wicked smile on her face she silently nods.]
Redhaired Woman: [voiceover]
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you... Bronson Box?"
Bronson Box: [voiceover]
“Jan Gin Xiao... the freakshow. You realize why they put me up against you, don’t you freak? Dane, Conarri they both know I can wipe the floor with you. You’re slow, out of shape, a failure at your own stagnant corrupt sport so you soil the good name of Defiance Wrestling by plying your shallow skillset here where men like myself create art... you’re a sideshow. They know what they have in Bronson Box. A leader of men, a bonafide star and a true king of this sport. Seeing me hurl your bloated carcase over my head and pin you clean in the middle of a Defiance ring will make headlines and properly reintroduce me to my audience that so yearns for my guidance.”
Bronson Box: [voiceover]
“I’ll win this so called challenge, indeed.
But I also plan on making a statment of you, Jan Gin Xiao.
I just thought you should know.”